
India emerges as a hub for liver transplant in South East Asia

India has emerged as the regional transplant centre for South East Asia, with nearly 25% to 30% of the total transplants per year performed on patients from other countries. There has been a tremendous advancement in technology in Liver Transplant India.

The liver is a vital organ that helps in nurturing and protecting our body. It performs key functions like filtering and disposing toxic materials from the blood, as well as feeding your body the energy to function properly. It helps in warding off viruses and infections, as well as produces blood-clotting factors, and regulates sex hormones. The liver is responsible for maintaining cholesterol levels as well as supplying vitamins and minerals to your body.

A liver transplant also called a hepatic transplant is a surgical procedure which removes a liver that no longer functions properly in our body and replaces it with a healthy liver from a living or deceased donor. The procedure is reserved as a treatment option for people who have complications due to end-stage chronic liver disease or in some cases liver failure.

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In a Liver Transplant Surgery, a patient can receive a new liver from a cadaver (Cadaveric or Deceased- Donor Liver Transplant or DDLT) or from a living donor (Living Donor Liver Transplant or LDLT). In the case of a liver donation from a cadaver, the recipient can get the whole liver, while in the case of a living donor only a part of the liver can be given. The unique organ has a special ability to regenerate and allow both the donor and recipient to lead a healthy life. In some cases, nearly 70% of the liver can be removed without having any untoward consequences. Any person above 18 years of age can donate their liver, however as per the Human Organ Act 1996, a liver donation is limited to only current family members and close relatives. 

After the surgery donors can be discharged in just 10 days and can resume their normal work and routine within six weeks, while patients can start their normal routines in four to six months. Liver Transplant Cost in India has also come down, making it more feasible for patients to undergo the surgery.

Approximately 90% of all transplant recipients survive one-year post surgery, and the long-term success rate (20-30 years) of a liver transplant is approx. 55-60%. Liver transplant patients are able to lead a normal, healthy and productive life.