
EmpMonitor Review: The Most Incredible Remote Team Management Software


In this article, the author has mentioned how EmpMonitor is one of the best remote team management software and how it focuses on managing the employees in the organization.


In this deadly pandemic, it's a blessing that people are still concerned about their work and decided to work remotely. While they work from home, apart from their official work, they are responsible and accountable for household chores too. So, they need to handle their job to manage their working hours(avg. 8 hours/day) and have 100% productivity. But, some employees take the wrong advantage of such situations and do not work sincerely at all. So, to keep an eye on such workers, the management must install remote team management software. One such software is EmpMonitor. 


EmpMonitor is an employee management software that keeps an eye on your co-workers. The software also secures your confidential data and tracks the productivity hours of the employees. It will help you maintain your productivity rate, even if they work remotely. 


Now, let's know more about it in brief:




Divide The Tasks: 


The team leader has an important job to assign right task to the right person. Assigning and dividing tasks among employees can be quite hectic and it may requires a lot of time, depending upon the number of employees. But, with the help of EmpMonitor, the team leaders can schedule and assign tasks hassle-free, and work will be distributed as per their specialization. It will avoid the repetition of tasks and distribute between them accordingly. 


Go Incognito: 


Incognito mode is a dark mode in every browser that does not record history. It means one can never find out what you browse and for how long, but EmpMonitor can. It keeps track of the browsing histories of its users and can check their worker's activities. 


Keylogging Software:


Have you ever thought of monitoring the keystrokes that your workers use while working? Well, with EmpMonitor, remote team management is definitely possible. The software records and keeps the keystroke analytics for 180 days, which helps you to know whether they are spending their time on social media or looking for any other job. You can have 100% transparency now. 


Productivity Monitoring:


Output is the only thing we are struggling with for hours in a workplace, whether it is remotely or not. But, what if you cannot achieve your goals? There should be no impact on productivity. So, this software tracks the productive and non-productive employees for the management to praise the working ones and catch the lazy bones red-handed. 


Real-Time Reports: 


The user gets real-time reports for the past 180 days, and they can check whenever they want and make sure whether the workers are working the entire official hours or not. The management takes strict action against the non-working and idle employees and makes sure no one repeats it. 


Wrapping Up: 


So, we hope our readers understand how 'EmpMonitor: Remote Team Management Software' works and the way it saves a lot of time and effort for the management and HRs. So, give it a try!