
Delicious Oatmeal Protein Cookie Recipe That Won't Blow Your Diet!

Do you have a strong need for oatmeal protein cookies but don't want to deviate from your healthy eating plan? You're not the only one who feels this way. Many people, particularly women, find it difficult to give up sweets or sugary meals. You could be the sort to say goodbye to pizza, pasta, and anything else "food" related - but not to dessert! That's a different situation; you're having trouble not eating dessert.

Unhealthy snacks and sweets abound, and despite our best efforts to avoid them, we find ourselves craving them. This is particularly true when we are fatigued or anxious.


Fortunately, there are many tasty and healthful methods to fulfil your sweet tooth without going overboard on calories. One of them is the oatmeal protein biscuit below. This protein cookie will nourish your body and keep you satiated for hours thanks to a well-balanced combination of nutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats).

We've changed a few ingredients in this oatmeal biscuit to make it healthier. To begin, we've used coconut flour instead of conventional flour, which can boost your blood sugar levels and subsequently lead you to collapse.

This high-fibre flour is ideal for baking and adds a pleasant mild taste to the dish. We've also swapped out typical peanut butter with light peanut butter, which reduces the fat level even further while ensuring that the fats you do consume are of the healthy sort.

Also, while substituting other high-fat wet components like butter, the Greek yoghurt in the cookie recipe will provide some excellent protein and calcium to the mix.

Finally, protein powder is used to replace some of the flour in the oatmeal cookie recipe, ensuring that the macros are as balanced as possible. Recipe for Oatmeal Cookies. Try this dish the next time you're wanting something sweet. You will not be dissatisfied…
a third of a cup of oats
a quarter cup of protein powder
14 cup plain Greek yoghurt (low-fat)
14 cup light natural peanut butter
1/3 cup flour made from coconut
12 tablespoons baking powder
a single egg
2 beaten egg whites

Combine all of the above ingredients and bake for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Feast on every bite of this protein cookie to experience the untamed energy!