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宝箱いくつ集めても No matter how many treasure boxes I collect
見つからない君の笑顔の在処 I can't find the location of your smile
ボトルメール 届いただろうか Did you get the message I sent in a bottle?
宛先は知らない目的地まで Addressed to an unknown location



広い海の上静かに流れるこの舟の This gently flowing boat atop the vast ocean
船員はたった1人 Has just one crew member
途方に暮れるほど晴れた空見上げながら While staring up at the sky that's so clear it's puzzling
目指した場所へ続いた旅は終わる The trip towards my destination will end



Shooting star Shooting star
落ちていく海の中 Falling to the center of the ocean
願いはかないますか? Will you grant my wish?
変わらない空を いつまでも見たくて Wanting to stare eternally at the unchanging sky
そこまで舟を漕いで進む I continue rowing my boat to my destination



見上げた空は晴れだ The sky I look up at is clear
三日月眩しく光る The dazzling light of the new moon
今、流星群真っ只中 in the center of the meteor shower
僕を導く 星の行方 Will guide me to the star's location



手がかりは星の落ちた場所 The clue lies where the shooting star fell
遠くはない 信じて僕は進む It's not far, so I keep believing while advancing forward
夜空駆けるあの星のように Just like that star that races through the night sky
迷わない速さで旅ができたら If this trip can continue at an unwavering speed…
広い空の下静かに浮かんだこの舟の This gently floating boat under the vast sky
目的はたった1つ Has just one objective
途方に暮れるほど遠い記憶をたどって Puzzled, while following a distant memory
君のいる場所探した旅は続く The trip to find your location continues



広い海の上静かに流れるこの舟の This gently flowing boat atop the vast ocean
船員はたった1人 Has just one crew member
途方に暮れるほど晴れた空見上げながら While staring up at the sky that's so clear it's puzzling
目指した場所へ続いた旅は終わる The trip towards my destination will end



Shooting star Shooting star
落ちていく海の中 Falling to the center of the ocean
願いはかないますか? Will you grant my wish?
君と見た空を いつかまた見たくて Wanting to gaze at that sky we saw together once more
それまで舟を漕いで進む I continue rowing my boat



見上げた空は晴れだ The sky I look up at is clear
三日月眩しく光る The dazzling light of the new moon
今、流星群真っ只中 In the center of the meteor shower
君へ導く 星の行方 Will guide me to you, the star's location


Updated translation 3/26/2019