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one time like it was this kid, OK? was this kid?
they were yelling like they were really mad. you know
and they started climbing a tree
some guys were basically picking on him
they want like physically hurting him or anything like that
but kind of just like picking on them
so like really like really and started climbing a tree like a big tree tall tree really tall tree
yeah, and we just like the people
we would just watching this happen
we were like what the fuck what is happening right now like what, you doing?
yeah, so as a reaction
yeah, and they started climbing the tree and again I was just eating my lunch, I was just eating like biscuits and stuff and this kid was like ringing and climbing a tree
so...the principal comes in the principal comes in and tells him to get down and so they do get down and after that nothing happened
the next day, chat
I go to school the next day
I was called to the principal's office!
apparently I was bullying the guy.
the hell did I do guys?
I still have a garage(?) over that kid from till this day.
they called my mom.
he trends to call my mom and they did
you don't know, like I was sitting down and eating my biscuits
so I basically have to get my friends to back me up but I don't know what happened off though also it's like
we were just sitting in the group, you know
like morning our own business and this kid starts ringing and climbing a tree
yeah, I again that kid
a kid climbed the tree
I still have a grudge against until thist day
I can't believe that bastard
I can't believe put the fucking blame on me.
I don't get why
I wasn't suspended or anything like that
is't just I don't know like
yeah, the principal told the other teachers that I was bullying this kid, but I never did and it was anything
they ever find out the real prisoner?(念聊天室)
no, they don't know of course not
I knew the people that were
I was picking on them and basically afterwards when I got out of the principal's office
it was lunch break right
and I went up to those people
and they were like
and I basically asked them till the principal call you today
and they were like
no didn't get cold up at all
like what was it made?
so let's see I get around no that was a long time ago was a long time ago
just tell them I mean I told them I was I told them I was pulled up and ever since that day.
I didn't like that kid. I think I'm pretty sure like I don't know what happened to him and ever talks to them and during a never talk to them afterwards so?
 of the month it happens me
also, I was a junior high. I had a similar experience but all my teachers believe me
oh, I was very very naughty
so I think that's why I didn't believe me but always talking class
what did you do?
I don't know
like I would just what's my friends in class and like look up I'm speaking last time is learning time talking with your friends time is lunch time
yeah, I still remeber there is words even till now I still remember those words
thaking me back
yeah, but your teachers knows he say that the belt is missing
yes, I think everyone has had that experience too
excuse me
the better bell doesn't dismiss you hi dismiss you
I dismiss you
I can't believe it
I thought we going so far as to think we'll actually point someone this is not fair it caught my mom
I disimssed you not the bell
oh guys, the thing is my theachers actually they didn't do that for lunch. they always did that were like going home time when the bell rings to go
because you know it's the end of the day
you know, they said
yeah, they basically keep you in they keep you in. they keep you in
but as soon as I as soon as people started figuring out that they basically have no a controller for you as soon as that bell rings because you know it's home time. it's not school time anymore.
they can't really do anything.
they'd be wrong and they would be wrong
what it is
how this way for quiet? I'm waiting. how wait? if you keep me waiting, I'm going to keep you and more them. the more you keep me waiting the more. I'll keep you in for lunch break
yeah, things like that