
A Message to Property Managers from Our President and CEO


Greetings! I’d like to take a moment to personally welcome you to our new blog! At Netintegrity our vision is to offer the very best in property, accounting, asset and maintenance management software available to our customers and partners. We do so by delivering turnkey software and services solutions, and providing quality training and customer support. Our cutting edge INFO-Tracker™ enterprise software solution has revolutionized the industry by incorporating sector specific tools for both front line staff and management, and continues to be the solution of choice for many organizations.


Aside from our traditional sales pitch, however, the ultimate goal at Netintegrity is to continue building products that “make offices sing”, reducing stress on staff and creating an overall progressive energy. We all know that one of the most critical components of the success of any business is a happy, healthy and productive staff. Our automated tools help keep your employees motivated and enthusiastic about their jobs, improving efficiency and eliminating daunting, boring tasks. By letting technology do the heavy lifting, your business is free to grow and become more profitable.



Behind the scenes at Netintegrity, we’ve cultivated a work environment that fosters entrepreneurial spirits. Within our walls, ordinary people come together and accomplish extraordinary things. I’d like to take a moment to recognize the dedication of our team of professionals. Without them we wouldn’t be where we are today. For us, it’s not about getting distracted by fanfare. It’s about establishing long term partnerships and aligning shared business visions with both our customers and our team of hard working employees.



Companies choose Netintegrity for a variety of reasons, whether it’s our extensive industry experience, unwavering commitment to research and development, attention to customer care and satisfaction or our solid financial strength. I like to think that people choose to work with us because we continue to offer the absolute best in real-world solutions that those in our competitive industry need to be successful.



For the last 18 years, we’ve pushed towards collaboration with our customers and now it’s paying dividends. Today, we focus on end-to-end business and workflow automation processes. Our solution empowers management to streamline operation, eliminate effort and data duplication, and deliver real time accurate data on demand enhancing customer service and satisfaction. Over the years we’ve learned to anticipate unarticulated market and business needs and to excel at managing our expertise in order to meet industry specific demands. Never before in our long history have we been better poised to develop new long term business relationships.



This blog will further allow us to reach out to and connect with our clients and partners and to become a valuable resource on which they may draw to help them grow their businesses and reach a greater level of success. After all, INFO-Tracker would not be the powerful property management solution it is today without our customer’s participation and collaboration. This is our chance to give back.



Lastly, our focus has been and continues to be on sustainability – sustainability of our solutions, resources, environment, and marketplaces. Our philosophy centers on our responsibility to help maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste. Our automated solutions eliminate unnecessary printing of millions of pages annually, saving trees and our environment. This is a cause we are passionate about!



I invite you to join us in discovering new and innovative ways to make your organization as productive and profitable as it can be. This is an exciting time to be involved in property management and I believe the future holds much success and opportunity. Let our decades of experience and the valuable tips and topics shared through this blog be your guide to achieving all of your business goals now and in the weeks, months and years to come.