
Sambhaji Maharaj Jayanti | First DigiShala


Sambhaji Maharaj has the power to count the teeth of a tiger by putting his hand in its Jaw. The neck did not bend even after the head was pierced Respect to our Shambhu Raje. First DigiShala wishes you Sambhaji Maharaj Jayanti.


"सह्याद्रीच्या उरात खदखदणारा ज्वालामुखी लाखात एक असे लाख मोलाचे अमूल्य शिवरत्न म्हणजे…. जय शंभूराजे यांच्या जयंतीनिमित्त हार्दिक शुभेच्छा🚩"
