
Gays Against Groomers: Trans indoctrination of kids a social contagion in US


By Emre Basaran


In an exclusive interview with me, two high-ranking officials from Gays Against Groomers blast what they call the trans indoctrination and point to an ongoing culture war in the United States. Here’s what they had to say



“It’s become a social contagion.”


What does “it” refer to in this sentence, you might ask, but you have probably read the title first: the trans ideology and its “alleged” (using this word only for the sake of journalistic neutrality) indoctrination of children.


The contagion, as activists from the non-profit Gays Against Groomers (GAG) put it, is the reason why the organization was founded in the first place.


The organization’s California Chapter Lead Jen Martinez and her wife (you read that right, the couple is actually gay people and not covert heterosexuals part of a hate group as Twitter democrats would have you believe) Director of Outreach Meg Martinez gave me an exclusive interview that cast light on the social atmosphere in the US on what they call the “social contagion” that fuels the sterilization of children and the boom of the sexual reassignment surgery industry (poised to hit $5 billion by 2030) on the backs of people struggling with gender dysphoria.


So, reader discretion is advised.


Enter Gays Against Groomers


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, groomer means “someone who grooms a minor for exploitation and especially for nonconsensual sexual activity” — yet trans ideologues have been striving hard to make it banned from public use like the n-word and claiming that it is transphobic in nature.

“If you are offended by the word ‘groomer,’ it means you are one,” Jen said in the interview while explaining the name of the group founded in June of 2022.


“Things being taught at school got parents concerned,” she added. “All of it was being done in the name of LGB and T,” she added in an effort of differentiation.


“We decided that we were not gonna be a part of this, we were gonna make a differentiation between us and people that are enabling this,” she added.

On the other hand, Meg responded to allegations on social media that GAG is just a “hate group founded by transphobic heterosexuals pretending to be fighting for gay people.”


“We are not anti-LGBT. The allegations are ridiculous,” she said.


“We are both on our second marriages, to women. Obviously, we are not homophobic or staunch conservatives. We are the typical gay lesbian married couple,” Meg added, further emphasizing that the “undercover straight” accusation is “very hurtful.”


“Some of our best friends are transsexuals.”


She also blasted the accusers in an “official” manner.


“You wanna see our marriage certificate? I can give you that,” she said.


Trans indoctrination of minors


The couple also highlighted the fact that trans ideology is being imposed on children and anyone opposing teaching sexual stuff to kids is immediately labeled as a “bigot” and “transphobic” — what a surprise considering the post-truth era we’re living in; the era in which facts don’t matter and the slightest risk of offending people does.


“Homosexuality and transsexuality are two different things,” she said, adding that GAG has come together because the members of the group all agree that “that this does not need to be foisted upon minors.”


“If that’s what you choose to do as an adult, and if that alleviates your gender dysphoria, if you have it, that’s okay,” Jen added, referring to sex reassignment surgeries that have boomed into a multibillion-dollar industry only in the US.


“There’s something completely different happening in the United States now. It’s become a social contagion,” she said.

“And there’s children responding to the indoctrination that’s being done in schools and online. They are medicalizing themselves and utilizing their bodies based on things that they’re seeing,” Jen further stated, pointing to the overwhelming content on the internet praising the wonders of sex change operations and the spike in the number of their trans-identifying schoolmates.

“And that’s where the transsexuals that are in the organization agree with us on is. If you want to do this, when you’re an adult already, okay, we’re fine with that. That’s your decision at that point. But a minor cannot consent to these things.”

For her part, Meg warned that the “social contagion” is spreading fast.


“Well, the contagion spreads so fast. We have, now, a 4,500% increase of young girls planning to be trans men in the last five years.”


When asked about why so many girls are deciding to transition, Meg pointed to “pigeonholing” — which refers to assigning things or people to a particular category, typically an overly restrictive one.


Girls can have “tomboyish traits” but that does not necessarily mean that they should transition to men, she said, adding that the act of pigeonholing makes things worse for them and forces them to become trans men.


Risks that come with sex change operations


For her part, Meg pointed to the risks that come with sex change operations.

“I think they are still very experimental,” she said in reference to the state of sex change operations today, adding that only 70 percent of the operations turn out to be “successful.”


“But that doesn’t mean that they still have sexual function in order to orgasm, or anything else,” she added.

Meg also criticized the fact that children cannot consent to having tattoos or drinking before a certain age, or renting a car for that matter but they can “consent” to a double mastectomy — removal of both breasts in female-to-male patients.


“The way I feel about sex change operations is that they are very damaging. They’re very hurtful,” she said, adding that this is her own personal opinion.


“We can actually do some things to help these children not grow up sterile, castrated and mutilated — with body parts cut off. We can actually make a difference to bring awareness and put pressure on these medical professionals to stop doing these things before they’ve had the proper therapy and tools to be able to handle what’s going to happen.”

Jen later took the stage, criticizing the quality of education American pupils are getting.


“The crazy part is, is like, you can look into the statistics for education. And you will see, like, all of our children in the United States right now are basically doing horrible with math and reading all the core curriculum things, but they sure know what their pronouns are,” she said.

“The rest of the world looks at us like a laughingstock, our military is pushing this now, we look so weak,” Jen also added, referring to the US military’s support of the trans ideology narrative.


“They try to force team us together and make us a monolith as if we all think the same,” she added, further stating that “they do differentiate” themselves from the trans ideologues.


The couple also pointed to the scare tactics employed by pushers of the trans narrative, saying they ask parents of confused children whether they would want to have a “gay son or a dead daughter.”


‘Biden doesn’t know about the damage he’s causing’


Jen also blasted US President Joe Biden for his stance on the issue.

“Our president is making it more easily accessible for these children to do these things to themselves that are irreversible,” she said in reference to sex change operations conducted on minors.

“I don’t even think he knows what he’s doing. To be perfectly honest, none of us do. But whoever’s in charge of the puppet strings is the one that’s pushing it and he’s just signing off on it and agreeing.”


Drag queen story hours


When asked about the so-called “drag queen story hours,” the events in which a biological man in drag recites stories to children, the couple said that they have “always been sexual in nature.”


Meg further claimed that the events are being organized by a corporation.


“I can tell you, here in California — I’m in Riverside County — there was a drag queen story hour, which is run by a corporation, mind you,” she said.


“It’s now a whole business. So, the books that they actually read are put forth by this company and authors who actually push these drag queens into these places to read specific books that they authored,” Meg added.


For her part, Jen said that proper vetting of those story hours is not done either.

“The other thing is, they’re not properly vetting these people. Because two of them in Riverside County were actually prosecuted for pedophilia,” she added.

“It’s something that I used to partake in and engage folks, you know, my 20 years, but they were always sexual in nature. There, they have not changed one bit. But now they are opening them up to all ages.”


Jen further emphasized, “The performances are still sexualized.”


“And it seems like, ever since there was a pushback from parents and people like us, they’re doubling down and trying to push them even more. So, it’s been it’s definitely a culture war here in the United States, for sure.”


Disturbing sights at pride parades


I also asked the couple about some disturbing pictures I’d seen on Twitter, in which children were clearly exposed to fetish clothing and nudity.


Meg took the stage, saying that she also witnessed the disturbing sights at a pride parade in person.


“They have like the leather hoods that had the ears and they have little tail, and they’re all in jockstraps,” she said, adding that a little girl was right there at the scene.


“Very, very, very minimal clothing, I will go as far as I would not want to see them bent over. And this is where our stance comes from: pride used to just be something that we would celebrate for all of our wins that we had. Yeah, we got our civil rights, but now it’s turned into something where it is indistinguishable between a fetish or an actual lifestyle.”

For her part, Jen explained how proponents of the trans ideology “defend” the exposure of minors to fetish material.


“Children have to be exposed to adult stuff from a young age because they need to grow up thinking liberally about sex in general” is the line they use when speaking to media outlets, Jen said, adding that things get nasty real quick when in a debate in real life.


“When you actually try to engage one of these people in conversation, what ends up happening is they will call you a ‘white supremacist,’ ‘racist,’ and yeah, ‘homophobic bigot,’ and then they exit the conversation,” she said.

“And the reason why they do that is because there is no defense for the indefensible.”


‘They needed another cash cow’


Jen later pointed to the financial side of things — the highly unaffordable cost of sexual reassignment surgeries.

“After we got marriage equality, all of these organizations, the Human Rights Campaign, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center, didn’t have any victims anymore, because we had gotten full equality,” she said.


“Well, they needed a new cash cow. And Planned Parenthood as well. Once abortions went down, they also needed a new cash cow. And so they all decided, ‘Well, we’re going to cash in on the social contagion. The trans kid is our new bridge, and we’re going to make money off of this now.’ And that’s exactly what’s happening. They use the ‘LGB’ part of the acronym as a shield to be like, ‘Oh, look, we’re doing good things,’ but in actuality, all they’re doing is harming the future generations.”


Biological males in women’s spaces


Jen also said that trans women — or biological males, so to say — are increasingly common in women’s spaces.

“They will just identify as women, they will take hormones for a couple of months and they get the transfer to a women’s prison, they stop taking those hormones in order to be able to perform sexually,” Jen said.


‘Marxist’ pseudoscience pushed by trans ideology


“It’s not based in science and it’s a very Marxist ideology, based in fiction,” Jen also said in criticism of trans ideology’s blatant denial of sex.


“They want to say that sex is a spectrum, there is no binary. But it is very much the ideology, where anybody can be anything. It is not based in reality,” she added.


“They want to change every fiber of American society. The nuclear family, for instance.”


Autogynephilia: A very real paraphilia


Even though trans ideologues tend to deny the existence of autogynephilia, it is indeed very real, according to Jen.

The paraphilia — which in itself refers to any sexual activity or tendency deemed atypical — is defined as “a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female,” according to the US’ National Institutes of Health.


Jen underlined that there are individuals with autogynephilia sharing their thoughts openly on the US-based social news aggregation website Reddit and that they go as far as to have breast implants and even the “bottom surgery,” which refers to vaginoplasty.

“They get off on the idea of being a woman.”


What a rollercoaster ride that interview was. If you have made it all the way through here, please consider sharing my piece on social media, and spread the word.


Because facts need to trump fiction, especially when we are shoved steaming piles of bullshit down our throats daily in this day and age sadly called the “post-truth era.”