
computer systems analyst jobs

Computer Systems Analyst Skills & Competencies

In addition to the technical knowledge necessary for the job, computer systems analysts need to possess certain soft skills to be effective at their tasks.


    • Problem-solving and critical thinking: These abilities are necessary to identify problems and then evaluate alternative solutions to determine which one is best. 
    • Communication: Excellent listening skills allow analysts to understand clients' or colleagues' needs. Strong verbal communication skills make it easier to convey information effectively.
    • Reading comprehension: Computer systems analysts have to read manuals and technical reports to keep up with advances and implement new technology that meets employers’ or clients’ needs.
  • Writing: Expect to produce written reports of recommendations.
  • Analytical skills: The ability to analyze large amounts of data quickly and efficiently is necessary.
  • Creativity: Computer systems analysts must be able to continually generate new ideas.

To read more: computer systems analyst jobs