
Life Of The Flesh Is In The Blood

January 5


Straight from the Pastor’s heart by Dr. Hernes Abante 


Leviticus 17:11 - “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”

The criticism of the doctrine of "The Blood" by other religions claims that Christianity is a "violent religion." Many people do not fully understand the significance of the blood shed by Jesus Christ on the cross. Some Churches and Pastors avoid preaching about the Blood of Christ to prevent offending those who cannot tolerate this doctrine. They take pride in preaching a bloodless Gospel.

The Gospel message is not violent or bloody. It is a message of hope and reconciliation. However, sacrifice was necessary for the Gospel to become what it is today. It is through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross that we are given eternal salvation. Scripture states that "Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins" (Hebrews 9:22).

The message of the blood is life. Our life depends entirely on the blood flowing in our veins and arteries. Blood is the material element of life, while God's breath is the immaterial element that allows us to live. God's breath gives life to the blood.

Man's blood is precious in the eyes of God. He never required the sacrifice of man's blood except when He tested Abraham about sacrificing his son, Isaac. God provided a ram in place of Isaac.

In the Old Testament, animal sacrifices were required by YHWH to atone for sins. Without sin, there is no need for atonement. The blood atonement is based on God's divine justice.

The preciousness of human blood is the reason for capital punishment. Genesis 9:5-6 states, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."

It is worrisome that animals are often considered more important than humans today. People are quick to hurt and shed man's blood. God never demanded the shedding of human blood. He allowed it to demonstrate man's depravity. However, due to sin and man's hopelessness, He required His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice to satisfy the justice of God.

The Old Testament saints were saved because they believed in God's promise of Messiah. It was not the blood of animals that saved them but the faith they had in obedience to the laws and the blood atonement that was a type of the work of redemption Jesus Christ fulfilled on the cross. They looked forward to the cross by faith.

Today, we are saved by trusting what Christ did when He shed His blood for us. We look back to the cross. Through His shed blood, we are saved. "Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

Our Prayer Today

Dear God, people, including many Christians, do not fully understand the preciousness of the shed blood of Your Son Jesus Christ on the cross. We thank You, our Savior, for giving Yourself as the blood sacrifice as payment for our sins. Until today, we are under Your precious blood, protecting us from eternal condemnation. We are assured of our salvation and secured because of the power of Your blood. In Jesus Name. Amen!