
Capitol "Insurrection" - https://www.justice.gov/opa/investigations-regarding-violence-capitol

Restricted Grounds,74
Violent and or disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds,71
Civil Disorder,14
Assaulting Fed Officer,7
Obstruction of an Official Proceeding,4
Damaging or destroying government property,3
Theft of public money/property,3
Parades/Assemblages/Flags on Capitol grounds,2
Aiding and Abetting,2
Interstate threats,2
Obstruction of Justice,2
Tampering With a Witness,1


BLM/Antifa Riots - from AP https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-race-and-ethnicity-suburbs-health-racial-injustice-7edf9027af1878283f3818d96c54f748

Charge Group, Count

Arson (includes attempt and conspiracy to commit), 86
Illegal possession of firearm,46
Civil unrest/Disorder/Rioting/Creating a disturbance/Disorderly conduct,39
Assaulting/Impeding/Intimidating federal employee or officer,33
Damaging/Destroying property by fire or explosive/Conspiracy,17
Failing to obey lawful orders,17
Damage/Destruction of government property, 17
Burglary/Conspiracy to commit burglary, 14
Interfering/Obstructing/Resisting law enforcement,11
Attempting to destroy/Destroying a vehicle by fire/Conspiracy,10
Making threats by phone/Internet,9
Conspiracy/Attempted bank theft or burglary,6
Aiding and abetting,5
Conspiracy to cause destruction/Riot,5
Malicious destruction of property,3
Murder/Attempted murder,3
Operating a drone in restricted airspace,3
Conspiracy to use fire to commit a felony,2
Interstate travel to riot,2
Transporting a firearm in furtherance of civil disorder,2
Impersonating an officer,2
Harassing/stalking federal employee,1
Trespassing on federal property,1
Entering a bank with intent to commit a felon,1
Providing false information,1
Creating a hazard on federal property,1
Aiming a laser pointer at an aircraft,1
Teaching the making/use of explosive/destructive device,1