
Top 5 Local SEO Tips


Optimize Content & Meta Tags for Local Keywords

Page title tags and meta descriptions are believed to still be relevant. Even if they aren't in the ranking algorithm, they influence whether a searcher clicks through to your page.

To optimize local SEO, make sure your page title tags include the city name you are targeting as well as your product or services.


Optimize Website to be Mobile Friendly, Secured (https), Fast

You may need to bring in a consultant to help you determine how to meet Google's mobile-first SEO ranking. If your website isn't mobile-friendly your ranking will suffer. You can measure the speed of your page through Google Chrome's built-in Developer Tools or WebPageTest.

HTTPS — Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure provides more security than http: extensions.


Create Location-Specific Pages

Create local content. Google's algorithms take your local page content into account. Creating local content helps you maintain the interest of viewers and can improve your page ranking. Over 63% of smartphone users use location-based apps to find a particular kind of business near them. Geo-specific content helps them find you.


Blog About Local Events

Local SEO marketing can be as simple as blogging about local events on your site and social media. You can double your exposure by sponsoring a booth at a local nonprofit event, such as a 5k, to raise awareness for a cause while promoting your website and online presence.


Conduct Local Link Building

Local link building is an under-utilized resource. Not every website takes advantage of its location, but it can strengthen your link-building campaigns.

