

Cats and dogs may not look like they belong together in a house, but they can actually live harmoniously together when they are in the hand of the right owner. Why? Because introducing them both to each other need a proper way and should be supervised at first. It takes planning, step by step procedures and lots of patience.

What if you want your main coon kitten but also wants puppy? This doesn’t mean that it is not possible. You are going to get there if you really want to have them both, but you need to work for it. From planning how to introduce them all the way to raising them together, we are going to cover everything in this article.

Preparing The Initial Meeting

After you adopt a kitten and bring it home, separate them from your puppy with a wall or barrier but let the room be close to each other so they will get familiar with the smell and sound without having to interact directly. You can also place a blanket that has the smell of your puppy so the kitten will get used to it through this too. Let them relax and adapt to their new situation.

Introducing Your New Kitten To Your Puppy

When you are meeting the cutest kitten ever and your puppy for the first time, you are going to need two people at least to handle each of the animals. Don’t introduce the kitten to more than one dog, take it slow and let it know more about the number one dog first. If you introduce two dogs or more at once, the kitten is more likely to be scared because it feels outnumbered.

The first thing you need to make sure when they are meeting is they see each other. If not, then one of them might be surprised which may results in panic, in which it would either turn into fear or the animal would get aggressive to the other. Even when they are friendly enough, in this initial introduction you want to still supervise them at all times.

Raising puppy and kitten together

Now that they have met each other, you need to make them understand that they have a friend living in the same place as them. The puppy needs to know basic commands so you can have more control over them, in case it won’t leave the kitten alone. The happy kitten will sometimes fight back if it is being disturbed anyway.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you now can just leave them two alone. For at least the first few months of them being together, you should separate them whenever you are not in the house. Also, feed them separately so they feel like they have a safe space just for them that feel like home. After a while and you have gained your confidence, then you can now let them free!

Some might think that raising kitten with puppy in the same household is impossible. But, with patience and practice, this is bound to happen anyway! Of course, when one of them shows a sign of a trouble seeker, you should discipline them and protect them again. So, as long as you keep an eye on them they are going to do just fine together.

If you’re looking for a website that have information for everything you need to know, you can visit catsofeverywhere. Get your informations through here https://catsofeverywhere.com

Also check adopt a kitten

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?search=raising a kitten alone