
The Importance of ISO 18001 OHSAS for Businesses in the UAE


OHSAS 18001 is a standard for health, quality, and environment management system. This reduces the cost due to injuries to and poor health of employees while enhancing workforce productivity of an organization.

Having a proper health management system will noticeably reduce the risk of injury, accidents and work-related illness in your organization. It is important for a business to create at the workplace an environment that fosters good health of employees while eliminating the risks and health hazards.

And implanting OHSAS 18001 standard to your existing health and safety system is the first and foremost step towards safeguarding the health of employees and creating an environment that boosts mood, keeps you energized and instills in you a sense of safety to your health.



Benefits of OHSAS 18001 Standard Compliant Health & Safety Management System

When you need to convince management, it is often helpful to talk in dollars and cents, but this can be difficult when justifying the implementation of a management system. So, you will instead need to focus on the benefits that a management system can deliver, and why they apply to your company. Here are a few to think about:

  • You easily meet your responsibility of protecting the health and safety of your employees at the workplace.
  • You meet the requirements and guidelines for business in the UAE to ensure a safe and secure work environment.
  • Implementing OHSAS 18001 provides you with a framework for identifying, monitoring, and complying with all the varied legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements that apply to your company processes.
  • It helps you Improve your company credibility and image as if you have OHSAS compliant system, many customers will believe that you have good control over the health and safety of your workplace. This helps you earn the trust of customers.
  • The system focuses on the training of employees in the best practices everyone employee should know in order to help ensure a safe and more conducive work environment at the workplace. The ISO 18001 OHSAS Training is essential not just to empower your employees with skills needed to ensure a safe workplace but it also saves a chunk of money by thwarting the risks of health injuries.
  • A good ISO 18001 OHSAS Training program which is provided a renowned ISO 18001 OHSAS consultant also aids in the efforts to enhance your overall productivity.

If you are looking to enhance your productivity while reducing the cost of operation, you must consider implementing ISO 18001 OHSAS, and for that, you will need an ISO 18001 OHSAS Training program specially designed for businesses like yours.