
Things to Know About the KFT or Kidney Function Test

KFT test or a Kidney Function test checks whether the kidneys are working properly or not. It is a blood or urine test that helps doctors to check how well kidneys are removing waste from the body. The article talks about everything related to the KFT Test. 


Also known as Kidney function tests, KFT tests are blood or urine test that evaluates how well your kidneys are working. The kidneys play a crucial role in keeping the body healthy and fit. They filter waste substances from the blood and expel them as urine. They are also vital for producing red blood cells (carrying oxygen in the body), hormones that control blood pressure, and Vitamin D to maintain muscle and bone health. Any issue in the kidney can stop it from filtering the waste properly, making the waste stay in the body, eventually leading to severe health problems. Most KFT tests are done to assess GFR (glomerular filtration rate), which helps doctors check how efficiently a person’s kidneys are cleaning waste from the system. 



Here is everything you should know about the KFT lab test.


Who should get a Kidney Function Test?


A kidney function test is a part of complete health check-up, so everyone should get tested at least once a year. The doctor prescribes this test to patients having symptoms of kidney problems, at risk of renal disease, or to monitor the treatment of kidney disease and conditions affecting the kidneys, such as hypertension and diabetes. Apart from this, people may also need a KFT test if they experience the following symptoms. 


  • Swelling in hands and feet (caused by a build-up of fluids in the body)
  • Blood in the urine
  • Difficulty beginning urination
  • Painful urination
  • Loss of appetite
  • Frequent urges to urinate
  • Shortness of breath (if fluid accumulates in the lungs)
  • Persistent itching and chest pain
  • Sleeplessness 

Type of KFT Tests


The Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Test 


This test looks for waste substances in the blood. It evaluates the nitrogen amount in the blood, which is a breakdown product of protein. 




The doctors may ask patients to give a 24-hour urine collection sample. Urinalysis is done to help the doctor check how fast and effectively creatinine is clearing from the body. Creatinine is a breakdown product of muscle tissue.


Estimated GFR 


This test helps evaluate filtration rates based on a person’s age, weight, gender, and protein level. 


Serum Creatinine Test 


It is a blood test used to check whether creatinine is building up in the blood. Creatinine is a waste substance produced from the regular breakdown of muscles in the body. The kidneys generally remove creatinine from the blood. So, its increased level is a sign of kidney issues. 


Imaging Tests (CT scan or ultrasound) 


These tests are used to detect the structural abnormalities and the presence of obstructions like tumours or stones. 


The positive test result for different KFT tests may indicate some kidney issue that needs medical attention.

KFT tests are available at the best prices in all leading diagnostic labs. It is recommended to show the KFT test report to the doctor, who may suggest a proper treatment plan or further tests based on your results.