
Small Habits That Make You More Successful In Your Decision Making

Being able to make smart choices like the best attire to wear for a job interview or how to spend your money can be the secret to living the life you want. Making decisions quickly and confident in your decision-making capabilities can make a difference in the amount of stress and time.

Everyone can make improvements in their decision-making abilities. If you want to become a better decision-maker, incorporate these nine daily habits into your life.

Take Note of Your Overconfidence

The overconfidence of a person can cause your judgement go off the rails. Research consistently shows that individuals tend to overestimate their capabilities as well as the accuracy of their information.

Perhaps you are 90% sure you know the address of the office that you're visiting. Or maybe you're 80% sure that you'll convince your boss to offer you a raise. If you're overconfident about those things then your plans are bound to go awry.

Identify the Risks You Take

Comfort breeds familiarity. There's a good chance that you'll make poor choices because you've been so comfortable in your routine that you do not realize the danger you are putting yourself in or the damage you're causing. You flip coin when you make decisions.

You might, for example you speed up on your commute to work every day. You'll be more comfortable driving fast if you get to work in a safe manner and avoid getting a speeding ticket. You are putting your safety at risk, and you are taking legal risks.

Frame Your Problems In a Different Way

The manner in which you ask an issue or question is a significant factor in how you'll respond and how you'll judge your odds of being successful. The facts are exactly the same. Studies show that those who are told that "10 percent of people are likely to die" think that their risk is higher. If you are faced with a tough decision, think about the way you will frame the issue. Consider for a moment about how a slight change in the way you frame your argument affects how you view the problem.

Stop Thinking About the Problem

You might spend a lot time thinking about the pros and cons as well as the potential rewards when faced with tough decisions, like whether you should move to a new city or change careers.

While research shows that there's a lot of value in thinking about your options, overthinking your choices can actually cause problems. The weighting of pros and cons could cause you to be unable to decide.

Spend some time reflecting on your errors

You can look back on your mistakes, such as being unprepared for an umbrella leave your house and getting soaked in the commute to work, or if you spent too much on impulse purchases.

It's a good idea to create a daily habit of reviewing the choices you made throughout the day. If your decisions don't pan out the way you want, think about what was wrong. Learn from the mistakes that can be gained from each mistake you make.

Be aware of your shortcuts

It can be uncomfortable to admit that you're biased. It's not possible to be totally impartial. Your brain has developed mental shortcuts, called heuristics, which allow you to make quick decisions. And while these mental shortcuts prevent you from toiling for hours over every small decision that you make, they can make you err. When you make a decision, it is important to coin flip.

Talk to yourself like a trusted friend

If you're faced with the decision of a lifetime, think about what you would tell someone who is who is facing the same dilemma. You will likely find that you are able to answer the question better if you imagine yourself giving advice to someone else.

Speaking to yourself as a friend could take some emotion out of the decision. It will help you gain some distance from the decision, and give you an opportunity to be more impartial.