
Baby Clothing 101 - How to Shop For Your New Bundle of Joy

Baby clothes

Given that many purchases for your newborn tend to be more complicated, you might be surprised to learn that shopping for baby clothing can be an equally daunting task for expectant or new parents. Between sizing, material selection and pricing, selecting outfits for your new bundle of joy can rival that of choosing the perfect name or building the baby crib - without directions.

Baby clothes

Whether you're dreading hunting for baby clothing or can't wait to run wild through the store aisles, arm yourself with these tips and techniques from baby experts before heading out on your next shopping expedition. Not only will you find the best deals and items for your new bundle of joy - you'll avoid those tempting purchases that can often push a new parent's budget to the limit!

Set A Budget Before You Shop. Babies are adorable - and baby clothing can be just as adorable! While you may be looking forward to dressing your precious son or daughter in adorable outfits, making impulsive purchases at the store can certainly strain your wallet. And let's face it - when it comes to preparing for baby, you need all the dollars you can spare.

Prepare for your next shopping expedition by setting up a budget with your partner. Agree on a fixed amount that can be spent on baby clothes - and don't exceed this limit, no matter how tempting that tiny ballerina outfit may be!

Keep Your Baby's Growth In Mind. Babies are notorious for growing like weeds, especially in the first year of infancy. For new parents, this means that your baby will quickly outgrow that adorable jumper or pajama set in the blink of an eye - and this can spell out disaster for your budget!

Instead of purchasing a heap of baby clothing before the arrival of your little darling, shop for a few key items for each growth period (many of which last for just three months). Baby clothes will be marked with the growth stage for which they're meant (for example, three to six months, six to nine months, etc.). Purchase a week's worth of baby clothing for each growth stage, and you should have plenty of apparel to see you through an entire year.

Just make sure that you have plenty of laundry detergent on hand to clean up the inevitable stains!

Material Is Key. Your budget should always be an important factor when considering baby clothing purchases - however, this doesn't mean that you should sacrifice quality for quantity. Your baby's skin is highly delicate and hypersensitive to minor irritations and allergens; therefore, clothing that has been made from poorer quality material can irritate your baby's skin, resulting in miserable days and nights for both the baby and you.

To be on the safe side, many baby experts recommend purchasing organic baby clothing, as these pieces are made from all-natural materials like cotton and soft alpaca wool. These materials are extremely soft, durable and allergen-resistant, so you can breathe easier knowing that your baby is swaddled in Mother Nature's softest fabrics.

Look For Efficiency. That button-down coverall might be adorable on your baby now - but will it still be adorable when it takes five minutes to undo the buttons while your baby is fussing about? As a new or expectant parent, baby clothing should be about efficiency whenever possible. Resist the temptation to purchase clothing with traditional buttons by opting for metal popper buttons instead. You'll congratulate yourself on your foresight down the road!

Buy Baby Clothing In Bulk. For parents on a budget, buying in bulk has significant advantages, since many essential baby items can be found in three or six-pack packages. For example, baby clothing can often be purchased in an affordable multi-pack, while many stores carry multiple pajama sets for one low price. Don't forgo these purchases, since you'll save significantly in the long run.

Be Sale-Happy. Baby clothing sales are like a second Christmas for new parents. Why is this, you might ask? Simple: since babies aren't necessarily subjected to the trendiest fashion statements, sales on baby clothing give parents ample opportunity to stock up on necessary items without busting the budget.