Adobe Photoshop CC is the go-to application for photographers and designers who generally work with pixel oriented files and images or digital art. It helps them to design and curate their work in a very efficient way. Just learn how to use it and you are good to go. Among all the photo editing applications, Photoshop is one of the most favorite user friendly software to have o our fingertips. Photoshop being the game changer in the field of Post production of your raw files, has now come up with some amazing new features that are a must to try on if you want to enhance your creativity and skill set.
Here are the new features you have to smoother your workflow and make it more creative:
Sky Replacement
There must be times when you clicked an amazing shot but your sky in the background disappointed you. Then here’s the Sky Replacement feature at your rescue! You can easily retouch or replace the sky in your image. This feature uses an Artificial intelligence technology called Adobe sensei which allows it to automatically detect the sky and provides you with available templates to replace or retouch your sky with.
To access this features, go to Edit > Sky replacement.
Alternative method is in just two clicks you can have this,
Select > Sky.
Pattern Preview
This feature allows you to bring your design into live action. If you have thought of a pattern and want yo see how would it look like in real life products, this feature is at your rescue.
In Pattern Preview mode, it allows you to create a design and tile it and then repeat it as many times to create a overall print or design that you can apply on your fabric or any other desired product. Anything ranging from fabric to bathroom tiles. This is the most favourite feature of your neighborhood designer.
To apply it, choose View > Pattern Preview. Easy right!

Neutral filters: smart portrait
You can find this feature among the 14 filters in Beta Filters under Neutral Filters in Adobe Photoshop CC.
Smart Portrait is really goes well with the name as it is the smartest key that holds the ability to change a portrait completely. You can use this feature to change a person’s expression in the portrait mode. With the very easy and hassle free way to change facial expressions with the Happiness, Surprise and Anger sliders.
It also allows you to change your subject’s appearance completely by altering the Age, Gaze, Facial Lines, Hair color, Hair thickness, Head Direction, and Light Direction.
A real Banger to enhance your Portraits. Isn’t it?
But it is important to note that the faster your network service will be, the faster you’ll get your results!
Neutral filter: colorize
Colorize is that feature that will let you colorize the black and white or sepia images.
You can get this under the Beta Filters as well. Colorize uses Adobe Sensei which is an Artificial Intelligence technology that allows to study your file and applies colors accordingly to make it look more lively.
Smart object reset transform
I know sometimes you might go off the track while picture editing and it is a lot of work by pressing the Undo button repetitively with so much patience. But with this feature, you will no longer have to go through that anymore. You can now easily reset the distortions applied on your smart object.
In this new update, right click on the Smart Object > Reset Transform to remove any transformations you applied prior to this.
select and mask new features
If you want to work on detailing this feature is for you. The Select and Mask workspace is the one that will help you to create accurate masks of subjects with intricate detailing.
The first update includes Refine Hair on the options bar works in a similar way to the Refine Edge tool but just in a faster and easier way.
The second update includes Refine Mode that consists of two options :
Color Aware and Object Aware.
The color contrasting of the backgrounds are done by Color Aware feature. Meanwhile, objects alteration such as hair or fun against the busy backgrounds are done by Object Aware feature.
Adding motion to static images in Adobe Photoshop CC
Want to create some fun content! Turn your static images into moving objects. This feature also use the Artificial Intelligence technology called Adobe Sensei, to detect the subject and breathe life to it.
It helps you transform your picture into fun GIFS with 2D and 3D camera motion, adding an dimension to your work and make it look more creative.
Create modern duo tones
Duo tones is one of the biggest trends in the field of Post Production in this year. And this features allows you to create cool two tones and also helps you to create your own customized duo tone preset. Where you can play with the undertones, shadows and Highlights to create the crisp. It also allows you to choose the size you want your preset to be customized in and finishes in a very professional and efficient way. You can add a gradient and more.
This feature also provides you with the advantage of creating Double Exposed pictures under the Double Exposure feature. Where you can apply two pictures and create one work of art showing gradient and undertones.
Photoshop Elements 2021 have a plenty list of artsy and crafty elements for a better picture editing experience. In this feature you can get more creative with your work. Add some motivational quotes, positive lines or personalised messages on your images. It also allows you to create real time sketches from your captured photos. This is a very useful tool to turn your captured photos into sketches by simply tracing them and turning them into work of art. You will find this feature as Illustrated Sketch Effect. Another benefit of this feature is that you can add some very cool animation as well as tonnes of customiziation.
Illustrated Sketch Effect comes up with huge range of tool options in the section of brushes, pencils, colored pencils, crisp paper option, old photos, colors, etc. You can choose anyone according to your artwork and you’re good to go! It is very easy to use and to have fun with. You can add emojis like hearts and stuffs to pictures too to make it look more desirable and cute!

Adobe Photoshop CC 2021 plugin panels
There is an addition of a new feature to the menu. After selecting the features called Plugins Panel and Discover Plugins, you will find all the useful plugins that can make your work much easier. It can simplify and accentuate your workflow and it is a huge time saver as well. Also it helps to use an easier way to get done with your work even in that huge collection of plugins that is available on the Creative Cloud.
The shapes in this application have taken a huge turn in changing and drastically improving with the updates.
For an instance, it is much easier to work with the Line tool because it allows you to use it by only having two anchor points and an adjustable appearance that can be changed or replaced anytime. Sounds very similar to Adobe Illustrator right!
Similar functions you will find in the Polygon tool as well. It allows you to make rounded edges.
This tool basically allows you to tweak shape attributes such as height, width, corner radius, etc in Adobe Photoshop CC.
Now I hope you have this list on your fingertips. Learn them and start creating amazing edit and sketches to make your work life a bit more interesting!