
The Three Cs of Content Creation: Use Them to Stand Out Online

Link building was simple when I first started out in SEO more than 20 years ago. You just switched links using anchor text that matched your chosen keywords, added pages of links to partner websites, and presto! On Google, you were in first place. That strategy is no longer very effective. It's more difficult than ever to get inbound connections, especially for new websites. Nearly nine million blog articles are published each day, according to Worldometer. How then, in the midst of all that noise, do you stand out, get seen, and get rewarded with a link or social share?


Your content needs to be believable, consumable, and appealing in order to attract more links and shares.


Make it convincing.


People share content because it is trustworthy, and they hope that by doing so, they will get part of that credibility. Whether you're a journalist, blogger or the average social media user, the content people link to or share is intended to amplify their authority in their writing or social group. Try the following suggestions to distinguish your material as a reliable source:


1. Compile unique data


Consider running your own online polls. Create a hypothesis and five to ten testable hypotheses. Calculate the sample size you require for statistical significance using a calculator, then purchase that many responses. Then, launch it on Survey Monkey, Pollfish, or Google Surveys and watch the results come in. This might be prohibitively expensive for you, so think about using supplied data instead.


2. Compile reliable sources


Since most authors prefer to link to an original source, using other people's material is less successful for gaining links. However, you might improve your chances by citing numerous reliable sources to come out as genuine.


Boost shares even more by playing to people's egos. When their work is sourced, writers and influencers are thrilled. As a result, mention them by name in the article's body and give a link.


Make it consumable.


More than simply your text is involved in creating linkable content. Additionally, you must arrange your information and thoughts in a visually appealing and approachable manner. Try these recommendations:


1. Improve readability


A huge wall of text is one of the most frightening things in the realm of internet publishing. Put your information in order and break up lengthy passages of text with headings and images. Use concise language and maintain an accessible vocabulary. The reader will then be able to skim your content to determine its relevance.


2. Incorporate eye-catching, rich media


Visuals are frequently easier to understand than large amounts of text. To convey a better tale, use some eye-catching photos, movies, charts, and graphs. Create interactive components fast and easily by using Google Charts. Put a watermark on your image in case it is shared without a link.


3. Be mentionable


That's one modest step for a man, one great leap for mankind, stated Neil Armstrong. Despite being a planned statement, it was unforgettable. Include quotables that authors are likely to share when you publish your post.


4. Tell a story


Frame your material in this way to make it more engaging because people think in stories. If it doesn't work, add a couple of tales to your writing.


Make it compelling.


Your text will be richer thanks to readability, visuals, and data. Make them engaging to attract links and social media shares. Try the following strategies to improve pickup:


1. Select a hot topic.


To uncover hot topics, use a service like Buzzsumo, Ubersuggest, or Google Trends. Then, take a fresh approach when writing your article regarding that subject.


2. Pose a challenge


Diverse concepts and a unique format will help your material stand out. Make a case for the color of the sky. When competitors are producing 1,000-word blog pieces, create a long-form guide. Alternatively, if rivals are using long-form, be succinct.


3. Welcome conflict


Emotions are evoked by controversy. If you do it right, you'll attract attention from people who are both criticizing and supporting you and your ideas. While some of your audience may leave, those that do are probably quite devoted and interested in what you have to say.


4. Focus on long-tail keywords


To find articles to utilize as sources in their works, many authors use search engines. Ranking for highly competitive keywords might be challenging. Therefore, focus on extremely long-tail keyphrases with  little competition that a writer is likely to Google.


5. Construct an awesome title and meta description.


Newspaper headlines sell papers, and the same is true of online content. To encourage a click, yours must stand out among all the other content on the page. Include keywords that people are likely to use in your title and description. Make it clickbait then. Make contentious claims, use superlatives like best or ultimate, or position it as a question.

