
Difference Between CBSE vs State Boards Learning Methods



Choosing an educational table for your child is one of the biggest challenges for Indian parents. Considering the multitude of options and schools available across the country, it can be a really tough decision. The Pankaj Global Public School is one of the Best CBSE Schools in Jalgaon. Some of the leading candidates include the Central Board of Secondary Education, the Indian School Certificate Examination, and the state board where parents sit.


There is a big difference when it comes to the comparison of SSC and CBSE. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curriculum is uniform across the country, while the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) curriculum is based on the state. SSC schools use English or regional languages ​​as their mode of teaching and communication, while CBSE schools focus on English and use it as their mode of teaching and communication. With this practice of using English in CBSE schools, there are better employment opportunities for students under this curriculum.


While each has its advantages, this article will attempt to compare the CBSE and the State Board on a general basis.


CBSE vs State Boards Learning Methods


A child memorizes the chapters or understands the gist of the topic. CBSE cares that students understand the subject in depth, apply critical thinking, and also add fun activities that help students understand concepts healthily and efficiently.

On the other hand, state boards are more geared towards students learning the concepts and covering as much as possible, even if students may not understand the topics. A student on the CBSE board will only be able to pass if she understands the concept because sometimes the questions are based on NCERT and students also need to refer to different books.


Advantages of the CBSE Board:


  • The curriculum is widely followed in India and is therefore widely accepted.
  • Several important tests for higher education in India are linked to the CBSE syllabus as a result of its relevance and popularity.
  • Kids who study CBSE won't have a hard time learning, making it perfect for families traveling across the country.


Disadvantages of the CBSE Board:


  • Although most state board curricula have a strong curriculum, the teaching methods may be outdated.
  • The quality of teachers in schools that follow a state curriculum is relatively low.
  • Some schools are over-enrolled, making it difficult for students to learn and thrive.


Advantages of the State Board:


  • Compared to other costs, education is relatively inexpensive.
  • Offers students a highly relevant curriculum.


Disadvantages of the State Board:


  • When it comes to art topics, there are not many possibilities available to the child.
  • When comparing students in the state curriculum to students, fewer seats are available at state universities.




It depends on what your priorities are and what your life goals are. CBSE is the best option if you are looking for engineering or medical courses.


Both boards have advantages and disadvantages when all factors are taken into account. Students and parents can jointly decide which Board of Education is the right one for academic and personal development based on the positives and negatives associated with it.
