
Minimalist Best Practices in Web Design

Web design has evolved. If we looked back, we would possibly be impressed with the aesthetics of the first web pages, since they have nothing to do with those of today. If you are curious about how to get the best-designed website for your brand, contact 33 Technologies, a leading web design agency Brisbane.




In recent years, minimalism has gained popularity in many fields, and web design is no exception. This style, characterized by its simplicity, has provided many benefits to websites, such as improving the user experience. If you want to know more in-depth what it is about and how to give this touch to your page, in this article we will tell you about it.


What is minimalist web design?

Minimalist web design is mainly characterized by its great simplicity, that is, by using only the elements necessary for its proper functioning and dispensing with those that do not provide functionality. In short, it consists of doing more with less. 


However, factors such as color, photography, and the organization of the website also play a very important role when it comes to achieving a minimalist design. We will go deeper into them later.


What are the benefits of minimalist web design?

Minimalist web design can have many benefits for your page. Here we explain some of them.


Faster Charging - By having fewer elements, minimalist websites have a shorter loading time, which can also reduce the user's bounce rate, that is, the volume of dropouts. Those websites that take more than three seconds to load have a higher risk of suffering this aforementioned bounce. This, in turn, will also improve the SEO ranking of your page.

  • Better Readability - The use of soft colors (something very characteristic of minimalist design) and a simple and uncluttered organization, as well as the existence of white spaces, make it easier for users to understand the content.
  • better Conversion - The minimalist web design causes the public to focus their attention on what is truly important: the products or services that the brand offers. By being able to appreciate this content more, there are more chances that the users who visit your page will end up buying and not get lost in elements that can distract them.
  • Ease of Navigation - Using only the elements that are truly needed makes users feel more comfortable and, therefore, improves the user experience, something that can improve the number of sales of your brand, as well as your reputation.


When is a minimalist web design appropriate?

Although minimalist web design service in Brendale has many benefits, it may not be the best option for all types of pages due to its very nature and needs. These would be some examples:

  • news pages
  • game websites
  • auction portals
  • Websites for children and adolescents
  • Brands with a wide variety of products or services
  • Portals with many advertisings’ banners


Either because they need to attract attention with bright colors or because they must offer a large number of options for the user to click, it is more recommended that these types of pages opt for another type of web design.


Best Minimalist Web Design Practices

Creating a web design that is visual and not very busy is not difficult, you will only have to follow a series of recommendations to achieve it and that it fulfils its purpose. Here are some tips that can help you.

  • Use Blank Spaces - Leaving enough blank or empty space between the different elements of your website is essential to achieving a minimalist design. In addition, this feature will also help users pay better attention to your content and make better decisions.
  • However, do not abuse these spaces, try to find a balance, otherwise, it could give the feeling that information is missing on your page and that it is incomplete.
  • Do Not Abuse Bright Colors - The use of bright colors is not at odds with a minimalist design. In addition, they can also give your website a modern touch and better capture the attention of the public. However, as in the previous case, the key will be in the balance, since too many bright colors can make the experience somewhat uncomfortable. If you want to use bright colors, try to combine them with softer tones.
  • Use Creative Fonts - To compensate for the simplicity of the minimalist design, you can experiment with different word fonts, as long as you make sure the result is legible and clear. As a recommendation, one of the fonts that can most give your page a minimalist touch is the "sans serif", although the idea is that you keep trying until you find the one that truly represents the essence of your brand while maintaining the minimalist touch.
  • Create Useful Navigation - As we mentioned at the beginning, try to eliminate everything that you consider not very necessary and that you think could hinder the user. But don't make the mistake of eliminating too many options and creating a useless website. Elements like the menu, for example, cannot be missing. And, as a recommendation, you can hide the start button in the logo of your website, in this way you will save space and have two in one.
  • Choose the Right Images - Images are one of the most important parts of the web because if you choose them well, they have the power to enormously capture the attention of the public. In minimalist design, images are usually large and light in color.

Pay Attention to the Little Details - Although minimalist websites should only have the essentials, it is important to stand out from the competition by including unique elements that differentiate you as a brand. Geometric elements, original mouse pointers, quotes, or underlined elements are very good options. The only thing, try to have a fine style and not interfere with navigation. Hiring a renowned web designing company in Brisbane like 33 Technologies will help you to yield the best outcomes for your brand, for sure.