
Six tips to reach bloggers

If you've never considered bloggers as a group to reach, you're missing out on a great opportunity to increase brand awareness, promote your products and / or services, and connect with people looking for information about your niche (and possibly Customers) are looking for potential), announce upcoming events, expand your reach and are even considered to be leaders in your field.


It's not an easy process, but adding a blogger section to your social media plan pays off. Here are some tips to get you started.


1. Create a specific list. Research your market and find bloggers who deal with this topic. Don't just search blogs with the biggest readers. Instead, use Google Blog Search, Technorati, PostRank, and Alltop to find blogs on specific topics. Find bloggers who reach the same audience you want to reach. Don't forget to read our local blogs too. Select 10 to 20 blogs that you want to track and investigate further. If you want more information regarding digital marketing visit here.



2. Get to know bloggers. You should review each blog, read various blog posts, and find more information about who writes the blog on the About Us page. You should understand the purpose of the blog and get an idea of ​​its writing style, content, and history. While you're there, be sure to read the comments to get an idea of ​​how they interact with your followers.


Here's an interesting tip:


You can find out if they blog about your topic by going to Google and typing "site: Theirsite.com, your topic" where itssite.com is your website address and your topic is your topic. all without the quotes.


3. Become a regular follower and commentator. Comment if necessary and if you want to add valuable content. Never press on your products or services when commenting on blogs. Add your website to your contribution so that interested parties can learn more about you.


4. If you have something you would like to promote to the blogger, send an email, or fill out the online form. Make sure you personalize the presentation and be brief. It is not a good idea to send a general press release or letter. Let them know that you have read your blog and are familiar with its content. It's best to make sure they know you have something that your readers are interested in. They don't care about making money for their business, they care about the things that benefit their followers.


5. Follow your best bloggers on Facebook and Twitter. This is an additional way to get to know yourself and learn more about what you like to treat.


6. Finally, be respectful. A lot of bloggers report what they love and their blogs are very personal to them. It is not their job to promote you or your company. Be polite.