
What is the main cause & cure of hematuria?

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Second medic @Second_medic · Nov 8, 2021

What is the main cause & cure of hematuria?

It can be caused by a variety of things, but one of the most common causes is an infection in the urinary tract, such as Trichomoniasis. This type of infection often occurs in conjunction with bladder infections. Once that occurs if-then recurs it will produce protein passing into urine which may cause blood or pink-colored urine and pain while urinating. Other possible causes are kidney tumors, vitamin K deficiency, prostate cancer, and diabetes mellitus. Uncommonly other rarer causes are tumors on your kidney(s), bladder outflow obstruction due to stones or other obstructions, massive bleeding from the lower colon, or stomach ulcers inserted through to kidneys or ureter ducts (diverticula).

The main cause of hematuria is uncontrolled bleeding in the bladder. The main cure for hematuria is surgery to find and fix the source of the uncontrolled bleeding so that it will stop. If surgery is not feasible, blood clotting medications are used to help stop or slow down the bleeding until surgery becomes an option again.

The main cause and the cure of hematuria is usually catheter- and needle-related and can be treated with antibiotics, drainage, or surgical removal. Sometimes, the pain is related to urinary tract infection (UTI) - in these cases, antibacterial treatment will work as a more permanent solution. Hematuria may also be caused by pyelonephritis which is an infection occurring near kidneys. The most common complication of hematuria is kidney damage that happens when blood cells leak into urine due to improper functioning of nephrons - this type of tissue damage is called nephropathy and it must be treated quickly before serious complications like renal (kidney) failure occur.

Some possible causes of hematuria are kidney problems, blood in the urine, certain infections, sickle cell disease, and prostate cancer. Treatments for a diagnosis can include antibiotics for an infection or surgery for a tumor.

There are many possible causes of hematuria. Most cases are caused by an infection, medical condition or injury. If the cause is unknown your doctor will order more tests to determine what is causing it. The most common symptom associated with hematuria is blood in the urine. Other symptoms may include unusual pain in the lower abdomen, fever, nausea, and vomiting, flank pain when passing urine, and abdominal discomfort when raising up from a lying position.

Hematuria can be divided into 2 main classes: gross or microscopic hematuria- most women have microscopic hematuria but not everyone with gross hematuria has any other symptoms.

Medications and tumors can lead to inflammation and trauma in the bladder, which can cause hematuria. Iron supplements meanwhile can irritate the bladder, leading to bleeding there. Cranberry juice reduces irritation by preventing bacteria from sticking to cells in your bladder. Flushing out your system with water can also be useful, while many urinary tract infections are treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor that will take care of both constipation and other potential causes of hematuria.

It is usually caused by blood vessels lining the urinary tract becoming inflamed, irritated, or damaged. Since it's often hard to tell what's causing hematuria without imaging studies, doctors typically use advanced imaging techniques like CT scans and MRIs to narrow down the cause of hematuria. They'll usually try medicines first before deciding on surgery. The medicines for curing hematuria include alpha-blockers (drugs that widen narrowed blood vessels), aspirin (anti-inflammatory drug), tamsulosin (diuretic medication) or quinine sulfate (quinine pills used to treat malaria). Surgery is required in some cases like obstructions in ureter tubes.

Most cases of hematuria are benign. The main cause for this is urinary tract infection, which can be tracked by a urinalysis and urine cultures that will help define the type of antibiotic needed to heal the infection. The other main causes are blood in stool from ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis or colon cancer, uterine fibroid tumors, prostate infections, and kidney stones. Most cases have no specific treatment but there is a range from pain medication to surgery depending on the cause. In some rare instances, hematuria presents as an emergency because it could be a sign of UTI with sepsis, pancreatitis, or kidney infarcts that require intensive care.

The main cause of hematuria is kidney stones. Often the urine looks streaked because it's mixed with blood cells that are too large to get filtered out by the kidneys. Bleeding caused other than by the bladder, kidneys or ureters can also be a cause of hematuria. These causes may include gastrointestinal bleeding, bleeding from an injury in the pelvic area, or even heart disease which causes episodes of intense spasms in its muscle walls.

Self-induced causes are vomiting and diarrhea which can both cause transient bouts of passing blood clots because they expose stomach lining devoid of its protective mucus coating called gastritis to stomach acid resulting in erosion exposing tissue that will often bleed when irritated or wounded.

The most common cause of hematuria is a UTI and its cure is antibiotic treatment. The best way to care for your bladder and keep it healthy involves drinking plenty of water, hydrating during exercise, getting enough sleep, including fiber in your diet, and limiting the consumption of alcohol.