
What’s New with Liferay? Four Things to Know about v7.3

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Kartik Patel @Kartik_Patel · May 26, 2021


Liferay Content Management Systems (CMS) has been around a long time and it is very popular as a CMS solution for numerous types of industries, businesses and functions. As with any good software solution, upgrades are the lifeblood of the business and keep customers coming back with features they need and want. But, Liferay has also managed to provide upgrades and new tools for developers to keep them coming back too. That is a big part of software solution success. If developers don’t want to work with your product, you are not likely to see a lot of business.


‘For expert, skilled assistance in Liferay Portal development, select an experienced partner with cutting-edge skills and knowledge about the Liferay Portal solution and its many features.’

This article discusses four things to know about what’s new with Liferay and will help developers, IT consultants and internal IT teams understand just a few of the new bells and whistles in Liferay version 7.3. There are manymore detailed changes and upgrades and may want to explore those using documentation and FAQs provided by Liferay for their solution.


Here are four things that are new in Liferay v7.3


Search Widgets – Search Widgets supports Widget Templates (AKA Application Display Templates) and uses Freemarker or Velocity templates to customize the widgets, display card layouts and asset properties. Out-of-the-box default templates are provided for supported search widgets.


Security Feature Integration – Integrated security is included in the Liferay Connector for Elasticsearch 7. All the functionality of the Liferay Enterprise Search Security (AKA Liferay Connector to X-Pack Security)  is included and the new version allows developers to move the encryption configuration from the old version into the Elasticsearch 7 connector.


Disaster Recovery – The Cross-Cluster Replication application replicates Elasticsearch clusters across remote data centers to provide high availability disaster recovery and performance optimization. All write operations for DXP nodes route to a single leader index and each DXP cluster node can be configured to read from any follower index.


Search Administration – Liferay has replaced the information bar at the top of the Index Actions Page with a ‘health monitor’ type Control Panel within the Configurations section. Here, the status of the Elasticsearch Connections is visible so IT can monitor and manage the health of each connected cluster and other pertinent information.




If a business, developer or internal IT staff member is planning to upgrade to v7.3 of Liferay, it must take some additional steps to accommodate the Liferay switch to the REST Client to support the Elasticsearch 7 Connector. If you are an existing client, please visit the Liferay Help Center on the Liferay website. For expert, skilled assistance in Liferay development and Content Management System (CMS) development, select an experienced partner with cutting-edge skills and knowledge about the Liferay Portal solution and its many features.

Find out what’s new with Liferay. Whether you are a developer, IT consultant or internal IT team, you need to understand the new bells and whistles in Liferay version 7.3.’


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