
A Guide for Infertile Women: Getting Over PCOD?

Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is considered as the most common cause of infertility in women. Women with PCOD have irregular ovulation, and most patients have irregular cycles too. The ovaries become enlarged and produce excessive amounts of androgen and estrogenic hormones. Progesterone production is very less and as a result there is no chance of getting pregnant. This post is written for you, so that you can understand the PCOD and know how to deal with it?

According to leading PCOD clinic in Bilaspur, patients with PCOD are not much aware of the problem and its consequences. Even many women health specialists and IVF Clinics has confusion about the problem.

Problems that a PCOD patient faces includes -

  • Patients with PCOD have irregular periods
  • Irregular periods lead to infertility in patients
  • It also leads to hormonal imbalance

Irregular periods are always a problem for a women, as it reduces your fertility. An irregular period also puts a major impact on your daily routine life. Waiting week after week for the period is just wastage of time. Many times, you may assume period stoppage as the possibility of being pregnant but getting negative pregnancy will keep you frustrated. If you are missing your periods, according to gynecologist in Bilaspur, Dr. Priya Mishra, you must seek help from a women health specialist. A gynecologist will prescribe you some tests and medicine according to the test results.

Dr. Priya Mishra is serving patients from many years and you must book an appointment at Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center. Your search for PCOD clinic in Bilaspur ends here, as we have trusted and talented team of health professionals.

Some of the most common symptoms of PCOD are:

  • Excessive hair on body and face
  • Weight gain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Anxiety
  • Hair loss
  • Depression
  • Irregular or abnormal periods
  • Pain and bleeding during periods
  • Decrease in breast size
  • Acne


PCOD patients are at a higher risk of developing the following health problems:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cholesterol and blood fat abnormalities
  • Cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, heart attacks and stroke
  • Endometrial carcinoma

So, finally, I would like to suggest you that if you want to pregnant, your periods must be regular. If you have missed or abnormal periods, contact a gynecologist in Bilaspur.
