
Mr. T.'s Official 2020 DemonCrat Platform Survey


FUN FUN! =D  Fill Yours Out 2-DAY! ~> http://goo.gl/n6iaYg

1) Do you believe that it is unacceptable that Democrats won’t fund the wall, but demand you support full term abortions?

= Other: You should be SUPPORTING even POST BIRTH 'abortion' because it's mostly DemonCrats who will B offing themselves & their spawn, which reduces their troll-tard numbers = MAGA! =D

2) Do you believe that Democrats pushing for “post term abortion” is disgusting?

= NO! =:-o We should all work toward laws that help assist DemonCrats offing each other @ N E age, including free infinite supplies of (legal) self-sterilization pills (legal) assisted suicide, & on & on. The fewer of them around, the better. Help leftists remove themselves from the gene pool! =) That's GOOD for Republicans! =D

3) Do you believe that a 90% tax rate is bad for our country?

= I don't care if it's 100% tax! The problem is America is being flooded with raw sewage from the turd world. Money is near irrelevant if you are blessed to live in a society of beautiful, fit people, etc.

4) Do you believe ripping away your private insurance is unacceptable?

Insured or not, the (((Medical Indu$try))) is a ((($cam))) 2 CREATE illness through vax & other POISON they call 'drugs' 2 CREATE the ailments (((they))) $ell treatment$ 4. BAN all vaccines! Short of that, @ least make it FEDERAL law that no1 can B forced 2 B injected with poison (vax).

5) Do you believe wide-open borders threaten our safety?

It's not about 'safety'. That's a cowardly meaningless tangent. We would all LOVE to live in an 'unsafe/dangerous' place if it is full of beautiful, fit people! =D I have no wish for 'safety' surrounded by nothing but dog $hit.

6) Do you believe that your 2nd Amendment rights should ALWAYS be protected?

Trump should have all the legal gun owners sign up for 'target practice' on the border. Not only will it B FREE 2 the government, but they will PAY U 4 the (legal) fun of the 'sport hunting' dropping the hordes like endless dominoes! =) No 'wall' needed!

7) Do you believe full blown Socialism would destroy everything our country stands for?

No, Russia had 'full blown socialism' & they still have lots of sleek white (and Asian-ish) beauties there. The quality of any nation is the quality of the people in it. I don't give a frak about 'tax rates & monuments'. The PEOPLE flooding into America since the 'white waves' R mostly garbage. Ideally there should B a 'must B fit & beautiful 2 enter' requirement, white or not =)

8) Do you believe Democrats should force those in their party to resign that wear KKK robes and wear "black face”?

The KKK is a DEMOCRAT organization fully supported by Billary Clinton (Byrd mentor, etc.). Y don't U ever bring that up? COWARDS! =)) Also, blackface is fine, as is the KKK, which was just a vigalante group 2 round up rapist monkeys & $hit, not some 'attack innocents 4 no reason' terrorist group or something. That's just (((propaganda))) & U know it! =P

9) How many electoral votes do you think any of the Democratic candidates would win against President Trump in 2020?

Doesn’t matter. Less than President Trump

10) Is there anything else you’d like to mention about the radical left-wing agenda of Democratic Presidential Candidates?

The function of the democrat party is the extermination of whites. It's a death/suicide cult & criminal enterprise, & it should be banned for all eternity, along with N E organization similar 2 it that crops up. It is a terrorist group that commits endless treason by aiding enemies & promoting riots & other violent attacks & cheer leading 4 the destruction of America. The main support behind them is the (((Bank$ters))), who exist mainly 2 ram nations down the drain so they can steal the wreckage cheaper. 4 instance, O'Ba$tard was just a disposable puppet speech reader for (((George $orros))), real name: (((Gyorgy Schwartz)))).  "The (((media))) & other (((political))) groups R just arms of the same (((octopus))). U clowns even pretend Isra-Hell & the rest R 'allies' = oh please =)) GET A GRIP! =D