
"I EAT ASS" Defendant Arrested For Failure to Obey Unlawful Police Order

Let's be clear - Defendant, Dillon Shane Webb was arrested for failure to obey an unlawful police order.

Dillon Arrested.jpgLet's be clear - Defendant, Dillon Shane Webb was arrested for failure to obey an unlawful police order.

I Eat Ass-I Vote Democrat.jpgThe word "ASS" can also refer to a DONKEY or the mascot of the Democrat party for example. "I EAT ELEPHANT" can be just as offensive to some.

Since ASS can have more than one meaning to the beholder, the cop exercised authoritarian bias by interpreting the word ASS according to his own limited world view that certain words can rise to the level of pornography if he chooses to make the claim. In doing so, the cop reveals his own limited intellect such that a second cop might see fit to apply the handcuffs to the wrist of the first cop. Unfortunately, this cop has a wife and 3 kids. Their behavior will always be judged by this knuckle-dragging candidate for domestic abuse.

The cop violated due process when he issued an unlawful order that would have Mr. Webb destroy his own private property under threat of imprisonment. Since Mr. Webb had not yet been found guilty it was unlawful for the cop to force Webb into a tortured admission of guilt by following orders to destroy his own property. In fact, Mr. Webb had already signed a "notice to appear" form, where the cop clearly stated that the signature was not an admission of guilt. Instead, the cop ignored his own knowledge to act under color of false judicial authority when he ordered Webb to destroy his own private property as if the judge had already ruled in the cop's favor.

snap2164b.jpg(VIDEO) Also, the cop made a dangerous error when he failed to inform Webb that he would be placed under arrest. Instead, the cop committed a hostile and provocative act when he ordered Webb to put his hands behind his back without informing the defendant of the charges against him. The cop's hostile attitude could have triggered a violent physical response if Webb perceived the officer as a rogue threat to his personal safety

If Miranda rights are required during the arrest, I didn't hear the cop recite them.

The notoriety of this event is also a violation of the defendant's right to privacy under Florida law since Mr. Webb and passenger Alan Zeman, have become public figures against their will.

Veterans like me and Dillon honored our country by defending the first amendment against Facebook-style censorship based on the nebulous whimsy of politically aligned, "community standards".

Andrew Bonderud is now Webb’s attorney on the case. Bunderud Law Firm (Facebook)

The article below touches on how Facebook style censorship through enforcing the vague notion of community guidelines should be allowed to overrule constitutional State and Federal Law.

Charges dropped against Florida man arrested over 'obscene' window sticker -- Prosecutors dropped the charges citing his First Amendment defense. Man's attorney vows to file suit.

Yes, the First Amendment Protects "I Eat Ass" Bumper Stickers

These I EAT ASS stickers are available from AMAZON and many other sources.