
Guest Site: Making A Nudist Documentary Film with FKK

Notice from Jordan & Felicity: About two months ago, we were contacted by a film student from Pratt Institute. Her name was Dana, and as her final project for one of her classes, she needed to make a short documentary about FKK / naturism.
We consented to do it in exchange for her writing an article about her experience to make the film. So this is her narrative below, along with her documentary by the end!
Naturist documentary film
Guest website by: Dana Schlieman
Nudist Documentary - My first experience with documentary filmmaking presented a chance to force myself out of my comfort zone and explore something I hadn't ever done before. My preference has always been story, fiction film, and the assignment of a 5-10 minute documentary by my Non-Fiction Mp4 professor made me queasy and sweaty with tension.
Don't make it about your roommate and how much they adore pizza, my professor implored the class.
public beach sex spent another week wracking my brain for a subject that would be interesting to an audience but that was additionally manageable for someone with my level of expertise (which was low). Matters drifted in and out of my mind and my thoughts wandered on to other things, like what it must actually be like to be colorblind, and how my class might react to the presence of nudity in a peer's movie. I froze in my own bed as this idea crystallized into a job proposal: an investigation of modern nudists in Ny and how they lived their lives within society.
The project quickly started to come together within my mind's eye as I reached for my telephone to start my research. Abruptly I hit a wall. It was the middle of October now, and my idea fell apart as fast as it have been built up. I backtracked, dejected and unenthused, to the subject of colorblindness and landed on this as the subject for my picture. It was boring, but at least it wasn't seasonal.
On proposal day in class, I determined to present the theory for my naturist film anyway, so that my professor could see that I was more intriguing than my colorblind endeavor suggested. I discussed the idea with my course, as well as the challenges I'd ran into, and explained why I 'd be unable to carry this project out. The entire class, who seemed to have tuned me out while I talked about colorblindness, abruptly pricked their ears as I told them my first idea.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/l-naturist/young-nudist-family.html have to do that project, my classmates told me, with more earnestness than I'd ever received from them. It really does seem great, he said.
I argued with them for some time as they threw their suggestions at me. They insisted that there had to be a solution.
Speak with the individuals who run a resort even if they're not working right now, one classmate said. I asked her what I would film in that case apart from the interviews.
A film about nudism should actually have bare people inside, shouldn't it? I asked them. We went back and forth like this for a while before my professor stopped us.
Just think about it, he explained. The colorblind thing sounds fine. But the naturism sounds extremely good.
With that, I was done for. I had the choice to make an aesthetically satisfying film for an easy A that no one would care about, myself included, or I could try only a little bit harder and end up getting something I might actually be proud of. I got online after class that day and buckled down. Ultimately, Google rewarded me with the Naturist Portal website.
Everything about FKK was so welcoming that I was immediately comfortable, and I'm easily made uneasy in many scenarios. They talked about naturism and naturism the way I might tell someone my feelings for art and my pets. It was clear how beloved their mission was to them, and how significant it was to them to remove the stigma surrounding nudity, and I immediately found my own feelings about it-that it should be private and earmarked for a few very specific scenarios-coming into question.
When Felicity and Jordan agreed to meet with me, I was exceptionally excited-at first. Soon I was harassed with a few very real dilemmas. For starters, I am already quite nervous at the idea of speaking to strangers (my parents had to order my food for me in restaurants until I was about 16). I worried that, in my ignorance of the matter that I was so new to, I'd say or ask something accidentally offensive and they'd despise me. Additionally , I stressed that they'd be too weird for me to cope with and I 'd need to back from the commitment I was intending to make with them, another idea that gives me heart palpitations.
My fears were all for naught.
I walked from my first meeting with Felicity and Jordan astounded at one basic fact: They were so pleasant, I told my friends when I got home. The pair had described their no-judgment way of life to me, and I could tell they were not saying it the way other folks say it; they actually meant it. I sat on the subway on my way back from their flat feeling over a little shocked at how unaccustomed I 'm to folks being so friendly and accommodating. I know I am not like that, and I couldn't think of a single reason why.
The day we filmed, I kept finding myself thinking: This all looks so normal. And then I gave myself a mental slap across the face and wondered, why shouldn't it appear ordinary? I found my conversation with Jordan more arousing than anything I 'd learned from my school professors in the past year-and-a-half, and with Felicity I felt like I was talking to some buddy, one who merely did not happen to be wearing clothing. And I think all three of us expected me to be uncomfortable, but I actually wasn't.
Everyone I told about my project was extremely curious about it. It appeared that everyone anticipated some kind of scandal, for me to be taken captive and forced to join a nude cult or something. I was nearly smug at how little dirt I had for them. https://s3.amazonaws.com/l-naturist/femdom-beach.html felt oddly faithful to the naturist community, like I was now a tiny part of the fight to shed light on the body image and censoring issues that my subjects had brought to my attention. The complete encounter even got me working on my own body image issues and other private items that I Have never actually thought about before.
And to anyone who still asks me, when talking about my endeavor, Wasn't that really awkward? all I can do is shrug and answer honestly: No.
If you're wondering about the penis that reveals on the screen within the documentary, it is a joke commercial for a radio station in Australia and can be seen on vimeo channel here.
The vulva that additionally showed on the display is a unique music video of singing vulvae and can be seen on vimeo here.
My Expertise Making A Nudist Documentary was published by - Young Naturists and Nudists America
Tags: documentary, movies, societal nudity
Category: Nudism and Naturism, Naturist Website, Social Nudity Sites
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Guest blogs written completely for Nudist Portal.