
Major Types of High Breast Implant Treatment To Choose From

Women can get breast implants if they want to make their breasts look bigger and fuller, and it can be done for reconstructive purposes, such as after mastectomy for breast cancer or cosmetic reasons. Breast augmentation is also known as the enlargement of the breasts through the insertion of saline or silicone implants Implants are said to be inserted from behind the breast tissue or the chest muscle.


It includes people who want larger breasts, adding some symmetry to their body shape and proportions, or having lost some breast volume due to weight loss or pregnancy, so  People who want to get the same can visit Aspen Treatment Orlando, Florida.



Types of breast implants offered at Aspen Treatment Orlando Florida :


Saline type of breast implants


Saline breast implants are loaded with sterile saltwater. And if the implant shell leak, a saline implant will collapse, and the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body so, Saline breast implants tend to provide a uniform shape, firmness, and feel and are FDA-approved for augmentation in women who are aged 18 or older.


Silicone breast implants


Silicone breast implants are packed with silicone gel, and the gel feels a bit more like natural breast tissue. If the implant leaks, the gel may remain within the implant shell or escape into the breast implant pocket. Additionally, a leaking implant filled with silicone gel is not likely to collapse.


If you choose silicone implants, you also need to regularly visit your plastic surgeon to ensure the implants function correctly. An ultrasound or MRI screening can help you see the condition of breast implants, and breast implants are FDA-approved for augmentation in women who are aged 22 or older.


Gummy bear breast implants


Form-stable implants are also referred to as gummy bear breast implants as they maintain their shape even when the implant shell is broken.


The consistency of the silicone gel inside the implant is thicker than traditional silicone gel implants. These implants are way firmer as compared to regular implants. If a shaped implant tends to rotate, it may lead to the breast's unusual appearance that requires a separate procedure to correct. Additionally, the placement of gummy bear implants also requires a slightly longer incision in the skin.


Round breast implants


As per High Breast Implant Treatment Orlando experts, the Round breast implants tend to make breasts appear fuller compared to form-stable implants, and higher profile options can achieve even more projection.


As round implants are the same shape all over, there is less concern about them rotating out of place.


The experts at  High Breast Implant Treatment Orlando introduce new styles and types of breast implants, so additional options are available. Whether you choose saline or silicone implants, you need to monitor your breast implants and follow-up with your plastic surgeon for appropriate checkups.