
OPERATION ONE PIECE: Philippine / Filipino Mass Migration and Diaspora Plan 2060 - 2100 Long Essay

OPERATION ONE PIECE: Philippine / Filipino Mass Migration and Diaspora Plan 2060 - 2100 Long Essay




Philippines and the Filipino Diaspora: OPERATION ONE PIECE or The 80 - 100 Million Plus (400 Million MAX) Migrant Filipinos / Overseas Filipinos Including Foreigners or Mestizos Born / Living Abroad with Filipino Ancestry out of ALL 200 - 250 Million (600 Million MAX) Filipinos /OR the 40% to 60% from the Current 10% of the Global Philippine Population as MASS MIGRATION AND DIASPORA PLAN of the Overseas / Migrant Filipinos to become the BIGGEST OVERSEAS MIGRANT DIASPORA in the World for The Year 2060 - 2100


IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines, Philippines will IMMEDIATELY Send 60 Million Filipinos or 60% of the 120 Million Philippine Population as Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Exiles to going Overseas throughout the World like Oceania, Americas and Europe via the Pacific Ocean (and Atlantic Ocean by Panama Canal)  by building a "Massive Filipino Pacific Shipping Armada" to be added to existing 12 Million Overseas Filipinos. The Global Filipino Diaspora will increase from 12 Million Overseas Filipinos into 72 MILLION OVERSEAS FILIPINOS within 5 Years.


The 60 Million Filipinos Going Overseas Formula:

Australia                                                 - 3 Million Filipinos

New Zealand                                          - 1 Million Filipinos

Canada                                                   - 3 Million Filipinos

Mexico                                                   - 2 Million Filipinos

Latin America and Caribbean                - 10 Million Filipinos (or 20 Million Filipinos)

United States                                          - 30 Million Filipinos

Europe                                                    - 11 Million Filipinos (Britain - 2 Million Filipinos)


The Global Filipino Diaspora of 12 Million to 72 Million Overseas Filipinos and Foreigners / Mestizos with Filipino Ancestry will AVENGE THE PHILIPPINES by Making the 40 Million Overseas Chinese, 7 Million Overseas Jews and 30 Million Overseas Russians, Communists, Marxists, Leftists and Abortionists around the World "VANISHED FOR GOOD". 


OPERATION ONE PIECE: Philippines will carry out the Biggest MASS MIGRATION AND DIASPORA of 40% to 60% (from the current 10% or 12 Million Diaspora Filipinos including Foreigners or Mestizos born / living in other Countries with FILIPINO ANCESTRY) OR 80 - 100 Million (400 Million MAX)  Filipino Diaspora OUT of 200 - 250 Million (600 Million MAX) Total Filipinos Worldwide in the Year 2100 to Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Island Nations to Americas like United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Europe ONLY IF China attacks / invades the Philippines. Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Diaspora, Refugees, Tourists, Naturalized Filipinos with Foreign Citizenships, Foreign Born Filipinos, Overseas Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers and Migrant Group in the World ever in Human History. Filipino will become the BIGGEST Ethnic Minority in every country in the World - 20% of the Foreign Country's Population. About 40 Million in 2022 or 60 Million in the Year 2040 or 80 Million in the Year 2060 or 100 Million to 250 Million (400 Million MAX) Filipino Diaspora in the Year 2100. This means 25 - 40 Million (or 100 Million) Filipinos in Europe; 7 - 10 Million Filipinos in Australia; 5 - 7 Million (or 10 - 20 Million) Filipinos in Mexico; 5 - 7 Million (or 10 - 30 Million) Filipinos in Brazil; 3 - 4 Million Filipinos in New Zealand; 7 - 10 Million Filipinos in Canada; 20 Million (or 100 Million) Filipinos in Latin America and Caribbean; 7 - 10 Million (20 Million) Filipinos in United Kingdom / UK; 35 - 50 (or 100 Million) Million Filipinos in United States / USA; 5 - 7 Million Filipinos in the Middle East and North Africa in the Year 2100.



Filipino Diaspora - the Filipinos who lived, born, work and settle OUTSIDE of the Philippines including the Foreign People or Mestizo born / living Abroad who had Filipino Ancestry since the  16th Century.


OPERATION ONE PIECE: Philippines and the 80 - 100 Million (400 Million) Filipino Diaspora or the 40 Percent to 60 Percent  out of 200 - 250 Million (600 Million) Philippine Population Mass Migration and Diaspora Plan of the Filipinos for 2060 - 2100


Philippines will carry out the Biggest MASS MIGRATION of 40 percent / 40% (from 10 percent / 10% or 12 Million) of Filipino Population Worldwide (To Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Island Nations to Americas like United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Europe) ONLY IF China attacks the Philippines. Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Diaspora, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Tourists, Naturalized Filipinos with Foreign Citizenships, Foreign Born Filipinos and Overseas Migrant Workers and Migrant Group in the World ever in Human History. Filipino Diaspora is to become the BIGGEST Ethnic Minority on every country in the world about 20 percent / 20% of the Host Country's population. About 40 million in 2022 or 60 million in 2040 or 80 million in 2060 or 100 Million in 2100.




The World Diaspora Populations from Other Countries:



Philippines:    12 Million - 10% of 110 Million Filipino Population

China:            40 Million - 3% of the 1.4 Billion Chinese Population

Russia:           30 Million - 20% of 143 Million Russian Population

India:             32 Million - 2% of 1.4 Billion Indian Population

Mexico:         12 Million - 9% of 130 Million Mexican Population

Indonesia:      10 Million - 4% of 276 Million Indonesian Population


This is the REAL Opportunity for Filipinos and the Philippines to become the Biggest Overseas Migrant  Diaspora of 80 - 100 Million out of 250 Million (400 Million MAX Filipino Diaspora out of 600 Million Filipino Population) in the World by 2060 to 2100 or 40% - 60% of the Philippine Population IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines. 







The World's Top Money Remittance Recipients:


1) India            -               $83 Billion

2) China           -               $59.5 Billion

3) Mexico         -              $42.9 Billion

4) Philippines   -              $34.9 Billion


The Remittance Money of the Philippines will increase from $34.9 Billion to $400 Billion Once the Filipinos WILL become the Biggest Overseas Migrant  Diaspora of 80 - 100 Million out of 250 Million (400 Million MAX Filipino Diaspora out of 600 Filipino Population) in the World by 2060 to 2100 or 40% - 60% of the Philippine Population.




Approximate populations of non-European origin in Europe (about 20 - 30+ millions, or 3 - 4% (depending on the definition of non-European origin), out of a total population of approx. 831 million):


1) Romani / Gypsies: 20 Million to 30 Million in Europe


2) Jews before the World War 2 and the Holocaust: 11 Million in Europe


    Black Africans (including Afro-Caribbeans and others by descent): approx. 9 to 10 million in the European Union and around 12.5 in Europe as a whole.[126] Between 4 and 5 million Sub-Saharan and Afro-Caribbeans live in France [127] but also 2.5 million in the United Kingdom,[128] Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Portugal. (in Spain and Portugal Afro-Caribbean and Afro-Latin American are included in Latin Americans)[129]


Turks (including Turks from Turkey and Northern Cyprus): approx. 9 million (this estimate does not include the 10 million Turks within the European portion of Turkey);[130] of whom 3[131] to over 7[132][133] million in Germany but also the rest in France and the Netherlands with over 2 million Turks in France[134] and Turks in the Netherlands,[135][136][137] Austria, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Finland, Serbia and Norway. (see Turks in Europe)


Arabs (including North African and Middle Eastern Arabs): approx. 6 to 7 million Arabs live in France[127] but also Spain with 1.6 to 1.8 million Arabs,[138][139] 1.2 million Arabs in Germany,[140] the United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Switzerland, Finland and Russia. (see Arabs in Europe) Many Arabs in Europe are Lebanese and Syrian.


Indians: approx. 2.5 million; 1.9 million mostly in the United Kingdom[141] but also 473,520[141] in France including the overseas territories, 240,000 in the Netherlands,[141] 203,052 in Italy,[141] 185,085 in Germany,[141] Ireland and Portugal.


Pakistanis: approx. 1.1 million in the United Kingdom, but also 120,000 in France,[142] 118,181 in Italy,[143] Spain, and Norway.


Bengali: approx. 600,000 mostly in United Kingdom, but also 85,000 in Italy, 35,000 in France, Spain, Sweden, Finland and Greece.


 Latin Americans (includes Afro-Latin Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, Native Americans, White Latin Americans, miscegenation, etc.): approx. 5.0 million; mostly in Spain[144] (c. 2.9 million) but also 1.3 million in France,[145][146] 354,180 in Italy,[147] +100,000 in Portugal,[148] 245,000 in the United Kingdom[149] and some in Germany.[150]


Armenians: approx. 2 million; mostly in Russia but also 800,000 in France,[151] Ukraine, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom and Belgium.


Berbers: approx. 2 million live in France[152] but also Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain.


 Kurds: approx. 2 million; mostly in Germany, France, Sweden, Russia, the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom.


Chinese: approx. 1 million; 600,000-700,000 of them live in France,[153] 433,000 live in the United Kingdom,[154] Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands.


Vietnamese: approx. 800,000; mostly in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia.


Filipinos: approx. 600,000; mostly in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria and Ireland.[155]


Iranians: approx. 250,000; mostly in Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Russia, the Netherlands, France, Austria, Norway, Spain and Denmark.


Somalis: approx. 200,000;[156] mostly in the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Finland, Denmark and Italy.


Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs: approx. 200,000; mostly in Sweden, Germany, Russia, France and The Netherlands.


Japanese: approx. 100,000; mostly in the United Kingdom and Germany.



Filipinos MUST be the Second Largest Migrant Group in Europe after the ROMA (ROMANI) / GYPSY People of 20 Million - 30 Million and the Pre-Holocaust Jewish Population of 11 Million in Europe by becoming 25 Million Filipinos in Europe. The means are Mass Migration, Mass Naturalization, Mass Intermarriage, Mass Interbreeding and Mass Forced Impregnation of Local White / European Women in Europe or the European Union (EU).


 If Filipinos are Lucky, Filipinos will have 40 Million Filipinos (including EU Born Filipinos and Europeans with Filipino Ancestry) in Europe by 2100. 


If CHINA ATTACKS AND INVADES THE PHILIPPINES, Filipinos will have 60 Million to 100 Million Filipinos (including EU Born Filipinos and Europeans with Filipino Ancestry) in Europe by 2100.   




Immigrant refers to all those who hold or have ever held permanent resident status in Canada, including naturalized citizens.[110]


1           India          668,565                          8.87%                                1.9%           


2           China        649,260                          8.61%                                1.85%         


Officially the People's Republic of China. Excludes Hong Kong and Macau (included in this table below).


3           Philippines           588,305                  7.8%                              1.67%          


4           United Kingdom        499,120             6.62%                           1.42%          


Officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Includes Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. Excludes Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, and British Overseas Territories.


5           United States         253,715                3.36%                             0.72%         


6           Italy                         236,635             3.14%                             0.67%         


7           Hong Kong               208,935            2.77%                              0.59%         


Officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.


8           Pakistan                202,255                2.68%                                0.58%        


9           Vietnam                169,250               2.24%                                 0.48%        


Many from the former Republic of Vietnam


10         Iran                      154,420                2.05%                                 0.44%        



 Filipinos MUST be the  Largest Migrant Group in Canada by becoming 7 Million - 10 Million Filipinos in Canada. The means are Mass Migration, Naturalization, Intermarriage, Interbreeding and Forced Impregnation of Local White / Canadian Women in the Canada.



 Australian Bureau of Statistics (2020)

Place of birth   Estimated resident population[A]


Total Australian-born                                      18,043,310

Total foreign-born                                             7,653,990

England England                                                 980,360

India                                                                     721,050

Mainland China                                                   650,640

New Zealand                                                        564,840

Philippines                                                            310,050

Vietnam                                                                270,340

South                                                                    200,240

Italy                                                                      177,840

Malaysia                                                               177,460

Sri Lanka                                                             146,950




 Filipinos MUST be the  Largest Migrant Group in Australia by becoming 7 Million - 10 Million Filipinos in Australia. The means are Mass Migration, Mass Naturalization, Mass Intermarriage, Mass Interbreeding and Mass Forced Impregnation of Local White / Australian Women in Australia.




Foreign-born population in the United States in 2019 by country of birth


Country of birth                                      Population (2019)                 

Total foreign-born                                         44,932,799       

 Mexico                                                         10,931,939       

 India                                                               2,688,075         

 China[a]                                                         6,250,230       

 Philippines                                                     5,045,248       

 El Salvador                                                    1,412,101       

 Vietnam                                                          1,383,779       

 Cuba                                                               1,359,990       

 Dominican Republic                                     1,169,420       

 South Korea                                                   1,038,885       

 Guatemala                                                      1,111,495       




Filipinos MUST become one of the Largest Migrant Groups in United States SECOND after to the AFRICAN AMERICANS of 41 Million in the United States by becoming 30 Million - 35 Million Filipinos in the United States of America / US / USA. Jews had a Population of 7.2 Million in the United States. The means are Mass Migration, Mass Naturalization, Mass Intermarriage, Mass Interbreeding and Mass Forced Impregnation of Local White / American Women in the US.

If Filipinos are Lucky, Filipinos will have 50 Million Filipinos (including US Born Filipinos and Americans with Filipino Ancestry) in the United States of America by 2100.


 If CHINA ATTACKS AND INVADES THE PHILIPPINES, Filipinos will have 70 Million to 100 Million Filipinos (including US Born Filipinos and Americans with Filipino Ancestry) in the United States of America by 2100.




New Zealand Migrants by Country of Origin


England                -                     210,915

China                    -                     132,906

India                     -                     117, 348

Australia               -                       75, 696

South Africa         -                        71,382

Philippines            -                        67,632 


Filipinos MUST be the  Largest Migrant Group in New Zealand by becoming 3 Million Filipinos in New Zealand. The means are Mass Migration, Mass Naturalization, Mass Intermarriage, Mass Interbreeding and Mass Forced Impregnation of Local White / Women in New Zealand.




United Kingdom / Britain Migrants by Country of Origin


The period between 2001 and 2010 saw significant change in the UK's foreign-born population. In particular, the 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union have led to mass migration from Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia and Lithuania.[18] The number of Poland-born people resident in the UK increased from 60,711 in 2001 to an estimated 532,000 in the year to December 2010, whilst the population born in Lithuania increased from 4,363 to an estimated 87,000.[18] The most significant decrease in a foreign-born population resident in the UK between 2001 and 2010 is in the number of those originating from the Republic of Ireland. Whilst 533,901 people born in the Republic of Ireland were resident in the UK in 2001, this is estimated to have declined to 405,000 by 2010.[18]





Country of birth                 Population (2001 census)            Population (2015 UN estimate

 United Kingdom                        53,923,642                                          56,254,898            

 India                                                467,634                                               776,603            

 Poland                                                60,711                                               703,050            

 Pakistan                                            321,167                                               540,495            

 Republic of Ireland                          537,108                                               503,288            

 Germany                                          266,136                                               322,220            

 Bangladesh                                      154,362                                               230,143            

 South Africa                                     141,405                                               218,732            

 Nigeria                                               88,378                                               216,268            

 United States                                   158,434                                               212,150            

 China                                                 51,078                                               182,628            

 Jamaica                                            146,401                                               172,829            

 Italy                                                  107,244                                               151,790            

 Kenya                                               129,633                                                151,073           

 France                                                96,281                                                149,872           

 Philippines                                         40,118                                                 139,570          




Filipinos MUST be the  Largest Migrant and Diaspora Group in the United Kingdom by becoming 7 Million to 10 Million Filipinos in the United Kingdom (UK) or Great Britain. The means are Mass Migration, Mass Naturalization, Mass Intermarriage, Mass Interbreeding and Mass Forced Impregnation of Local White or British / Briton Women in the UK.





RIGHT now, CHINA started to forbid and banned Mass Migration of Chinese People who want to flee and leave China as a Threat to Social Stability, Threat to the Rule of the Chinese Communist Party or the CCP and to Suppress Dissent by banning people from leaving China like cutting the corners of their passports, Building Illegal Overseas Chinese Police Stations in other Countries, Chinese Population Decline, ripping off plane tickets, blacklisting potential dissidents / enemies of the state, exit bans, coercion, hostage diplomacy, calling police and state security bureau, increase mass surveillance, mass arrests and screening, intimidation, harassment, censorship, zero-covid policy, one-child policy, forced abortions and forced sterilizations, oppressing dissidents / ethnic minorities, tightening immigration rules, banning the carrying of money and high value / expensive  items by potential migrants who want to leave China. China / CCP wants to keep the Number of Overseas Chinese who lived Abroad to "50 Million" only.




Mexico, India, Russia, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Afghanistan, Indonesia, and China are now getting several suspicions as a Hostile Foreign Security Risks and THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY, FOREIGN AGENTS / SPIES and UNABLE TO ASSIMILATE PEACEFULLY, SPREADING DISINFORMATION AND PROPAGANDA, POLITICAL INTERFERENCE, TRAITORS, SUBVERSIONISTS, INFILTRATORS,  STEALING TRADE / MILITARY SECRETS, PARASITES, DISLOYALTY and NEVER Share Local Common Culture / Local Common Customs or Moral Values with Host Countries or Creating Trouble / Committing Crimes in Host Countries in the Eyes of Many Host Countries especially Europe (European Union / EU), United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.




FILIPINOS will NEVER Betray and become a Threat and always Share Local Common Culture / Local Common Customs with Host Countries, Moral Values with Host Countries, or Creating Trouble / Committing Crimes in Host Countries. 


FILIPINOS are willing to assimilate and become a Naturalized Citizens and SHOW ROCK SOLID LOYALTY BY SHEDDING BLOOD (of Enemies of Host Countries) to all Host Countries EVER!!!




Philippines and the Filipino Diaspora MUST Surpass the Other World Diaspora  Population by become 40 Million or 80 Million out of 200 Million by 2060 with an increase of 40 Percent If China Attacks / Invades the Philippines. If Filipinos become LUCKY, Become 100 - 250 Million Filipino Diaspora by 2100 OR 40 Percent to 60 Percent of 250 - 400 Million (600 Million MAX) Total Global Filipino Population.


The Target of Filipino Mass Migration and Mass Re-population are 25 - 40 Million (100 Million) Filipinos in Europe. 35 - 50 Million (100 Million) Filipinos in United States, 5 Million Filipinos in the Middle East and North Africa.    7 - 10 Million Filipinos in Canada. 7 - 10 Million Filipinos in United Kingdom (UK) / Britain. 7 Million Filipinos in Mexico. 7 - 10 Million (20 Million) Filipinos in Australia. 3 Million Filipinos in New Zealand. 20 Million (100 Million) Filipinos in Latin America and Caribbean. 5 Million Filipinos in Pacific Island Nations.


The Overseas Filipino Workers or OFW /OFWs must be only 5% - 10% of the Total Global Filipino Diaspora.


Filipinos will become the MAJORITY in ALL PACIFIC ISLAND NATIONS including Hawaii, Aleutian Islands, Midway Island, Guam, Marianas, Galapagos, Easter Island, Palau, Fiji, French Polynesia (Tahiti), Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Wake Island, Santa Catalina Island, Bouganville (Papua New Guinea) Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Diomede Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, Pitcairn, New Britain, New Island, Tokelau, Cliperton, Wallis and Fortuna, Austal,  Roratonga, Cook Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Micronesia, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Tonga and Saipan. Also all Nations with a Pacific Coast. Even Filipino Majority the Islands in the Atlantic  like the Bermuda, Ascension, Tristan, Cape Verde, Madeira, Azores, Canaries, Falklands and St Helena.




IF CHINA ATTACKS OR INVADES THE PHILIPPINES OR China Expels or Injures the Filipinos and Filipino (Ambassadors / Consuls) Embassies / Consulates from China (including, Hongkong, Singapore, Macau, Taiwan) OR Hurt Filipinos, Filipino Fishermen, Filipino Ships in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea): The GLOBAL FILIPINO DIASPORA in many Countries Worldwide with the strength (400 Million MAX in 2100) of 40% to 60% of Philippine Population, (Current 10 Million Overseas Filipinos with the additional 60 Million Filipino Refugees and Filipino Asylum Seekers after the Chinese Invasion of the Philippines) Filipino Asylum Seekers, Naturalized Filipinos with Foreign Citizenship, Foreign Born Filipinos, Filipino Refugees / Foreigners or Mestizos of their own Home Countries Worldwide with Filipino Ancestry will Make the 40 Million Overseas Chinese around the World "PAY IN GOLD AND BLOOD" in Worldwide Sinophobic Pogroms just like 6 Million Jews during the "HOLOCAUST" in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Latin America, Britain and Europe. Remember that the Filipinos (Both Pre-Colonial and Colonial) committed anti-Chinese Pogroms (Massacres) against the Chinese population in the Philippines especially in Manila in the years 1405, 1500, 1571, 1574, 1575, 1580, 1603, 1639, 1662, 1686 and 1762.


The Global Filipino Diaspora will wage Non-Stop MASS PROTESTS to ALL Chinese Consulates, Embassies, Chinese Communities and Chinatowns to many Nations around the World "ALL AT ONCE" especially in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Latin America, Britain and Europe.


Reason: Chinese are Communists. Filipinos HATE Communism and Communists. Communist Terrorists gave only Rebellions in the Philippines by Chinese Communist Jose Maria "Joma" Sison who hide-and-die like a COWARD in the Netherlands and the imminent Chinese Invasion of the Philippines.


IF CHINA ATTACKS OR INVADES THE PHILIPPINES, The GLOBAL FILIPINO DIASPORA in many Countries Worldwide with the strength (400 Million MAX in 2100) of 40% to 60% of Philippine Population, Filipino Asylum Seekers, Naturalized Filipinos with Foreign Citizenship, Foreign Born Filipinos, Filipino Refugees / Foreigners or Mestizos of their own Home Countries Worldwide with Filipino Ancestry, Filipino Gangs, Filipino Crime Groups, Filipino Fraternities and Filipino Cyber Hacker Armies MUST attack Overseas Chinese Communities Worldwide especially in Western Countries, Chinese Tourists, Chinese Triads and Gangsters, Chinese Businesses, Chinese Embassies, Chinese Consulates, Overseas Chinese Police Centers, Overseas Chinese Schools / Institutions, Confucius Institutes and Chinatowns around the World in "POGROMS" bigger than the HOLOCAUST / GENOCIDE and MUST Seize the Wealth (Money, Gold, Silver, Jewelry, Overseas Bank Accounts and ETC) of the Wealthy Chinese Billionaires and Millionaires with Golden Passports/ Golden Visas who living outside China to share with the Global Filipino Diaspora and Local Sinophobes Worldwide, Take  and Burn their Overseas Chinese Assets, Overseas Chinese Banks and Properties.  Even Chinese Superyachts as FILIPINO DIASPORA REVENGE Even WITHOUT the Help of the Philippine Government in Manila in Terms of Centralized Leadership, Command or Coordination towards to the Global Filipino Diaspora especially in Wartime or Philippines is Attacked / Invaded by China.


The Filipino Diaspora, Filipino Asylum Seekers, Filipino Gangs, Naturalized Filipinos with Foreign Citizenship, Foreign Born Filipinos, Filipino Fraternities and Filipino Refugees will Attack Exchange Foreign Students from China at Colleges, Universitites and Dormitories (IMPREGNATE ALL Chinese Female Exchange Students and Daughters of Chinese Officials and Chinese Businessmen in all College / University Campuses, Dormitories and their Homes Abroad / outside China) and NGOs or Groups with ties to the CCP Abroad (outside China); The Filipino Diaspora will ASSASSINATE All Chinese Officials like Ambassadors, Spies, Agents, Propagandists, Wolf Warrior Diplomats and Consuls Abroad (outside China) as FILIPINO DIASPORA REVENGE Even WITHOUT the Help of the Philippine Government in Manila in Terms of Centralized Leadership, Command or Coordination towards to the Global Filipino Diaspora especially in Wartime or Philippines is Attacked / Invaded by China.


The Filipino Diaspora, Filipino Asylum Seekers, Naturalized Filipinos with Foreign Citizenship, Foreign Born Filipinos, Filipino Gangs, Filipino Fraternities and Filipino Refugees will EXPOSE, NAMING, DOX, HUNT DOWN, EXECUTE, DDOS, HACK, MOBBING, ASSASSINATE, POGROM, EGG, STONE, ACID, PUNCH, SHOOT, HUMILIATE, KICK, EXPELL, SWATTING, PHISHING, ROB, HATE SPEECH, BURGLARIZE, VANDALIZE, FLOG, KIDNAP, SPIT, URINATE, CYBERATTACK, BEAT, GASLIGHT, BURN, SCROLL WITH GRAFFITI, TROLL, MEME, HARASS, PROTEST, EMBARRASS, HUMILIATE, STONE, TAR-AND-FEATHER All Chinese Spies, Agents, Overseas Chinese Police Personnel, Delegates, State / Military / Diplomatic / Intelligence Secrets, Propagandists, Pro-China and Far-Left Communist Leftist Protesters / Advocates / Activists, Little Pinks, Wumao, Woke Scumbags, Children of Chinese Officials, Businessmen, Conspirators and Collaborators / with CCP ties Abroad (outside China) and Chinese Exchange College / University Students in Non-Communist Nations especially in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe as FILIPINO DIASPORA REVENGE Even WITHOUT the Help of the Philippine Government in Manila in Terms of Centralized Leadership, Command or Coordination towards to the Global Filipino Diaspora especially in Wartime or Philippines is Attacked / Invaded by China.




IF the JEWS and Zionists around the World TRY to Oppose or Sabotage IT (OPERATION ONE PIECE or The Mass Migration of Diaspora Filipinos (400 Million MAX in 2100) by 40% - 60% of the Philippine Population including Foreigners or Mestizos born / living abroad with Filipino Ancestry), Naturalized Filipinos with Foreign Citizenship, Foreign Born Filipinos, Filipino Asylum Seekers and Filipino Refugees. The Filipino Diaspora, Filipino Gangs and Filipino Fraternities will make the Overseas Jewish Communities Worldwide suffer what happened to them during World War 2 like the POGROMS and the  HOLOCAUST against JEWS once again, Impregnate Jewish Women and their wealth confiscated during World War 2 AGAIN by a SECOND KRISTALLNACHT and HOLOCUAST AKA HA SHOA against the JEWS by the FILIPINO DIASPORA around the World. Share SOME LOOTED WEALTH from the wealthy Jews to the Global Filipino Diaspora and the Antisemitic Locals (Anti-Semites) in Foreign Countries to gain "Utang na Loob" (Gratitude) towards Filipino Diaspora from the Anti Semitic Locals in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Latin America, Britain and Europe.


Reason: Jews like Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky created the Satanic Ideology called COMMUNISM. Filipinos HATE Communists and Communism the plague the Philippines by Communist Terrorist Rebellions.




Solomon Islands WILL BE SEVERELY PUNISHED and GENOCIDE by the Filipinos / Filipino Diaspora, Gangs, Fraternities, Filipino Asylum Seekers and Filipino Refugees after Overthrowing the Solomon Islands Government for Making a 'Security Pact' with CHINA as a Threat to Filipino Diaspora Migration Ambitions and Philippine National Security Interest in the Pacific Ocean. A Population 1 Million Filipinos will SETTLE in Solomon Islands FOREVER!!!




IF Malaysia still refused to pay the $14.6 Billion to the Sultan of Sulu and his Family, Philippines and Diaspora Filipinos will TAKE SABAH from Malaysia to settle 2 Million Filipinos, mostly Muslims of Mindanao and Sulu will settle in Sabah (in Borneo). The Good Opportunity is when China attacks the Philippines, Singapore (Kuala Lumpur will become a next Chinese Target) and Malaysia to take the South China and the Strait of Malacca. Also Indonesia once finished the New Capital City of NUSANTARA in Borneo. Give the Limbang Gap to Brunei.




The Advantages, Benefits and Results of OPERATION ONE PIECE or the 40% (80 - 100 Million (400 Million plus MAX) Filipino Diaspora including Foreigners born / living in other Countries with Filipino Ancestry) of the 200 - 250 (600 Million) Million Philippine Population that Filipinos must be lived and worked Abroad especially in the PACIFIC as a Mandatory, Permanent and Eternal MIGRANT DIASPORA in 2060 - 2100 are:

NOTE: IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines.


1) More Powerful Passport Status and Standing (Allowing UNLIMITED Travel to Foreign Countries around the World without a Visa (or less Visa) and Less Expensive Plane Tickets).


2) More Popularity and Fame of Filipino Celebrities to other countries, Peoples, Groups, Companies and Export Filipino Products, Royalties, Copyrights and Goods to increase the PINOY PRODUCT EXPORT SALES Abroad (Outside of the Philippines) to amount $500 Billion - $1 Trillion Profit and Revenue for the Philippines every year.


3) More Revenue for the Philippines from Money Remittances and Foreign Exchange Reserves (FOREX) or Foreign Currencies from $30 Billion to $400 Billion every year. The Charity Donations for the Philippines in case of Natural and Wartime Disasters will be $200 Billion every year. Cryptocurrencies will amount to $30 Billion a year Less Budget Deficit, Less Debt and Less Borrowing / Lending Money (like Loans, Credits, Bonds and etc), More Domestic / Foreign Trade, More Money to Spend by the Filipinos and the Government Projects like the MEGA INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS, Local / Foreign Loan Projects, Local / Foreign PPP Projects and Subsidies in the Philippines


 4) More Buying of Filipinos Products, Goods and Services.


5) More Promotion and Exposure to Filipino Culture, Artists, Singers, Actors / Actresses, Filipino Social Media Influencers, Filipino Languages, Filipino News and Media in other countries of the world. The Filipino News and Entertainment Media Networks like ABS CBN, GMA Network, PTV, KBP, NUJP, PCIJ, Rappler, Bombo Radio, PNA, TV5, Net 25, Eagle News, UNTV, SMNI and others will build their Overseas Filipino News Media Branches around the World that Filipino Radio, Filipino Newspapers and Filipino Online Influencers / Bloggers / Vloggers will soon follow.


6) Pro Filipino Public Opinion, Pro Filipino Narratives, More Powerful Filipino Voices  in Foreign Media Networks of the World (like the BBC, France 24, Wion, DW News, Euronews, CGTN, CCTV, RT, Sputnik, NBC News, Reuters, Free Radio Asia, VOA, PBS News, AFP, Skynews, Televisa, Univision, Telemundo, TVNZ, El Pais, PressTV, Telesur, CNN, ABC News, CBC News, ABC (Australia) News, TRT, Al Jazeera and CBS News) and Formidable Backlashes like POGROMS against the Enemies of the Philippines even at Abroad.


7) More Filipino Celebrities (Actors and Actresses), Filipino Movies (like Historic or Pre-Colonial), Filipino TV shows in Hollywood.


8) Filipino Political Lobby, NGO Groups, Social Groups and Grassroots for all Politicians, Congress and Parliaments to Many Countries in the World.


9) People of Filipino Ancestry will become Politicians, Government Officials, Lawmakers, Soldiers, Policemen and Businessmen in the all Nations in the World, OR Assassinated Key Targets that against Philippine Interest.

10) More Protection in Economic, Social, Media, Political and Military.


11) More Intermarriages and Babies with Foreigners.


12) More Political, Economic, Diplomatic, Public Opinion and Media INFLUENCE in World Affairs.


13) Protection from Racism and Discrimination.


14) More Power, Trade Agreements and Financial Institutions (like RCEP, WTO, TPP, Pacific Alliance, EU Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, US Free Trade Agreement, QUAD, EEC, India Trade Agreement, ASEAN Free Trade, IPEF, Pacific Islands Forum, Paris Club, IMF, JICA, ADB, World Bank, Arab Gulf States Oil / Petrol Agreement, OPEC, WFP and etc) and Foreign Direct Investments or FDI to the Philippines.


15) Better Housing and Businesses in the Philippines and Abroad.


16) Better Work, Education, Welfare, Career and Life for Filipinos.


17) More Powerful Diplomacy for Filipinos in Foreign Countries and International Organizations, International Talent Reality TV Shows, Beauty Pageants, Sports Events, NGOs and MANY MORE like the UN, UNGA, WHO, Interpol, WTO/OMT, IMO, FAO, UNSC, ICJ, IOM, World Economic Forum, OPEC, UNICEF, UNESCO, APEC, ASEAN, Pacific Community, ILO, UNHRC, ICC, OAS, EU, Asian Games, AU, Olympics, SEA Games, Commonwealth Games, Think Tanks, FIBA, FIFA, Council of Europe, Think Tanks, CSTO, SCO, NATO, G7, G20, QUAD, AUKUS, GCC, AL, OIC, Organization of Commonwealth Nation or OCN, Russian World (Russkiy Mir), American Dream, Islamic Ummah, Indosphere, Sinosphere, British Commonwealth, Eurozone, Franchophonie, La Hispanidad, and etc. 


18) More and Betters Job Openings, Worker's Rights, Working Conditions and Opportunities Abroad for Filipinos especially the Overseas Filipino Workers or OFW / OFWs.


19) Lower prices, more profits and more savings in imports, services, utilities and exports like food, medicine, clothes, luxury items, spare parts, electronics, chemicals, machines, vehicles, fuel and etc.


20) Better Partnerships, Recognition and Alliances 


21) More Balikbayan Boxes to the Philippines.  


22) Filipino (Tagalog and other Local Ethnic Philippine Languages) will become the Top Language in the World .


 23) Creation and Expansion of Filipino Companies and Corporations like Jollibee, San Miguel Beer, Megawide, Ayala, Camellia, BPI, BDO, Villarica Pawnshop, Cebuana Lhuillier Pawnshop, Metrobank, Lucky Me, Max's, Goldilocks, NBP, BDO, SM Malls and etc outside of the Philippines.


24) The Filipino Diaspora of 80 - 100 Million Filipinos will contribute 20% to 40% of the Philippines Economic GDP in the Future (2060 - 2100) from 10%.  


25) More Foreign Tourists (especially with Filipino Ancestry), Foreign Born Filipinos and Balikbayans will come to the Philippines


26 Foreign Media Outlets will setup branches in the Philippines like the "CNN Philippines".


27) Filipinos and Filipino Diaspora will become MEMBERS of ALL Criminal Underworld like Gangs, Mafias, Drug Cartels, Cybercrime Groups, Criminal Black Markets, Money Laundering Networks, Criminal Cryptocurrency / Darknet (Darkweb) Markets and Groups, Armed Groups, Organized Crime Groups, Human Trafficking, Horse Racing, Forced Labor, Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, Casino Gambling Cheating Groups especially in Las Vegas Casinos, Theft, Robbery, Fraud, Scam, Extortion, Smuggling, Sports Fixing, Sports Game Betting, Game Fixing, Transnational Criminal Organizations / Syndicates, Rebel Groups and Terrorist Groups AROUND THE WORLD and get FINANCIALLY BENEFITED


28) The WHOLE Pacific Ocean / Pacific Island Nations will become a FILIPINO TERRITORY. Filipinos can pressure the Pacific Island Nation to carry out Filipino Interest and the Benefit of the Philippines.


 29) Filipinos will carry out Piracy and PIRATE Activities against Chinese Shipping like Oil Tankers, Fishing Vessels, Research / Spy Ships, Grain Ships, Food Ships and Cargo Ships in the Pacific Ocean, Malacca Strait and Indian Ocean. Filipinos cut the Chinese undersea cables and pipelines in the Pacific and Indian Oceans


30) The Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) coming in to the Philippines will INCREASE from $1 Billion to $100 Billion every year.


31) Filipinos have MORE Influence in all International Courts and Arbitration Courts like THE HAGUE, Brussels and Geneva


32) More Filipinos CAN Participate and Win in the Overseas Lottery or LOTTO Games Jackpot, Casino Jackpot Proce in Casino especially Las Vegas worth Millions of Dollars in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Europe.Then, SHARE some of the LOTTO / Lottery and Casino Jackpot Price Money to the Philippines and the Filipino Diaspora.


33) The Global Filipino Diaspora Can ROB and STEAL Overseas Bank Accounts, Cryptocurrency Reserves, Gold/Silver Reserves, Foreign Exchange Reserves, Luxury Items and DOX and Expose State / Diplomatic / Military / Intelligence Secrets of HOSTILE ROGUE NATION STATES that are deposited in Overseas Banks around the World especially in America, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Britain, Cayman, Bermuda, Europe and Switzerland which had Chinese Bank  Accounts, Russian Bank Accounts, North Korean Bank  Accounts, Venezuelan Bank  Accounts, Iraqi Bank Accounts, Venezuelan Bank Accounts, Nicaraguan Bank Accounts, Israeli (Jewish) and Zionists Bank Accounts, Afghan Bank Accounts, Burmese Bank Accounts, Pakistani Bank Accounts, Iranian Bank Accounts, Syrian Bank Accounts, Iranian Bank Accounts, Cuban Bank Accounts and Bank Accounts of Hostile Rogue Nations. But also the Bank Accounts of Criminals, Organized Crime Groups, Far Left / Leftist Groups, Woke Groups, Antifa, Anarchists, Far Right Groups, Communists, Terrorists, Islamists, Jihadists, Religious Extremists too. Then share the loot from the Hostile Rogue Nation Bank Accounts and their Business Oligarchs / Corrupt Government Officials to the Global Filipino Diaspora and the Victims of Rogue Nations Worldwide. Send The Money Secretly to the Philippines.


33-B) Filipino Diaspora can Do Mercenary Work, LOOT, Plunder, Pillage and Impregnate Foreign Women during the Foreign Conflicts in other Countries around the World. Send The Money and the Loot Secretly to the Philippines.


34) Filipinos can attract Even MORE Foreign Investors to Invest in the Philippines


35) Besides the Philippines can take and save MORE Foreign Currency Exchange Reserves (FOREX), The Filipinos and the Philippines can take and save Even MORE Gold and Silver Reserves. Thanks to the Future 400 Million Global Filipino Diaspora (60% of the Philippine Population) by 2100.


36) Philippines can PAY its National Debt of Php12 Trillion in 5 - 10 years. 


37) Philippines can ASSASSINATE, Coerce, Fact-Check, Criticize, Smear, Harass and Intimidate the Enemies of the Philippine State anywhere in the World


38) Filipinos can make Protest and Counter-Protest against the Enemies of the Philippines in their Home Countries around the World


39) Philippines can influence the International Politics, Economics, Diplomacy, Conflicts, Media, Public Opinion to all countries of the World


40) The Filipino Activist, NGO Groups and Protest Groups especially the Pro-Filipino or Pro-Government can wage Protest and Counter-Protest against the Enemies of the Philippines like China and the Chinese even at their Chinese embassies and consulates in any country around the World for Bullying the Filipinos in the South China Sea


41) The FlipTop or Flip Top Filipino Rap League and Sunugan Kalye Rap Battle will be well know to all Foreign Countries around the World


42 The Filipino Gangs and Organized Crime Groups (Filipino Street Gangs / Filipino Prison Gangs) in the Philippines and Abroad will become richer, more powerful, more global reaching and more influential like the  True Brown Style TBS 13 Street Gang, Temple Street TST 13 Street Gang, Original Pinoy Gangsta OPG, Pinoy Ruthless Mobsters, PRM, Hellside Gang, Pinoy Re-al PR 13 Gang, Westside Islanders WSI, Pinoy True Crips PTC, Original Batang Pinas OBP, Bahala Na Gang BNG, Satanas STS Gang, Jefrox Gang JFX, Filipino Mafia, Mabuhay Pinoy Trece MP 13, Real Pinoy Bloods / Brothers RPB Gang, Sigue Sigue Sputnik SSS Prison Gang, Sigue Sigue Commando SSC Prison Gang and Batang City Jail BCJ Prison Gang, Salisi Gang, Bukas / Basag Kotse Gang, Akyat Bahay Gang, Kuratong Baleleng Gang, Martilyo Gang, Dugo Dugo Gang, Budol Budol Gang, Laglag Barya Gang, Laslas Bag Gang, Estribo Gang, Davao Death Squad DDS and ETC.

43)  The Filipino Fraternities in the Philippines and Abroad will become richer, more powerful, more global reaching and more influential like the Tau Gamma Phi / Sigma TGP / TGS Triskelion Grand Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Rho Akrho AKP Skeptron Fraternity, Sigma Rho Fraternity, Scouts Royale Brotherhood Saraba SRB Fraternity, Cavite Varsitarian CV Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega Philippines, Alpha Phi Beta, Kabalikat Civicom, Upsilon Sigma Phi, Pi Onmicron, Omega Chi Sigma, Batangas Varsitarian BV Fraternity, Magic Five or Magic 5 Fraternity and the GUARDIANS / Philippine Guardians Brotherhood Incorporated PGBI Fraternity and ETC.


43-B)  The Filipino Armed Rebel and Terrorist Groups in the Philippines and Abroad will become richer, more powerful, more global reaching and more influential like the Communist Party of the Philippines CPP, New Peoples Army NPA, National Democratic Front NDF, Moro Islamic Liberation Front MILF, Moro National Liberation Front MNLF, Abu Sayyaf Group ASG, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters BIFF. 


43-C)  The Filipino Political Parties, Filipino Political Families, Filipino Political Clans and Filipino Political Dynasties in the Philippines and Abroad will become richer, more powerful, more global reaching and more influential than they were in the Philippines. Plus they will get land, wealth, political power and influence in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Pacific Island Nations, Latin America, Caribbean, Britain, Europe and South Africa.


44) Filipino Companies like Jollibee, San Miguel, Smart, Globe, Ayala, Megawide, SM Shopping Malls and etc will expand  around the world, and also their Filipinos IPO and BPO will be listed to the Biggest Stock Exchange Markets in the World like NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange / Wall St, London, Toronto, Sydney, Euronext, Frankfurt, Zurich, Toronto, Sydney, Milan, Madrid, Mexico City, Sao Paolo, Oslo, Luxembourg, Lisbon, Brussels, Amsterdam, Vienna, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Dublin, Wellington, Singapore, Tokyo. Many Filipinos can invest and trade in the Stock Exchange Markets of the World.


45) Philippines will have a more secure Economic Supply Chain, Financial Capital Chain, Less Inflation, Less Supply Shortage,  Lower Prices, More Balanced Supply and Demand.


46) Filipinos both Foreign-Born, Naturalized Citizens and Foreigners living in other countries of Filipino Ancestry will become foreign citizens, politicians, police, soldiers, generals, voters, lawmakers, sports athletes, businessmen, beauty queens in many countries of the world


47) More Filipino Exchange Students from the Philippines and Filipino Scholars with Overseas School Scholarships (Even anyone with Filipino Ancestry) can go and study to Top Universities, Colleges and Schools in other countries around the World


48) The Philippine Military, Police and Coast Guard can acquire more powerful weapons to defend Philippines against China


49) Philippines will build more Filipino Embassies, Consulates, Department of Foreign Affairs / DFA Offices and Branches; Department of Filipino Overseas and Diaspora Affairs / DFODA (Commission of Filipino Overseas / CFO) Offices and Branches; Department of Migrant Workers / DMW Offices and Branches with even more Filipino Diplomats in all countries in the World.


50) Filipinos will have their own Schools, Institutions, Cultural Centers, Banks, Welfare Centers, Media Centers, Language Training Centers, Hospitals, Gang / Frat Clubhouses, Legal Centers, Small Business Shops, Banks, Money Remittance Centers, Dental Clinics, Eye Clinics, Health Clinics, Money Changers, Service Centers, Balikbayan Box Delivery Services, Theaters, Law Offices, Auto Repair Shops, Grocery Stores, FMA Arnis / Eskrima Martial Arts Studios, Jose Rizal Monuments, Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, Filipino Towns and Cemeteries in all Nations of the World.


51) Filipino Diaspora will create the most powerful cyber / internet army, cryptocurrency army, criminal black markets, money laundering networks, darknet army, darknet / darkweb markets and social media army in the world that can troll, hack, dox and swat the enemies of the Philippines around the world.


52) Filipino Activist Militant Partylist Groups [like the Bayan Muna, Kabataan, League of Filipino Students, Pamalakaya, Karapatan, Migrante International, Bayan, Anakbayan, KMU, Gabriela, Akbayan, Kabataan Makabayan, ACT Teachers, KMP, Anakpawis, Piston, Fejodap and ETC], Advocacy Groups, Grassroots Organizations, Civil Society Groups and Civic Groups, Business Groups, Non Government Organizations / NGOs and Social Groups in the Philippines and Abroad will become richer, more powerful, more global reaching and more influential


53) Global Filipino Diaspora can get and receive EVEN MORE Money FROM the Foreign Governments of Foreign Nations Worldwide in the forms of Subsidies, State Welfare Funds, Grants, Donations, Loans, Credits, Tax Breaks, Tax Credits, Foreign Investment Money Inflows, Asylum Funds, Refugee Funds, Humanitarian Aid Funds, Pensions, Benefits, Social Security, Equities, Mortgage, Insurance, Welfare, Social Programs, Stimulus Checks, Tax Refunds, Bonds, Benefits, Pensions, Bailouts, Cryptocurrencies and ETC to share to the Global Filipino Diaspora and Then Send Some Money back to the Philippines.


54) The Global Filipino Diaspora will participate in all FUTURE Major Historical World Events Worldwide like Genocides, Wars, Coups, Elections, Assassinations, Pogroms, Xenophobia, Beauty Pageants, Anti Semitism, Sinophobia, Homophobia, Big Media News, Russophobia, Olympics, All Sports Events, Gang Wars, Piracy, Frat Wars, Criminal Activity, Mass Murders, Civil Wars, Recruitment, Insurgency, Rebellion, Plunder, Pillage, Booty, Lootings, Terrorism, Talent Auditions, Battles, Game Shows, Summary / Vigilante Killings, Mass Rapes, Anniversaries, Parties, Celebrations, Parades, Riots, Religious Events, Invasions, Inaugurations, Revolutions, Casino Gambling Cheating, Human Trafficking, Forced Labor, Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, Protests, Concerts, Film Screenings, Sports Betting, Game Fixing, Sports Fixing, Horse Racing, Mercenary, Global Organized Crimes, Festivals, Memorials, Trafficking, Smuggling, Lottery, Welfare, Charity, Blood Donation, Racism, Islamophobia, other Money Making Schemes and ETC. Share to the Filipino Diaspora. Then Send some Money back to the Philippines.


55) The Credit Ratings and Credit Scores of the Philippines will be increased and improved in the eyes of Investment Companies, Bond Companies, Wealth Management Companies, Insurance Companies, Creditors, Lenders, Banking and Financial Companies like Nasdaq, IMF, World Bank, S&P, Credit Suise, CBS, Equifax, TransUnion, Foreign Central Banks. Experian, Visa, Mastercard, Moodys, Black Rock, S&P, Charles Schwab, BBB, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, HSBC, Citi Group, Credit Suise, Nikkei, Nomura, IMF, World Bank, BBB, JICA, ADB and others. Philippines can loan, lend and borrow money easier. 


56) Filipinos will become Presidential Guards, Royal Guards, Papal Swiss Guards, Military Honor Guards and ETC in other Nations of the World.


57) Global Filipino Diaspora can go SPACE and Earth-like Planets in the FUTURE. Also get RICH in Mining Gold and Silver in the Asteroid Mining in Asteroids in Space.


58) Global Filipino Diaspora will PROTECT and SUPPORT the Philippines from Financial Crises and Economic Crises in the Future.


59) 20% of every or some Foreign Country's Population, Economy, Labor Market, Market, GDP,  Soldiers, Police, Attorneys / Lawyers, Judges, Government Officials, Lobbyists, Advocates, Activists, Criminals, Grassroots, Civil Society, NGO, Gangsters, Frat Members, Officers, Civil Servants, Teachers, Foreign Auxiliaries, Nurses, Janitors, Seafarers, Volunteers, Drivers, Truckers, Guards, Pilots, Seaport / Airport / Border Personnel, Agents, Homeowners, Immigrants, Renters, Journalists, Protesters, Delivery Drivers, Moviegoers, Warehouse Employees, Mall Employees, Taxi / Carpool Drivers, Students, Postal / Mail Workers, IT / Computer Workers and Experts, Interpreters, Tollway Workers, Immigrants, Clients, Tourists, Bank Tellers, Travelers, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Hackers, Travel Agents, Porters, Jail / Prison Guards, Security Guards, Bodyguards, Mercenaries, Assassins, Executioners, Resort / Casino / Hotel Workers, Migrant Workers, Border Security, Restaurant Waiters, Costumers, Health Workers, Athletes, Players, Gamers, Train / Rail Operators, Construction Crews, Internet Users, Hackers, Airline Stewards / Stewardess, Engineers, Machinists, Carpenters, Roofers, Skilled Trades, Electricians, Plumbers, HVAC Technicians, Maintenance, Masons, Gardeners, Landscapers, Excavators, Morticians, Mechanics, Contractors, Builders, Employees, Consumers, Artists, Actors, Event / Concert Goers, Contestants, Participants, Singers, Actresses, Beauty Queens, Musicians, Clerics, Buyers, Sellers, Store Owners, Celebrities, Traders, Brokers, Caregivers, Bankers, Spies, Commanders, Politicians, Lawmakers, Businessmen, Doctors, Dentists, Technicians, Workers, Farmers, Fishermen WILL BE MIGRANT FILIPINO DIASPORA OR FOREIGNERS / LOCALS WITH FILIPINO ANCESTRY. Overseas Migrant Filipinos will be the Biggest Ethnic Minority and Migrant Minority of every Country in the World.


60) 20% of the World Economy, World Market, World Labor Market and GDP WILL BE MIGRANT FILIPINO DIASPORA OR FOREIGNERS / LOCALS WITH FILIPINO ANCESTRY. Overseas Migrant Filipinos will be the Biggest Ethnic Minority and Migrant Minority of every Country in the World.


61) Global Filipino Diaspora will DEFEND the Philippines from all kinds of Online Cyberattacks, Hackings, Spamming, Ransomwares, DDOS, Phishings, Crackings, Breaches, Hijackings, Scammings, Spying, Making Memes, Trolling, Doxxing, Swatting and ETC. Then, The Global Filipino Diaspora must carry out Cyberattacks, Narrative / Public Opinion Warfare and Internet Campaigns against the Enemies of the Philippines.


62) Global Filipino Diaspora will GIVE the Filipinos in the Philippines and the Nation of the Philippines in Terms of Foreign Aid, Support, Sympathizers Abroad, Protest, Lobbying, Advocacy, Refuge Abroad, Donations, Sanctuary, Help, Charity, Solidarity, Voice Abroad and ETC.


63) Filipino Bloggers, Vloggers, News Media, Entertainment Media, Radio, Singers, Musicians, Actors, Artists, Actresses, Newspapers and Internet Celebrities based in the Philippines will the more popular ABROAD thanks to the Global Filipino Diaspora. 


64)  The Global Filipino Diaspora in the World Digital Economy like Money Wire Transfer, Money Remittances, Cryptocurrency, NFT, BPO, IPO, Online Debit, Online Credit, Online Banking, Debit Cart, ATM Card, Credit Card, Gift Card, Online Bank Transfers and Etc.


65) The Global Filipino Diaspora will acquire large amounts Real Estate Properties of many Countries of the World especially in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK / Britain and Europe.


66) The Philippines and the Global Filipino Diaspora will send Lobbyists, Representatives, Advocates and Delegates to the International Bodies like UN, UNGA, ICC, The Hague, Geneva, UNSC, WTO, ILO, UNICEF, WFP, UNHRC, US Congress, British UK Parliament, European / EU Parliament, Canadian Parliament, Vatican Curia, Dutch Parliament, Council of Europe, Belgian Parliament, Irish Parliament, Swiss Parliament, Austrian Parliament, Australian Parliament, New Zealand Parliament, French Parliament, German Parliament, Spanish Parliament, Italian Parliament, Portuguese Parliament, International Companies and Corporations, Stock Exchange Markets in the World and ETC


67) The Global Filipino Diaspora will be the Biggest contributors of Foreign Intermarriages and Interbreedings with Foreigners of every Country around the World.


 68) The Global Filipino Diaspora will be the Biggest Contributors of Hatred like Anti-Semitism, Sinophobia, Russophobia, Xenophobia, Commiephobia / Leftistphobia, Homophobia, Abortionphobia and Islamophobia of every Country around the World especially in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Latin America, Britain and Europe.


69) The Global Filipino Diaspora will bring Filipino Christmas, Simbang Gabi (Misa de Gallo) and Filipino Lent Season / Holy Week in many Nations around the World especially in United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, Britain and Europe.


70) The Global Filipino Diaspora will fill the Churches which Filipino Language will be used in all Holy Masses especially Lent / Holy Week, Advent and Simbang Gabi (Misa de Gallo) in many Nations around the World especially in United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, Britain and Europe. 



NOTE: Filipinos / Global Filipino Diaspora must Migrate ONLY to the Countries 'FAR AWAY' from Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Belarus, Russia, India, North Africa, Middle East, Mainland Southeast Asia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Iran, Pakistan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, North Africa, Rest of Africa, Turkey, North Korea, Former parts of Soviet Union and the “Iron Curtain” only as possible. 

The Filipino Diaspora must expect NO Guarantee of Safety / Freedom in Those Hostile Rogue Nations and Failed States. Filipino Diaspora MUST Avoid Travel, Seek Refuge, Work, Seek Asylum and/or Migration to the Rogue Nations at ALL COST!!!




OPERATION ONE PIECE: The Steps in How to INCREASE the Mass Migration and Population Numbers of Overseas Migrant Filipinos by 40% (80 - 100 Million (400 Million plus MAX) Filipino Diaspora from 10% including the Foreigners born / living in other Countries with Filipino Ancestry) out of 200 - 250 Million (600 Million) Philippine Population Thanks to China's Invasion to become World's Biggest Diaspora 2060 - 2100 are:


NOTE: IF CHINA Attacks / Invades the Philippines


1) Create the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW).


2) Create the Department of Filipino Overseas and Diaspora Affairs (DFODA) to replace the Commission of Filipino Overseas (CFO) and Pass the Mass Migration of the 40% of All Filipino Population Law.


3) Create the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DFAR).


4) Build and Expand International Airports in Bulacan, Clark, NAIA, Sangley Point, Davao, General Santos, Zamboanga, Subic, Cagayan, Albay, Cagayan de Oro, Palawan, Iloilo, Bacolod, Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Quezon and Aurora.


5) Build and Expand International Seaports / Ports in Bulacan, Sangley Point, Davao, Subic, Palawan, Camarines Sur, Iloilo, Bacolod, Bohol, Batangas, Puerto Princesa, Cebu, (Appari and Port Irene) Cagayan, Albay, Surigao, Butuan, Samar, Isabela, General Santos, Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro, Leyte, (Lucena, Mauban, Infanta and Real) Quezon and (Baler, Casiguran and Dingalan) Aurora in the Pacific Coast.


6) Coordinate the DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs), DICT, PSA, DOTR, DSWD, SSS, NHA, LTO, GSIS, DMW, OWWA, DOJ, Philippine Airlines, POEA, PPA, POLO, DOLE, DFODA (CFO), DFAR (BFAR), Marina, BID, CAAP, Navy, Air Force, AFP, PNP and Coast Guard to carry out the Mass Migration, Mass Settlement, Mass Asylum and Mass Refuge of 40% to 60% of Filipino Population from the Philippines into Overseas / Abroad VIA the Pacific Ocean towards Canada, United States, Pacific Island Nations, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, Latin America, Britain and Europe by Papua New Guinea, Panama Canal, Baja California, Colima, Chiapas, Acapulco, Colombia, Ecuador, Central America, Sinaloa and Darien Gap ONLY IF CHINA ATTACKS AND INVADES THE PHILIPPINES.


 7) Filipino Women must marry foreign men in their home countries to make more Half-Filipino Mestizo Babies.


8) Filipino Men must marry foreign women in their home countries to make more Half-Filipino Mestizo Babies.                              


 9) Filipino Men must impregnate as many foreign women in their home countries per Filipino Man AS HE CAN to make more half-Filipino Mestizo Babies or IMPREGNATE 10 Foreign Women in their home / other countries (Local Women of Host Countries) and EVEN Prostitutes in Foreign Countries per Filipino Man.      


9-B) The Filipino Diaspora MUST IMPREGNATE the "DAUGHTERS" of Politicians, Lawmakers, Judges, Police / Military Generals, Occult Secret Societies, Government Officials, Royal Families, Female Royals / Princesses, Criminal Gang Leaders, Fraternity Leaders and Business People on all Foreign Countries in the World; also the Female Descendants of Great Historical Figures from around the world; Female Celebrities like Vloggers, Influencers, Artists, Actresses, Singers from around the world and their daughters especially from Hollywood to make more Half- Filipino Mestizo Babies with powerful / bigger / high influential connections; so the Filipino Diaspora will get Powerful Political and Business Connections with the ruling Political, Criminal Gang / Fraternity and Business Elites in other countries around the world for Negotiations, Meetings, Talks and Concessions to the Terms that Favored for the Filipinos.


10) Ban Abortion in the Philippines like Closing Abortion Clinics; Salvage (EXECUTE) Abortionists by Beheading / Hanging and the Sellers of Abortion Drugs and Pills by Firing Squad, and Burn Abortion Clinics in the Philippines.


11) Ban and Shutdown Overseas Abortion Clinics and Salvage (EXECUTE) Abortionists by Beheading / Hanging / Firing Squad  and the Sellers of abortion drugs / pills in Other Countries worldwide if they are aborting Overseas Filipino Babies (pure or mixed) by Fines, Beating and Disfigurement / Branding, and Burn Abortion Clinics if they are aborting Overseas Filipino Babies (pure or mixed) in Foreign Countries.


12) Engage and participate in Foreign Conflicts as Volunteers, Auxiliaries and Mercenaries to impregnate several women per Filipino Man in ALL the Conflict Zones around the World to make more Half-Filipino Babies.


 13) Build more Fertility Clinics, Maternity Hospitals and Orphanages for Filipino Children in the Philippines and Abroad.


14) Build Filipino Schools and Cultural Institutions in other countries.


15) Improve Transportation Infrastructure like Inter Island Bridges, Tunnels and Expressways.


16) Improve Agricultural Infrastructure like Farms, Roads Dams in the Philippines.


17) Keep the Pacific Coast and Ocean OPEN for Filipino Mass Migration at all times.


18) Increase Food Production in the Philippines.


19) Improve the Education System, Technical Training Programs, Foreign Languages Training and Foreign Country Orientation Seminar in the Philippines by DEPED, TESDA and CHED.


20) Build a Counterfeit Documents Industry that specialized for ALL Foreign Travel Documents (for all Foreign Countries)  in the Philippines for the Future Mass Migration by 40% of Filipino Population.                                                                          


21) Build the Quezon Isthmus Canal (similar to Panama Canal) in Quezon Province.


22) Build the Biggest Armada / Fleet of Ocean Going Ships for Filipino Mass Migration.


23) Amend the Philippine 1987 Constitution to EXPAND the 60/40 Rule on the Filipino Migrant Population Abroad which means to Obligate that 40% - 60% (200 Million Filipinos in the Philippines; 400 Million Filipinos Abroad) of the Future Total Filipino Population must Migrate, Work, Born, Lived, Settle and Raise Families ABROAD as a FILIPINO MIGRANT DIASPORA via Mass Immigration, Asylum or becoming a Refugee, and to become the Biggest Migrant Diaspora in the World EVER in Human History by Year 2100 IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines.


24) OPERATION ONE PIECE: an Operation to Make the 40% of Filipino Population as Mandatory FILIPINO MIGRANT DIASPORA as a GREAT Foreign Policy and TOP Priority by ALL Philippine Presidents and Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretaries, Bureau of Immigration (BID), Migrant Workers (DMW) Secretaries and Commission of Filipino Overseas (CFO) Secretaries IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines.


25) Make the "Filipino Global Mass Migration Diaspora Trust Fund" instead of "Maharlika Fund" worth of $100 Billion to fund the Biggest Mass Migration and Settlement of Filipinos by Mass Immigration, Asylum or becoming Refugees (Half of the Philippines Population or 60 Million Filipinos) throughout the World in Human History IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines. Filipino Diaspora must demand the Overseas Chinese and Overseas Jewish Communities around the World to PAY Money to the Global Filipino Diaspora Fund or ELSE.


26) The Global Filipino Diaspora must have representation from around the World at the House of Representatives (Batasan Pambansa) and the Philippine Senate.


27) Filipino Migrants must become Naturalized Citizens in all Foreign Countries. Then, get a Dual Filipino Citizenship after 3 years.


28) Make Philippines especially Manila (and Metro Manila), Cebu City, Davao City, New Clark City, Angeles City, Zamboanga City, Puerto Princessa City, Iloilo City, Mauban, Baler, Aparri, Palanan, Casiguran, Dingalan, Batangas City, Tarlac City, Lucena City, Pagbilao, Cabanatuan City, Legazpi, Mati, Subic, Tanza, Infanta and Real (Quezon), Cavite City, Bulakan (Bulacan), Matnog, Sorsogon City, Bacolod City, Tagbilaran City, Dumaguete City, Liloan, Catarman, Catbaloga, Borongan, Calbayog, Maasin, Palo, Basey, Allen, Naga City, Daet, Tacloban, Bislig, Cagayan de Oro City, Butuan City, Surigao City, General Santos City as a Strategic Global Commercial, Entertainment, Tourism, Trading, Industrial, Financial, Air and Cruise Ship Travel and Transit Shipping Hub in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region as the Same or SURPASS  Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore    


29) Put all the Main Foreign Embassies in the Coast of Manila Bay 


30) PASS the 'Filipino Diaspora and Mass Migration Act' to obligate that 40% - 60% (200 Million Filipinos in the Philippines; 400 Million Filipinos Abroad) of the Future Total Filipino Population must Migrate, Work, Born, Lived, Settle and Raise Families ABROAD as a FILIPINO MIGRANT DIASPORA via Mass Immigration, Asylum or becoming a Refugee and become the Biggest Migrant Diaspora in the World EVER in Human History by Year 2100 IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines.


31) The Philippines must invite the Foreign Media Networks like BBC, France 24, Wion, DW News, Euronews, Skynews, Televisa, El Pais, PressTV, AFP, Reuters, VOA, PBS News, Radio Free Asia, Telesur, CNN, ABC News, Telemundo, Univision, CBC News, TVNZ, ABC (Australia) News, NBC News, TRT, Al Jazeera and CBS News to build their Media Branches in the Philippines especially in Manila and the New Clark City.


32) Philippines must return back the  Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) to prepare the 60 Million Filipinos for the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic Oceanic Journeys for Mass Migration and Permanent Settlement of the Future 72 Million Global Filipino Migrant Diaspora as Asylum Seekers, Immigrants, Exiles and Refugees around the World especially to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America, Mexico, Latin America, Britain and Europe by providing them Physical Training, Military Training, Skilled Trades Training, Cyber Training, Spy / Intelligence Training, Propaganda, Driving Courses, Maritime Seafaring (Sailor) Training, Sports, Martial Arts Training, Combat Training, Weapons Training, Foreign Languages Training, Foreign Country Orientation Courses and Basic and Higher Education / Academics

33) Philippines Must INCREASE the Total Current Population towards 200 Million Filipinos by 2040





 60 / 40 RATIO - The 40% to 60% Formula per Total Philippine Population from 10% (12 Million) into 400 Million to become the Biggest Migrants and DIASPORA in Year 2100:


 NOTE: IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines.


40 million out of 110 Million Filipinos in 2025 to 2030.


60 million out of 160 Million Filipinos in 2040.


80 to 100 million out of 200 OR more than 400 Million plus Overseas Filipinos in 2060 to 2100.


20% of the Population of Democratic Nations especially United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Europe, Mexico and Latin American Nations will be Filipino Diaspora


2% of the Population of Autocratic, Oppressive, Rogue, Hostile, Dictatorship, Coup, Junta and Failed Nations (under long conflicts) will be Filipino Diaspora


Only 0.00002% for Mainland China, North Korea and India




The ULTIMATE GOAL of the OPERATION ONE PIECE is to make a Global Filipino Diaspora living and working Abroad to become 60% of the Total World Filipino Population by 2100

"This means 200 Million Filipinos MUST Stay in the Philippines WHILE 400 Million Filipinos will become the Global Filipino Migrant Diaspora born or living Abroad by 2100."



The 400 Million plus FILIPINO DIASPORA are Filipinos who are working and living abroad (outside of the Philippines) that are including Foreign Born Filipinos with Filipino or Foreign Spouse/s, Migrant Filipinos, Foreign Naturalized Filipinos (Filipinos with Foreign Citizenship in Foreign Countries) and Foreigners born / living Abroad with Filipino Ancestry. IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines:.


Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Overseas Migrant Diaspora in the World.

Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Asylum Seekers in the World.

Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Refugees in the World.

Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Tourists in the World.

Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Overseas Migrant Workers in the World.

Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Ethnic Minority in every country in the World - 20% of the Foreign Country's Population.


Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Foreign Exiles in every country in the World


Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Permanent Foreign Settlers in every country in the World


Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Immigrants in every country in the World


Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Mixed Race and Mestizos in every country in the World 


Filipinos will be the BIGGEST Contributors of Foreign Intermarriages and Interbreeding with Foreign Spouses in every country in the World


Filipino Diaspora will 20% of the World's Economy and GDP. Also 20% of every Country's Economy and Economy in the World


Filipino Diaspora and OFWs will contribute 40% of the Philippine Economy


1) The TOTAL MAXIMUM MONEY REMITTANCE will be $1 Trillion per year.

2) The TOTAL MAXIMUM CHARITY MONEY for Natural and Wartime Disasters in the Philippines will be $1 Trillion upon the Time of Need.

3) The TOTAL MAXIMUM FILIPINO EXPORT PRODUCT & SERVICE SALES will be $2 - $5 Trillion per year

4) The TOTAL MAXIMUM Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) will be $200 Billion per year

5) The TOTAL MAXIMUM CRYPTOCURRENCY and NFT for the Philippines will be $500 Billion per year


6) Philippines and the Filipinos will be One of the BIGGEST Holder Gold / Silver Reserves in the World ONLY After Singapore


7) Philippines and the Filipinos will be One of the BIGGEST Holders of Foreign Currency Exchange Reverses in the World


8) Philippines and the Filipinos will be One of the BIGGEST Holders of Cryptocurrency Reverses in the World


9) Filipinos will be the One of the BIGGEST Holders of Casino Chip Reserves from all Casinos in the World


10) Filipinos will be the One of the BIGGEST Holders of Non-Fungible Token / NFT Reserves in the World


11) Filipinos will be the One of the  BIGGEST Holders of Stock Exchange Market Bonds, Shares, Stocks, BPO and IPO in the World


12) Filipinos will be the One of the  BIGGEST Holders of Fine Arts / Artworks, Artifacts, Collections and Luxury / Rare Items in the World


13) Filipinos will be the One of the BIGGEST Owners of Real Estate Properties like Land, Houses, Homes, Buildings, Homes, Condos and Apartments in the World especially in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Britain / UK and Europe.


14) Filipinos will be the One of the  BIGGEST Holders and Depositors of Bank Accounts, Insurance, Trust Funds, Pensions in every country in the World 



OPERATION ONE PIECE.  the Mass Migration, Asylum and Refuge of Filipinos and Global Filipino Diaspora Plan by Country Around the World by Year 2100:

NOTE: IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines.


For United Kingdom UK / Great Britain: From 200,000 Filipinos will turn into 7 Million - 10 Million (20 Million Max) Filipinos. Including England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, London (Earl's Court, Westminster, Buckingham, Kensington, Sutton, Merton, Windsor, Gatwick, Heathrow, Chelsea, Greenwich, Knighsbridge, Woolich), Cornwall, Dover, Orkney and Shetland. Channel Islands like Jersey and Guernsey. Cities like York, Leeds, Luton, Lincoln, Rotherham, Oxford, Cambridge, Exeter, Cardiff, Caenarfon, Edinburgh, Calais, Warwick, Lancaster, Suffolk, Worthing, Barrow-in-Furness, Northampton, Southampton, Portsmouth, Hastings, Canterbury, Manchester, Gloucester, Hull, Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Coventry, Sheffield, Bristol, Birmingham, Reading, , Norwich, Glasgow, Sterling, Belfast, Douglas, Kirkwall, Lerwick, Plymouth,



5 Million Filipinos in England with 1 Million Filipinos in  London, Cambridge, York, Oxford, Manchester, Leicester, Exeter, Liverpool, Lincoln, Derby, Hull and etc

3 Million Filipinos in Scotland and Edinburgh

1 Million Filipinos in Wales and Cardiff

1 Million Filipinos in Northern Ireland and Belfast


For Spain: From 150,000 Filipinos will turn into 5 Million to 7 Million Filipinos (15 Million). Including Madrid (Tetuan, Cuitat Vella, Formentera), Mallorca, Barcelona (Sant-Montjuic, Eixample), Granada, Mellilia, Cueta, Zaragosa, Pamplona, Galicia, Asturias, Burgos, Vigo, Corunna, Marbella, Tenerife, Ibiza, Las Palmas, Toledo, Cordoba, Tudela, Bailen, Guadelajara, Salamanca, Santiago del Compostela, Malaga, Cadiz, Cartegena, Seville, Valencia, Canary Islands, Minorca and Ballearic Islands


For France: 44,967 Filipinos will turn into 2 Million to 5 Million (12 Million) Filipinos. Including French Alps, Aquitaine, Avignon, Normandy, Paris (Boulogne - Bellincourt), Orleans, Tours, Troyes, Milau, Nantes, Metz, Stratsbourg, Bayonne, Bordeaux, Rheims, Savoy, Caen, Cannes, Rouen, La Havre, Halfleur, Brittany, Toulon, Lourdes, La Salette, Falaise, Salon, Marseilles, Versailles, Chatres, Lyon, Menton, Cote d'Azur, Provence, Rhiems, Lorraine, Alsace, Nice, Ajacaio, Corsica and Calais. The Communes of Neuilly sur Seinne, Parc de Boulogne, Boulogne - Ballincourt in Paris


For Denmark (including Faeroe Islands, Funen, Jutland, Zealand, Lolland, Copenhagen, Laeso, Samso, Amager, Als, Aero, Langeland, Bornholm and Greenland): From 9,000 Filipinos will turn into 3 Million - 6 Million Filipinos


For Portugal: From 20,000 Filipinos will turn into 3 Million (11 Million) Filipinos. Including Azores, Madiera, Lisbon and Porto


For Italy: From 168,238 Filipinos will turn into 3 Million (10 Million) Filipinos. Including Rome (Termini, Flaminio, Via Calatafimi, San Silvestro, Piazza Manila, Piazza Navona) Elba, Sardinia, Pisa, Sienna, Florence, Palermo, Regio Calabria, Calabria, Campania, Turin, Puglia, Baselicata, Salerno, Lodi, Pavia, Voltri, Savona, Triste, Vicenza, Castilione, Brescia, Peschiera, Mantua, Verona, Taranto, Otranto, Parma, Alesandria, Livorno, Franzensfeste, Legnago, Genoa, Aversa, Medona, Messina, Milan, Peigdmont, Frulia, Venetto, Ravena, Venice, Naples, Bari, Genoa,  Italian Alps, and Sicily. Also the the Neighborhoods surrounding the Vatican City.


For Austria: From 30,000 Filipinos will turn into 1 Million - 5 Million Filipinos. Including  Austrian Alps, Lake Constance, Vienna, Amsteten, Graz, Salzburg, Linz, Styria, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Braunaun,


For Germany: From 80,000 Filipinos will turn into 2 Million to 4 Million (10 Million) Filipinos. Including Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Lake Constance, Puttgarden, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Munich, Lubeck, Fleinsburg, Augsburg, Ruhr, Jena, Saxony, Koblenz, Duisburg, Stuttgart, Cologne, Munster, Osnabruck, Mainz, Trier, Postdam, Gera, Bonn, Aachen, Halle, Dortmund, Essen, Regensburg, Freiburg, Erfurt, Magdaburg, Duisburg, Hamburg, Hanover, Kiel, Brandenburg, Leipzig, Bavarian Alps, Dresden, Black Forrest, Baden, Ulm and Bremen. Most Filipinos in Germany MUST be in the Territories of Former WEST GERMANY 


For the Netherlands: From 16,719 Filipinos will turn into 2 Million (5 Million) Filipinos. Amsterdam, Hertogenbosch, Breda, Ultrech, Ostend, Rotterdam and the Hague


For Belgium: From 12,224 Filipinos will turn into 2 Million (7 Million) Filipinos. Including Brussels, Ghent, Liege and Antwerp


For Poland: From 500 Filipinos will turn into 4 Million (8 Million) Filipinos. Including Warsaw, Gdanks, Lodz, Poznan, Kielce, Bialyztok, Wroclaw, Suwalki Gap, Krakow, Silesia, Lublin and the 6 Death Camps


For Czech Republic / Czechia: From 1,512 Filipinos will turn into 1 Million - 3 Million Filipinos. Including Prague (Praha), Pilsen (Plzen), Olomouc, Pardubice, Karlovy Vary, Hrdec Kralove, Jihlava, Ostrava, Zlin, Usti nad Labem, Ceske, Budejovice Silesia and Brunn (Brno)


For Slovakia: will turn into 1 Million - 3 Million Filipinos including Bratislava, Komaro, Kosice


For Slovenia: From 13 Filipinos will turn into 1 Million - 3 Million Filipinos including Ljubljana and Izola


For Malta: From 3,000 Filipinos will turn into 100,000 Filipinos especially in Valleta, Gozo, Mdina,


For Sweden: 24,456 Filipinos will turn into 400,000 to 1 Million - 4 Million Filipinos. Including Lapland, Stockholm, Kurina, Malmo, Scania and Gotland.


For Singapore: 300,000 Filipinos  will turn into 1 Million Filipinos especially in Marina District, Changi, Bukid Merah, Novena, Tanglin, Queenstown, Bedok, Rachor, Paya Lebar, Geylang, Bukid Timah, Woodlands, Downtown, Labrador Park, Lucky Plaza, Orchard Road


For Norway: From 18,000 Filipinos will turn into 200,000 to 1 Million - 4 Million Filipinos. Including Oslo, Tromso, Svalbard and Lapland.


For Switzerland: From 10,000 Filipinos will turn into 500,000 to 2 Million - 4 Million Filipinos (Mostly in Lake Geneva, Zurich, Lussane, Geneva, Vevey, Gothard, Brenner, Montreaux, Bellinzona, Davos, Ticino, Bern and the Alps)


For Greece From 61,681 Filipinos will turn into 3 Million Filipinos. Including Rhodes, Cephalonia, Athens, Patras, Larissa, Heraklion, Lesbos, Piraeus, Ioannina, Peloponnese, Epirus, Thessaloniki, Corfu, Crete and Aegean



For Central American Nations: 30 MILLION MAX. 1 Million to 5 Million Filipinos to each Nation especially in the Pacific Coast, Northern Triangle, Panama Canal and the Darien Gap. 

   1) Guatemala: 1 Million - 5 Million Filipinos - Champerico, Ocos, El Semerillo Barra Nahualate, Guetamala City, Tikal, Tulate, Sipacate, Puerto Barrios, Juliapa, Quetzaltenango, Chimaltenango, Antigua, Totonicapan, Solala, San Marcos, Huehuetenango, Escuintla, Livingston, Cuilapa, Mazatenango, Retalhuleu, Las Lisas and Puerto San Jose, Puerto Quetzal, Champerico in the Pacific Coast. The Moro (Filipino Muslims) in the Mexico - Guatemala Border in San Marcos and Tacana.

   2) Honduras: 1 Million - 5 Million Filipinos - San Lorenzo, Cedeno, Puerto Sola, San Pedro Sula, Tujillo, Islas Cisne, Roatan, Amapala, La Celba, Puerto Cortes, Tela, Puerto Lempira, Tegucigalpa, Puerto Cortez, Tela, Nacaome, El Truinfo, Choluteca, Copan and Choluteca in the Gulf of Fonseca (Pacific Coast)

   3) El Salvador: 4 Million - 7 Million Filipinos - Acajutla, San Salvador, Santa Ana, San Miguel, Tecoluca, San Luis, Colon, Santa Tecla, Acajutla, Cuscatlan, Santa Cruz, Texistepeque, Candelaria, Armenia, Izalco, Chalatenango, Metapan, Cojutepeque, Citala, Apopa, Aguilares, Lourdes, Zaragosa, Sa Isidro, Chapeltique, San Alejo, Santiago de Maria, Quetzaltepeque, El Cuco, El Carmen, San Vicente, El Transito, Carolina, Santa Rosa de Lima, Sesori, Corinto, El Mozote, Ciudad Barrios, San Francisco Gotera, Chalchuapa, Atiquizaya, Sensuntepeque, La Canoa, Sochitoto, Nueva Granada, La Palma, San Juan Opico, Ilobasco, Gojutepeque, San Agustin, Nueva Concepcion, Ahuachapan, Sonsonate, San Jorge, Nueva San Salvador, Soyapango, Ilopango, Usulutan, Comalapa, Zacatecaluca, El Cuco, Campanera, La Union, Perquin, Chirilagua, Pasaquina, Nejapa, La Libertad, La Herradura, Puerto El Triunfo, Puerto Cutucu in the Pacific Coast

   4) Nicaragua: 1 Million - 5 Million Filipinos - Lake Nicaragua, Lake Managua, Managua, Potosi, Bluefields, Puerto Canezas, Chinandega, Casares, Rivas, San Juan del Sur, Potosi, Masaya, Puerto Sandlino and san Juan del Sur in the Pacific Coast

   5) Costa Rica: 1 Million - 5 Million Filipinos - Puntarenas, San Jose, Nicoya Gulf, Talamanca, Puerto Limon, Parismina, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Domical, Golfito, Rincon, Coco, Guanacaste, Dulce Gulf and Papagayo Gulf in the Pacific Coast

   6) Panama: 1 Million - 5 Million Filipinos - Darien Gap (Yaviza), Panama Canal (Colon and Balboa), San Felix, Armila, David, Puerto Armuellas and Panama City in the Pacific Coast. The Moro (Filipino Muslims) in the Darien Gap at Yaviza.

   7) Belize: 100,000 Filipinos to 3 Million Filipinos - Belmopan, Punta Gorda, Monkey River, Dangriga, Belize City, Corozal


For Caribbean: 3 Million - 20 Million Filipinos in Total especially Cayman, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Martinique, Cayman Island, Virgin Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, St Kitts and Nevis, Anguilla, Turks and Caicos, Netherlands Antilles, Martinique, St Vincent and Grenadines, St Lucia, Guadaloupe, Aruba, Bonaire, Trinidad and Tobago (Port of Spain) with 1 Million Filipinos, Jamaica (Kingston) with 1 Million Filipinos, Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo) with 5 Million Filipinos, Haiti (Port Au Prince) with 3 Million Filipinos, Cuba (Havana, Baracoa, Santiago de Cuba, Guantanamo Bay) with 5 Million Filipinos, Curacao, Grenada (Saint George), Bermuda and ETC


For Colombia: 3 Million (12 Million) Filipinos especially at Darien Gap (Turbo). Tumaco, Pasto, Ipiales, Tumaco, Loja, Macara,Cucuta, Arauca, Mitu, Jurado, Manizales, Armeinia, Ibaque, Pereira, Popayan, Pasto, Tulua, Bahia Solano, Quibido, Bogota, Cali, Medellin, Buenaventura in the Pacific Coast. Andes. Baranquilla, Riohacha, Monteria, Sincelejo, Covenas, Pueto Bolivar, Carepa, Sincelejo, Monteria, Categena, Santa Marta in the Caribbean Coast and all the Border Crossings. The Moro (Filipino Muslims) in the Darien Gap at Turbo.


For South American Nations: 100 Million MAX. 1 - 5 Million Filipinos to each country like Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay at Ciudad del Este especially at the Pacific Coast, Bi-Oceanic Corridor and Patagonia. Also 100 Thousand to 500 Thousand Filipinos each at Guyana (Georgetown and Essequibo), Suriname (Paramaribo), French Guiana (Cayenne).

   1) Ecuador: 1 Million (10 Million) Filipinos - Galapagos Islands, Quito, Machala, Guayaquil, Santa Elena, Manta, Salinas, Porsoja, Portoviejo, Puerto Bolivar, Chone, Pasaje, and Esmeraldas in the Pacifc Coast. Taisha, San Lorenzo, Tulcan, Ibana, Logrono, Morona - Santiago, Baquerizo Moreno, Macara, Cuenca, Isla Puna, Loja, Cenpa, Riobamba, Andes. The Moro (Filipino Muslims) will be as Logrono, Taisha and Macas.

   2) Peru: 1 Million (10 Million) Filipinos - Lima, Cusco, Callao, Trujillo, Cajamarca,  Tacna, Huacho, Chiclayo, Talara, Paita, Tumbes, Talara, Piura, Huarraz, Moquegua, Puno, Desguadero, Chimbote, San Martin, Ayachuco, Salaverry, Piura, Sullana, Huanuco, Moyobamba, HuanAbancay, Puerto Maldonaldo, Cavelica, Nazca, Pisco, Ica, Ilo, Cenepa, Arequipa, Tacna, Matarani, Arica, Bi-Oceanic Corridor and Moquegua in the Pacific Coast. Andes

   3) Chile: 1 Million (10 Million) Filipinos - Santiago, Araucania Region, Arauco, Temuco, Valdivia, Imperial, Puerto Aisen Valparaiso, San Antonio, Puerto Montt, Arica, Punta Arenas, Talcahuano, La Serena, Antofagasta, Iqueque, Concepcion, Puerto Montt, Vina del Mar, Caldera, Tocopilla, Pisagua, Taltal, Chanaral, Ovaile, Osorno, Honga Roa, Lirquen, San Antonio, Ancud, Cauquenes, Lebu, Castra, Talca, Chillen, San Felipe, Copiapo, Coquimbo, Bi-Oceanic Corridor and Caldera in the Pacific Coast. Andes. Easter Island (Rapanui). The Moro (Filipinos Muslims) will be in Arraucania like Temuco, Imperial, Tucapel, Arauco, Valdivia.

   4) Argentina: 1 Million (10 Million) Filipinos - Buenos Aires, La Plata, Mar del Plata, Salta, La Quiaca, Medoza, Bahia Blanca, Santa Cruz, Rawson, Santa Fe, Resistencia, Rosario, Cordoba, Zapata,San Carlos de Bariloche, San Julian, Comodoro Rivadavia, San Miguel de Tucuman, Rio Gallego and Ushuaia in Patagonia (Pacific Coast), Bi-Oceanic Corridor Andes and Las Malvinas / Falkland Islands (under UK occupation). The Moro (Filipino Muslims) will be at the Triple Frontier Region with Brazil and Paraguay at Puerto Iguazu.


5) Paraguay: 1 Million Filipinos (3 Million Filipinos) especially at Assuncion, Sa Lorenzo, Caplata,  The Moro (Filipino Muslims) will be at the Triple Frontier Region with Brazil and Argentina at Ciudad del Este.


6) Uruguay: 1 Million Filipinos (2 Million Filipinos) - especially at Montevideo, Colonia, Punta del Este, Tacuarembo.


7) Bolivia: 1 Million (3 Million) Filipinos especially at La Paz, Santa Cruz, Lake Titicaca, Viacha, Uyuni, Sucre, Tarija, Charana, Potosi, Cobija, Oruro, Bi-Oceanic Corridor Andes and Altiplano.


 8) Venezuela: 1 Million to 2 Million Filipinos especially at Caracas, Maracaibo, Zulia, Coro, La Asuncion, San Cristobal, Maturin, Barcelona, Cumana,  Guanare, Barquisimeto, San Juan de Morros, Guiria, Santa Elena de Uairen, Puerto Paez, Guasdualito, San Juan de Colon, Rubio, Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cuarebo, Puerto la Cruz, Casanay, Ciudad Guayana, Maracay, Carupano, Machiques, Tucupita, Trujilo, San Felipe, Valencia, San Carlos, Barinas, Ciudad Bolivar, San Fernando de Apure, Merida, Puerto Ayachuco, Essequibo .


 For Finland: From  5,594 Filipinos will turn into 100,000 to 1 Million - 3 Million Filipinos. Including Helsinki, Aland and Lapland


For Hungary: From 206 Filipinos will turn into 1 Million - 3 Million Filipinos. especially in Budapest, Szeged, Gyor, Debrecen, Szigetvar, Eger, Mohacs, Pecs, Nyibator,


For Ireland: From 14,725 Filipinos will turn into 500,000 to 1 Million - 5 Million Filipinos. Including Dublin and Cork


For Australia: From 408,836  Filipinos will turn into 7 Million - 10 Million Filipinos. Mostly in Gold Coast, Northern Territory, Torres, Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Canberra, Queensland, West Australia and South Australia.


5 Million Filipinos in New South Wales and Sydney

1 Million Filipinos in Northern Territory and Darwin

2 Million Filipinos in Queensland and Brisbane

3 Million Filipinos in Victoria and Melbourne

2 Million Filipinos in South Australia and Adelaide

2 Million Filipinos in in Western Australia and Perth

500,000 Filipinos in Tasmania and Hobart

200,000 Filipinos in Canberra


 In Sydney, the Neighborhoods like Blacktown, St Clair, Mt Druit, Cambelltown, Glenfield, Rocky Hill, Erskine Park, Plumpton, Narwee, Quakers Hill, Kellyville


For Canada: From 1,104,716 Filipinos will turn into 7 Million or 10 Million Filipinos. Mostly in Yukon, Ottawa, Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Manitoba. 1/3 of 10 Million Filipinos in Canada will be in the Pacific Coast of British Columbia especially in Vancouver and the Vancouver Island. US - Canada Border like Sprague,  Rainy River, Fort Frances,  Pigeon River, Yellowknife, Whitehorse, Douglas, Fort Erie, Peace Bridge, Port Huron, Cornwall, Tolstoi,  Piney, South Junction, Pacific Highway, Lansdowne, Prescott, Coutts, Queenston, Sarnia, Angle Inlet, Osoyoos, Abbotsford-Huntington, Rainbow Bridge, Ambassador Bridge, Peace Arch, Windsor Bridge



4 to 7 Million Filipinos in British Columbia, Victoria, Osoyoos, Prince Rupert with 1 Million Filipinos in Vancouver

5 Million Filipinos in Ontario, Thunder  Bay, Niagara, Scarborough, London, Hamilton, Mississuaga and Toronto with 1 Million Filipinos in Toronto and Ottawa

4 Million Filipinos in Quebec, Quebec City and Montreal

3 Million Filipinos in Alberta, Edmonton and Calgary

500,000 to 1 Million Filipinos in Nova Scotia and Halifax

2 Million Filipinos in Saskatchewan and Regina

2 Million Filipinos in Manitoba and Winnipeg

1 Million Filipinos in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Prince Edward Island, Miquelon (France) and New Brunswick


For New Zealand: From 41,146 Filipinos will turn into 3 Million Filipinos. Including Wellington, Rotorua, Blenheim, Hamilton, Dunedin, Roratonga, Waitangi, Auckland (Henderson, Kaipatiki, Maungakiekie Tamaki, Ashburton, Mount Roskill), Christchurch, Roratonga and Cook Islands.



3 Million to 4 Million Filipinos in the North Island with 300,000 Filipinos in Wellington and 1 Million Filipinos at Auckland

3 Million Filipinos in the South Island


For Malaysia: From 245,000 Filipinos will turn into 3 Million - 8 Million Filipinos (Mostly in Borneo:  3 Million in Sabah, Banggi Island, Sandakan, Lahad Datu, Tawau,  Pitas, Labuan, Balambangan Island, Kota Marudu, Kudat, Semporna, Kota Kinabalu; the other 2 Million in Sarawak; 3 Million in West or Peninsular Malaysia like Klang, Malacca, Johor Baru and Kuala Lumpur)


For Indonesia: From 5,000 Filipinos will turn into 7 Million - 10 Million Filipinos ( 5 Million in Borneo; the other 5 Million will in Natuna, Java, Bali, Flores, Nusantara, Timor, Sulawesi, West Papua and Sumatra) The Cities of Jakarta, Palembang, Balikpapan, Bandung, Surabaya,


For Brazil: From 29,578 Filipinos will turn into 1 Million to 4 Million (40 Million) Filipinos. Including Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Guaiania, Rio de Janeiro, Belem, Macapa, Salvador, Port Alegre, Goiania, Vitoria, Aracaju, Sao Luis, Fortaleza, Curitiba, Palmas, Santos, Rio Grande, Maceio, Recife, Natal, Joao Pessoa, Parnaiba, Sao Francisco do Sul, Campo Grande, Manaus, Cuiaba, Belo Horizonte, Ilheus, Porto Velho, Boa Vista,  Rio Branco, the Bi-Oceanic Corridor and the Tri Border Region. All the Border Crossings. The Moro (Filipino Muslims) will be at the Triple Frontier Region with Argentina and Paraguay at Foz do Iguacu and Amazon Jungle like Manaus and Tocatins (Palmas).


For Belarus: 500,000 Filipinos to 1 Million Filipinos especially in Minsk, Brest, Babrusk, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Slutsk, Gomel, Zlonim, Grodno, Orsha,


For Russia especially in Crimea, Vladivostok, Kamachatka, Chukotka, Yakutia (Yakutsk), Krasnodar, Magadan,  Moscow, Khabarovsk, Primorsky, Smolensk, Belgorod, Tver, Pskop, Novgorod, Volgagrad, Sochi, Kursk, Saratov, Ryazan, Tula, Vyazma,Voronezh, Novorossiysk, Briansk, Cherlabinsk, Yakutsk, Kuban, Anapa, Kazan, Yalta, Rzhev, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Saratov, Rostov von Don, Astrakhan, Tuva, Kazan, Sakhalin, Kuril, St Petersburg, Lapland (Murmansk and Karelia) and Kaliningrad: From 6,000 Filipinos will turn into 2 Million -  5 Million Filipinos


 For India: From 2,000 Filipinos will turn into 3 Million Filipinos (Including the Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkota, New Delhi, and Andaman Islands)


For China (Mostly 1 Million Filipinos in Hong Kong and Macau. 1 Million Filipinos in Taiwan):  From 500,000 Filipinos will turn  into  2 Million Filipinos. 30,000 in Mainland China.


For Mexico: From 1,200 Filipinos will turn into 7 - 10 Million (50 - 60 Million MAX)  Filipinos. Including Baja California, Yucatan Peninsula (Gulf Coast), Tijuana, Nogales, Nueva Laredo, Juarez, Tehuantepec Isthmus (Bi-Oceanic Corridor), Guerrero Gap, Tierra Caliente, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexican Plateau, Sierra Madre del Sur, Sierra Madre Oreintal Acapulco, Mazatlan, Rosario, Acuna, Manzanillo, Sonora, Hermosillo, Los Mochis, Tepic, Santa Rosalia,  Ensanada, Guererro Negro, San Felipe, Puerto Penasco, Sonoyta, Ciudad Obregon, San Jeronimo, Puerto Escondido, Lazaro Cardenas, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, Casas Grandes, Jimenez, Delicias, Poza Rica, Ciudad del Carmen, Coaztzalcoalcos, Matamoros, Reynosa, Monterrey, Coatzacoalcos, Cuernavaca, Toluca, Tlaxcala, Leon, Islas Tres Marias, Islas Revillagigedo, Villahermosa, Merida, Cancun, Gudalajara, Puebla, Aguascalientes, Gunanjuato, Durango, Saltillo, San Luis Potosi, Ciudad Victoria, Chetumal,Iguala, Zacatecas, Morelia, Chihuahua, Morelia, Chilpnacingo, Hermosillo, Tepic, Tenosique, Altamira, Tampico, Penasco, Salina Cruz, Guaymas, Loreto, Queretaro, La Paz, San Quintin, Culliacan, Tapachula, Torreon, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexicali, Puerto Madero, Palanque, Durango, Zacatecas, Mexico City, Cancun and Cabo San Lucas, Sinaloa, Michoacan, Jalisco, Veracruz (Gulf Coast), Guerrero, Chiapas, Oaxaca Colima and Nayarit in the Pacific Coast. Federal District of MEXICO CITY, Also the "LA BESTIA" Railroad Network, US - Mexico Border and Mexico - Guatemala Border and Mexico - Belize Border. The Moro (Filipino Muslims) will be in Chiapas (Palenque, Tuxtla Gutierrez, San Critobal de las Casas, Chiapa de Corzo, Paredon, Puerto Madero, Puerto Arista), Oaxaca, Yucatan Peninsula and the Mexico - Guatemala Border at Tapachula.


4 to 20 Million Filipinos in the Pacific Coast of Nayarit, Sonora, Michoacan, Colima, Baja California, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas

2 to 10 Million Filipinos in the Gulf Coast of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Tabasco and Campeche

1 to 10 Million Filipinos the Center of Durango, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Zacatecas, Nuevo Leon and Puebla

300,000 - 1 Million Filipinos in Mexico City (Federal District)


For Japan: From 825,000 Filipinos will turn into 3 Million Filipinos. Including Bonin Islands, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima, Fukushima, Iwate, Miyagi, Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Okinawa and Hokkaido.


For Korea (mostly in South Korea, Seoul, Busan, Pusan and Jeju Island): From 80,000 Filipinos will turn into 1 Million Filipinos. 10 - 30 Filipinos in North Korea especially at Pyongyang.


For United States of America (US / USA): From 5 Million Filipinos will turn into 25 Million to 35 Million (50 - 100 Million MAX) Filipinos. Mostly in California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington State, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, Guam, Massachusetts, Wyoming, West Virginia, New Mexico, Louisiana, Alaska (like Aleutian Islands, Kodiak and Diomede Islands) Puerto Rico,Virginia, Washington DC, Michigan, Minnesota, Georgia, Maryland, Arizona, Utah and Illinois. 


If CHINA ATTACKS AND INVADES THE PHILIPPINES, Filipinos will have 70 Million to 100 Million Filipinos (including US Born Filipinos and Americans with Filipino Ancestry) in the United States of America by 2100.


Hawaii will be 1 Million Filipinos especially in Big Island / Hilo, Oahu / Honolulu, Midway Island, Wake Island, Waikiki, Kailua, Lanai, Kahalui, Lihue, Kona, Kaunakakai, Maui, Kauai and Molokai; Saipan will be 20,000 Filipinos; Guam will be 70,000 Filipinos; Marianas will be 30,000 Filipinos; American Samoa will be 30,000 Filipinos; Puerto Rico will be 1 Million Filipinos; US Virgin Islands will be 50,000 Filipinos.


1/3 of the 35 - 50 Million Filipinos in the US will be in the 4 US Pacific Coast States of California, Oregon Washington and Alaska: 


California with 10 Million to 16 Million Filipinos [mostly in Los Angeles County (Burbank, Panorama, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, Palmdale, Santa Clarita, Lancaster, North Hollywood, Santa Monica, Pasadena, La Canada, San Fernando, Granada Hills, Chatsworth, Woodland Hills, San Pedro, Mahattan Beach, Huntington Beach, Lynwood, Lakewood, La Crescenta, Montrose, Long Beach, Carson City, Acton, Aqua Dulce, Covina, Artesia, Comerce, Industry, Altadena, Reseda, Northridge, Westchester, Playa Vista, Arleta, Sun Valley, Pacoima, Westwood, Westlake Village, Downtown, Echo Park, Sherman Oaks, West Covina, Glendora, San Dimas, LAX, Historic Filipinotown, Irwindale, Duarte, Arcadia, Culver, Cerritos, Monrovia, Pomona, Azusa, North Hils, San Fernando, Granada Hills, Rowland Heights, Artesia, Torrance, Lomita, Venice, Westlake, La Puente, Eagle Rock, Valencia, East Hollywood, North Hollywood, Hollywood, Glendale, etc), Santa Barbara County (Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez, Carpinteria, Lompoc, Goleta, Santa Maria, Montecito), Ventura County (Ventura, Simi Valley, Ojai, Port Hueneme, Oxnard, Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, etc), Riverside County (Riverside, Coachella, Palm Springs Cathedral City), Monterrey Bay, San Francisco Bay Area (San Francisco, Suisan City, Concord, Milipitas, Petaluma, Antioch, Napa, Brentwood, Sunnyvale, Redwood City, Gilroy, Colma, Freemont, Hayward, Solano, Fairfield, Palo Alto, Cupertino, San Bruno, Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, Menlo Park, Los Altos, Livermore, Vacaville, Santa Rosa, San Rafael, Placerville, San Jose, Union City, Daly City, Berkeley, San Mateo, Vallejo, Oakland, Alameda), San Luis Obispo County (San Simeon, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, Cambria), Merced County, San Bernandino County (San Bernandino, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead, Fontana, Ontario, Rialto, Colton and etc), Lake Tahoe, Kings County, Imperial County, Fresno County (Fresno, Visalia), Stanislaus County (Modesto, Ceres), San Diego County, (San Diego, Chula Vista, Escondido, Mira Mesa, National City, San Ysidro), San Joaquin County, Marin County, Sonoma County, Napa County, Madera County, Mariposa County,  Tulare County (Tulare), Orange County (Irvine, Seal Beach, Newport Beach, Dana Point, Buena Park, Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Orange, Fullerton, Laguna Beach, Tustin, Corona, Santa Ana, Laguna Niguel, San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point, etc ), Kern County (Bakersfield, Tehachapi), Sacramento County (Sacramento, Stockton, Davies, Elk Grove)]. And the Emerald Triangle. 


Oregon [mostly in Portland and Salem] with 2 Million Filipinos. 


Washington State [mostly in Seattle, Tacoma, Bellevue, Olympia and Bellingham] with 3 Million - 7 Million Filipinos. 


Alaska of 500,000 to 1 Million Filipinos in Fairbanks, Seward, Kenai, Homer, Nome, Palmer, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Barrow, Prudhoe Bay, Valdez, Anchorage and Juneau


California                  - 10 Million - 16 Million Filipinos

Texas                         -  8 Million - 10 Million Filipinos

Florida                      - 4 Million Filipinos

New York                  - 6 Million Filipinos

Washington               - 7 Million Filipinos

Oregon                      - 4 Million Filipinos

Illinois                       - 6 Million Filipinos

Arizona                     - 4 Million Filipinos

New Jersey                - 4 Million Filipinos

New Mexico             - 3 Million Filipinos

Nevada                      - 2 Million Filipinos

Georgia                     - 6 Million Filipinos

Louisiana                  - 2 Million Filipinos

Maryland                  - 3 Million Filipinos

Virginia                     - 3 Million Filipinos

Hawaii                       - 3 Million Filipinos

Puerto Rico               - 1 Million Filipinos

West Virginia            - 3 Million Filipinos

Michigan                   - 3 Million Filipinos

Pennsylvania             - 4 Million Filipinos

Utah                          - 4 Million Filipinos

Colorado                   - 3 Million Filipinos

Minnesota                 - 3 Million Filipinos

Massachusetts           - 4 Million Filipinos

Connecticut               - 3 Million Filipinos

Wyoming                  - 1 Million Filipinos

Idaho                        - 1 Million Filipinos

Montana                   - 1 Million Filipinos

Indiana                     - 3 Million Filipinos

Ohio                         - 3 Million Filipinos

Wisconsin               - 3 Million Filipinos

North Dakota          - 1 Million Filipinos

South Dakota          - 1 Million Filipinos

North Carolina        - 3 Million Filipinos

South Carolina        - 3 Million Filipinos

Alaska                     - 400,000 - 1 Million Filipinos

Washington DC       - 300,000 - 500,000 Filipinos

Delaware                 - 700,000 Filipinos

Tennessee                - 3 Million Filipinos

Kentucky                 - 3 Million Filipinos

Missouri                  - 2 Million Filipinos

Kansas                     - 2 Million Filipinos

Arkansas                  - 1 Million Filipinos

Oklahoma                - 2 Million Filipinos

Nebraska                  - 1 Million Filipinos

Iowa                         - 1 Million Filipinos

Mississippi               - 1 Million Filipinos

Alabama                  - 1 Million Filipinos

Maine                      - 700,000 Filipinos

New Hampshire      - 600,000 Filipinos

Vermont                   - 700,000 Filipinos



The Other Biggest US Cities will be New Orleans, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin, Annapolis, Baltimore, New York City / NYC [Queens (Elmhurst, Jamaica, Woodside, Jack Heights, Hollis, Corona, Rego Park, Laguardia, JFK), Manhattan (5th Avenue, 2nd Avenue, Soho, Chelsea, Times Square, East Village, Hell's Kitchen, Gramercy Park, Tribeca, Central Park, Lower Eastside "especially at Allen St from Houston St to Delancey St", Lower Midtown, Lower Mahattan, Upper Midtown, Peter Cooper Village, Eastside, Greenwich Village, Upper Eastside), Brooklyn (Kensington, Cobble Hill, Greenpoint), Long Island (Eastern Long Island, Nassau, Suffolk), Staten Island (Eltingville, Bulls Head, Rosebank), Bronx (Northeast Yonkers)], Chicago (Lakeview, Edgewater, O' Hare, O'Hare International Airport, Chicago Midway International Airport, Uptown, Albany Park, Albany Park, North Chicago, Jefferson park, East Village, Northalsted, Corwith, Lower West Side, Naperville, Southside, Chicago Lawn, Chatham, Evergreen Park, Roseland, Back of the Yards, Oaklawn, Uptown, Kenosha, Hyde Park, Montrose, Welles Park, Wicker Park, Logan Square, Lawndale, Portage Park, Cicero, Eastside, Hollywood Park, Lincoln Square, Austin, Cullerton, Wood, Morgan, Crystal Lake, South Shore, Pocket Town, Lincoln Heights, West Woodland, Forest View, Avondale, Rosemont,  North Lawndale, Chicago Heights, West Pullman, Belmont Cragin,  Morgan Park, Calumet Park, Kimball, Horner Park, Sherman Park, Rogers Park, Roseland, Pullman, West Pullman, Austin, South Side, Burnham, Norwood Park, Auburn Park, Joliet, Alsip, Dolton, Sheridan Park, Englewood, Near NorthSide, Chicago Loop, Near South Side, New City, Bridgeport, Brighton Park, Near West Side, Lower West Side, McKinley Park, Greater Grand Crossing, West Loop Gate, Riverdale, Garfield Park, Irving Park, Des Plaines, Forest Glen, Elgin, Harvey, Woodlawn, Hubbard, Humbolt Park, Glenview, Skokie, Aurora, Paulina, Pilsen, West Chicago, Oak Park, Elmond Park, Evanston, Pulaski Park, Litle Village, The Loop, Gage Park, West Town, Burbank, West Loop Gate, North Mayfair, Irving Park, Lincoln Square, West Ridge, Glendale Heights, Morton Grove, North Chicago, Skokie, Waukegan), Washington DC [(Mount Pleasant, Columbia Heights, Lanier Heights, Northwest Washington, Logan Circle, Dupont Circle, Kingman Park, Capitol Hill, Downtown, Southwest, Atlas District, Barney Circle, Brookland, Langdon, Georgetown, Carver / Langston, Edgewood, Bellevue, Washington Heights), Arlington, Alexandria, Bethesda, Silver Spring, Silver Hill, Suitland, College Park, Beltsville, Langley Park, Wheaton, Riverdale, Chevy Chase, Greenbelt, McLean, Herndon, Falls Church, Tysons Corner, Langley, Quantico, Richmond, Lanham, Oxon Hill, Vienna, Springfield, Fort Washington, Frederick, Seebrook, Reston, Rockville, Gaitherburg, Potomac], Albany, Rochester, Buffalo, Houston, Pheonix, Tucson, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reno, Richmond, Quantico, Colorado Springs, Golden, Flagstaff, Laughlin, Carson City, Riverdale, Silverspring, Seattle, Portland, Langley, Tacoma, Tulwila, Henderson, Waipahu, Maui, Hilo, Waikiki, Harrisburg, Charlotte, Columbus, Oklahoma City, Green Bay, Niagara, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Boulder, Minneapolis - Saint Paul, Duluth, , Indianapolis, Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Denver, Salt Lake City, Albuquerque, Boston, Colorado Springs, Hoboken, El Paso, Glendale (AZ), Flagstaff, Sandy City, League City, Galveston, Texas City, Tallahassee, St Petersburg, Laredo, Nogales, San Isidro, Candem, Jersey City, Newark, Port Huron, Honululu, Waikiki, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Kauai, Lewiston, Ogdensburg, Alexandria, Bay, Pinecreek, Grand Portage, Saulte Ste Marie, International Falls, Baudette, Arlington, Warroad, Roseau, Lancester, Massena, Bakersfield, Tampa, Pacoima, Arleta, Sun Valley, Reseda, Orlando, Cincinati, Blaine Peace Arch, Oroville Crossing, Blaine Pacific Highway, Ambassador Bridge, Rainbow Bridge, Windsor Bridge, Long Island, Atlanta, Savannah, Sumas, Niagara Falls, Las Vegas, Reno, Seraucus, Carson City (NV), Bergen, Bergenfield, Union City, Edison, Tampa, Norfolk, Alexandria, Virginia Beach, Atlantic City, Detroit.                       


Puerto Rico (San Juan, Isabela and Ponce). 


Neighborhoods around the Domestic / International Airports, Seaports, Freeway / Tollway Junctions (Interchanges) and Entry-Exit Ramps, Toll Plazas, Prisons / Jails, Shipping Canals, Raildroads, Cruise Ship Ports, State Capitols, Cities, Transporation Hubs, Sports Centers / Stadiums, Logistics Hubs, Business Districts, Trade Centers, Financial Centers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Distribution Centers, People Mover / Monorail Stations, Rail Yards, Rail Stations, Bus Stations / Terminals, Tourist Spots, Downtowns, Suburbs, US - Mexico Border Crossings and US - Canada Border Crossings.


For Middle East and North Africa: From 2 Million Filipinos will turn into 5 Million -7 Million Filipinos especially the Moro (Filipino Muslims)


For Turkey / Turkiye: 2 Million Filipinos (Mostly in Istanbul, Edirne, Ankara, Izmir and Northern Cyprus) for the Moro (Filipino Muslims)



For Sub - Saharan Africa or Most of Africa: 5 Million Filipinos


For South Africa: 5 Million Filipinos especially in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Durban


For Gibraltar: 5,000 - 10,000 Filipinos


For Cyprus: From 30,000 Filipinos will turn into 500,000 - 1 Million Filipinos especially in Nicosia, Paphos, Limassol, Ayia Napa


For Iceland: From 2,000 Filipinos will turn into 50,000 to 500,000 or 1 Million Filipinos especially in Reykjavik


 For San Marino: 6,000 Filipinos especially in San Marino, Dogana and Serravalle


For Brunei: From 20,000 Filipinos to 200,000 in Brunei Proper like Bandar Seri Begawan and 100,000 Filipinos in the Limbang Gap (under Sarawak, Malaysia)


 For Andorra: 15,000 Filipinos especially in Andorra la Vella


 For Liechtenstein : 10,000 Filipinos especially in Vaduz


For Luxembourg: 250,000 Filipinos especially in Luxembourg City


For Monaco: 12,000 Filipinos especially in Montecarlo


For Ukraine: 3 - 5 Million Filipinos. Including Kyiv (Kiev), Odesa (Odessa), Zhitomir, Vinnytsia, Kryvyi Rih, Brody, Lutsk, Kurson, Uman, Dnipro, Chremenchuk, Ternopil, Khammanetz - Pidolski (Khmelnytsky), Szravaz, Mykolaiv, Pripiat, Hostomel, Bucha, Irpin, and Lviv. NOTE: West Bank of the Dnipro River and Away from Crimea.


For Papua New Guinea: 3 Million Filipinos especially Port Moresby, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, Manus, New Ireland, Louisiade Archipelago, D'entrecasteaux Islands, Lae, Madang, Popondetta, Alotau, New Hanover, Woodlark, Daru, Kerema, Wewak, Vanimo, Aitape, Samarai, Inu, Umboi and Bougainville,


For Timor Leste (East Timor): 1 Million Filipinos especially Dili, Suai, Viqueque, Beacu, Lospalos, Iliomar, Manatuto, Kupang, Baucau


For Solomon Islands: 1 Million Filipinos especially Honaira, Kirakira, Buala, Auki, Gizo, Lata, Taro and Guadacanal


For Pacific Island Nations: 3 Million Filipinos especially at Marianas, Saipan, Guam, Nuie, Wake Island, Midway Island, Tuvalu, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Pitcairn, Wallis and Fortuna, New Caledonia, Hawaii, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Tokelau, American Samora, Kiribati, Palau, Cook Islands, French Polynesia (Tahiti), Christmas Island, Easter Island (Rapanui), Clipperton, Socorro Islands.


For Mainland Southeast Asia: 3 Million Filipinos especially Saigon, Phnom Phen, Yangon, Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket, Sihanoukville


For  South Asia: 3 Million Filipinos


For Balkans: 5 Million Filipinos especially in Belgrade, Zangreb, Sarajevo, Sofia, Varna, Split, Banja Luka, Luzla, Mostar, Chisinau, Tiraspol, Timisoara, Ploiesti, Neum, Herceg Novi, Ilcinj, Dubronik, Bijela, Budva, Tivat, Bar, Tirgoviste, Durres, Vlore, Lezhe, Galati, Iasi, Craiova, Brasov, Sarande, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Tirana, Pristina, Podgorica, Bucharest, Tarnovo, Skopje, Iron Gates, Focsani Gate and Gates of Trajan. The Moro (Filipino Muslims) in Bosnia


For Central Asia: 2 Million Filipinos


For Caucasus: 3 Million Filipinos especially at Yerevan, Sevan and Tblisi


For Sri Lanka: 1 Million Filipinos especially in Colombo


For Madagascar : 4 Million Filipinos


For Atlantic Ocean: 2 Million Filipinos


For Indian Ocean ( including Reunion, Seychelles, Maldives and Mauritius): 1 Million Filipinos


For Baltic States: 3 Million Filipinos especially in Talinn, Siaulai, Vilnius, Riga, Liepaja, Kaunas