The Novel Coronavirus and other emerging Covid-19 multiple variants have originated in various parts of the world. Let’s throw some light on the genre in Coronaviruses and their existing virus lineages. Out of these numerous variants, some have been categorized as Variants of Concern (VOC).
Their spread trajectory is constantly being monitored for further mutations in the viral genome. All that can be said is that Coronaviruses have gradually learned not only to thrive in the primary host species but jump over to newer neighbouring species (Spillovers) as well. They are also capable of reinfecting us recurrently after getting back transferred from humans to animals (Reverse Zoonosis).
Meaning of Mutations, Lineages and any Virus Variants
Even the slightest change that occurs in a virus genetic code results in a new mutation. Mutations happen frequently and can occur anytime within the virus genome. Like when infecting another new organism or while replicating itself by using the new host's body.
Due to frequent mutations that may be many or singular in number, sometimes the basic characteristics of the original virus undergo a major change. For example, the viral epidemiology of the new contagion becomes entirely different from the parent. This nonnative virus is regarded as a new variant or new viral strain. A variant differs from the antecedent virus but its behaviour or operating mechanism may or may not match the original viral strain.
A group of closely related variants of a virus originating from a single ancestor with similar genetic changes are known to form a lineage. A lineage can be further divided into sub-lineages and clubbed together to form a group of lineages.
A Variant of Concern (VOC) or A Variant of Interest (VOI) - A group of closely related variants or strains that may require immediate public health action in near future.
Variants of Coronavirus
As and when Coronaviruses infect a host organism, they get inside the cells and replicate making numerous copies of their RNA strand. In case a copying mistake occurs then the RNA sequence changes or is said to have undergone mutation. If this mutation makes it easier for the virus to infect and multiply in people, this change gets favoured by the process of natural selection. In other words, strains of this mutated virus will increase in number and behave as the raw material for that virus evolution.
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- Alpha variant (B.1.1.7 and Q lineages)
- Beta variant (B.1.351 and descendent lineages)
- Gamma (P.1 and descendent lineages
- Delta variant (B.1.617.2).
- Delta Plus variant AY.4.2 (Beta and delta combination)
- Mu variant (B.1.621 B.1.621.1)
- R.1
- Lambda (C.37)
- Epsilon ( B.1.427 and B.1.429)
- Eta (B.1.525)
- Iota (B.1.526)
- Kappa (B.1.617.1)
- B.1.617.3
- Theta (P.3)
- Zeta (P.2)
- Omicron variant (B.1.1.529)
- IHU (B.1.640)
- Deltacron (Delta and Omicron)
Variants of Concern (VOC) or Variant of Interest (VOI) at this Time
In present scenario research, three variants are being continuously monitored for further mutations -
Delta variants
B.1.617.2 and AY lineages (Pango Lineage).
Omicron variants
B.1.1.529 and BA lineages (Pango Lineage).
Deltacron {Delta+Omicron}
A new ‘Deltacron’ Covid strain evolved from a combination of Delta and Omicron variants.
Meaning of Spillovers or Jumping from One Species to Another
Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), is a Novel virus that is solely responsible for the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus, in this case, evolved itself by jumping from bats to human beings. This transmission was, of course, not direct and the crossing between the two species became feasible only with the help of an intermediary mammal.
This rarely occurring phenomenon giving rise to the Covid-19 pandemic is the justified example of a ‘Spillover Event’. This pathogen spillover occurs only when both primary and secondary host species have been in close contact for a while and are continuously interacting with each other. In other words, the population density of both species in a given area and their connectivity decides whether the jumping of pathogens from one species to another will occur or not.
Chances of Spillover
These chances are determined by exposure to pathogens of the new host, its subsequent survival and acceptance in the second host organism’s body, vector behaviour, genetic and physiological changes impeding inside the new host.
Reverse Zoonosis
An infection or disease can get transferred from humans to animals under natural conditions such as to pets or any other animal for that matter is termed as "Reverse Zoonosis”or Zooanthroponosis.
It is believed that more than half of the emerging contagious diseases spreading in this era are zoonotic in origin. Findings suggest that Influenza and Coronaviruses are behaving in a similar fashion. Experts say SARS, H5N1 and H1N1 influenza diseases are a result of Zooanthroponosis transmission due to the formation of animal disease reservoirs.
A human-animal interface i.e. whenever human and animal body fluids come in contact is making the transfer of pathogens possible. So, we can say that it is an important determinant in new possible disease emergence.
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Reintroduction or outbreak of further mutated pathogens into human populations can occur without timely intervention. It will have grave consequences especially in the case of Flu and Coronaviruses.
We are going to discuss IHU and Deltacron in this article that has become a hot topic of conversation lately pertaining to the current ongoing pandemic.
Before proceeding further, let’s draw a comparison between Omicron and Delta for a better understanding of Deltacron -
Omicron Vs Delta
According to scientific observations all Delta, Delta Plus and Omicron variants are highly contagious. This means that the newly developed viral strains that multiply rapidly or possess high pathological activity with enhanced virulence will prevail and rather outnumber the other variants as they get favoured by the law of natural selection.
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Omicron virus multiplies at a rapid rate and possesses the capability to inculcate variations or changes that one can possibly even think of.
Delta virus on the other hand is more severe in action than Omicron and is largely responsible for the increased mortality rate among those infected by Covid-19.
The viral load of Omicron is very high when compared with any other Delta variant. Studies state a 13 fold increase of virus infectivity in the newly mutated Omicron as compared to Delta. This implies that someone infected with any Omicron variant will pass the infection to others at a faster pace in contrast to those people who suffer from the Covid-19 Delta variant.
Omicron onset has put kids especially under the age of 5 and adolescents at greater risk of catching an infection and turning them into asymptomatic carriers compared to the Delta variant.
Predecessor Delta variant travels deep down into the lungs and multiplies rapidly damaging lung tissues whereas Omicron variants constrain themselves to the upper respiratory tract in humans.
IHU - Another Variant of Coronavirus
Named after the University Hospital Institute Mediterranean Infection (short form- IHU), persons suffering from this variant of the Corona have been observed mostly in France so far.
IHU (B.1.640) differs from SARS CoV-2 original strain in the number of mutations that are 46 in total. This number includes some amino acids substitutions at N501Y and E484K, and 9 deletions in the spike protein.
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This is purely a case of genetic divergence that took place in a fairly isolated population.
Genetic divergence is the process in which accumulated genetic changes over time lead to diversification in species and in this case emergence of new virus lineages. Divergence also accounts for the process behind speciation and evolution through natural selection.
The nature of this Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) virus is similar to SARS-CoV-2 original strain that is ‘to mutate’. Researchers depict that the mutation in the spike protein will increase this variant transmissibility and chances of reinfection. They have found that this particular strain carries the E484K mutation which makes it even more resistant to the existing vaccines. It is said that if this IHU variant undergoes a significantly large number of mutations, it will definitely pose serious health implications among individuals all around the globe.
Deltacron - Hybrid of Delta and Omicron Variants
A person is said to have developed a Covid infection when he or she gets infected with one and only one of all the above-mentioned variants of Coronaviruses. In a quite extreme opportunity or a rare occurrence a person can get affected by two variants of Corona at the same time. These happenings can be regarded as similar to those when a double-infection of Flu and Corona called Florona infects a single individual.
As they multiply and replicate using the same organism machinery, they ultimately infect a single cell. These create chances of swapping genes between both RNA viruses and mixing of their other genomic constituents. As a result, a new version of the virus is obtained, coining the term as ‘A Hybrid Virus’.
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Deltacron was first discovered in Cyprus. It combines features of both Delta and Omicron with substantial evidence confirming its existence.The identification of Omicron-like genetic signatures within the Delta genome in Deltacron have led scientists to issue a forewarning that - ‘hybrids or a hybrid variant can be much worse than Omicron, Delta, IHU, Flu and Florona put together’.
Though it is not confirmed yet whether Deltacron is a more contagious or dangerous strain than others, hybrids have the potential to create a greater public health hazard than one can possibly imagine.
Are Vaccines Effective?
RNA viruses evolve quickly when compared to other virus families because of their adaptive capabilities to recombine with other viruses and acquire point mutations. Thus, recombination between different viral lineages leads to the emergence of new viral variants that can be held responsible for interspecies transmission or spillovers between species.
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Generalizing, no vaccine produced to date can be regarded as fully effective against all the viral strains.
Analyzed data shows populations at the highest risk or those more susceptible to infection include:
- Older adults
- People with certain underlying medical conditions (including infants and young children)
- Individuals already suffering from any sort of chronic illness
- Pregnant women not vaccinated against Corona and Influenza
- Immunocompromised individuals are most susceptible to catching these viruses
- Co-infections are more likely to occur in unvaccinated people especially young children and those staying in colder areas.
Is Recombination Really Taking Place?
Merging of the genetic code of two separate viral strains or different viruses is a common occurrence. The forming novel combinations are known to lend viruses their superpowers or their increasing virulence with passing time. In viruses like Sars-CoV-2 recombinations can have immediate effects resulting in consummate changes in a single go or may have Long-Covid residual impact that brings with it multifarious associated health problems post Covid-19 occurrence.
This unswerving pandemic is giving rise to increasing vulnerability in masses, weakened immune systems and setting up major challenges in front of everyone as to what further mutations in viruses may lead to. It has thus become all the more important to identify and create an accord of these infectious lines well in advance. Human populations that are at higher risk i.e. in continuous exposure to animals and can turn into new potential zoonotic agents should be continuously monitored until a permanent solution is devised.
Where to Buy All Necessary Covid-19 Essentials?
These are tough times! Get all the necessary Covid-19 care essentials anytime at your doorstep at reasonable prices from Ubuy. Follow the below-mentioned steps to keep yourself and your dear ones safe & sound.
- Wear a mask and sanitize regularly.
- Reinforce social distancing, get vaccinated and eat healthily!
- Follow WHO guidelines and strictly abide by the set down Covid norms.
- Save yourself as well as billions of other lives!
"We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving." - by J.K. Rowling
For this article, information was gathered from various resources available online and offline after doing intense research issued in the general public interest. The products listed on our website do not guarantee prevention or cure from Covid-19 or Influenza variants. If any person is suffering from the above-mentioned symptoms, he or she should take precautions as per Covid guidelines issued from time to time by health authorities. Consult the doctor as soon as possible and consume prescribed medicines only.