
Israel did 9/11

USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair
False Flag: An attack done in order to get the blame on someone else , in favour of winning public opinion , to portray the ones who didn't do the attack as they did it. False Flag in recent history: Gulf of Tonkin which led to the Vietnam war.
During the Arab Israeli war an American vessel was driving through international waters when it was attacked by Israel, survivors said it could not have been a mistake as the vessel had the US flag and its name bright on it
why would Israel Attack an American vessle when their allies, its becasues they wanted to get the blame on Egypt so the US would enter the six day war, this fasle flag attack wasn't successful, below is a good documentary about the event. 
In America the survivors were all Jailed if they said the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel_ Many refused to then talk about it with anyone_
USS Liberty in a nutshell 

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The lavon affair was a series of events in Egypt, it was the bombing of western set agencies in Egypt, bombing were all Carried out by Zionists.
A good article on it:
The USS Liberty is the perfect example of a failed false flag. 
Israeli Shekel 1968_Predictive Programming at its finest    
9/11 in five minutes 
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To find out who did 9/11 , look at the one who's benefitting of from it the most.
Netanyahu's immediate reaction to the news of 9/11
04/10/2001 -
Ariel Sharon(Israeli prime minister) "Don't appease the Arabs at our expense" Just a month before the attack, which is interesting
On the morning of September 11 a bunch of Israelis with cameras already set up pointing towards the world trade towers where caught High fiving, dancing and celebrating when the planes hit_People who saw this found it quite unusual and called the police _
A recording of a video where the fbi does catch people with white explosives_ A truck load of explosives were caught on the Day with Explosives and those people were all Israeli Mossad agents who then were arrested by the FBI_ later released and deported back to Israel


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The evidence was all destroyed and the Israeli mossad agents caught and arrested by the fbi on the day_were all released and deported back to israel by a Israeli dual nationalist Michael Chertoff_Keep in mind Destruction of Evidence in a crime scene itself is a crime_
"By the way of Deception thou shall do war" A Mossad Motto
A video of a Live BBC news report where the Journalist talking about the Fall of World Trade Center Building 7, all while she's talking Building 7 is standing right behind her.

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Ill leave a playlist below on proving 9/11 as being an inside job/Mossad operation alongside the CIA involvement and the Saudis who I consider crypto Jews were all used as patsies. 
Christopher Bollyn is the guy I believe to have solved 9/11 to the dot.
Israel has a big history of false flaggers prior to and after 9/11_ solving 9/11 audiobook
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Dr Alan Sabrosky "the military knows 9/11 was a Mossad operation, If one building was wired for demolition, all of them were wired for demolition"
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Netanyahu "Predicts" 9/11 in 1995 , how on earth can anyone have such an accurate prediction?
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A quietly buried WTC FACT by Ken O Keefe 
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World trade centre building 7 falling on free fall, be honest with yourself, this was a wired demolition. 
According to Architects and Engineers _ A group of Professionals lead by Richard Gage _ This was Indeed a Controlled Demolition
A project For A New American Century
Which states a new pearl harbour would be needed, Created by dual nationalists and Americans[PNAC]
A group of people whom are mostly Jewish dual Nationalists but not all.
Zionist Neocons and Israeli dual citizens operating within the United States created a think tank named "A Project for a new American Century"
These men included James Woolsey, John Bolton, Paul Wolfowitz, Morton Abramowitz, Eliot Cohen, AaronFriedberg, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld  , Dov Zakheim, William Kristol, and Robert Kagan_PNAC's document "Rebuilding America's Defenses," called for a "new pearl harbor" event to justify American (read Israeli) imperial ambitions across the middle east and Africa.  The plans contained in their documents [which were published only 8 months before 9/11] are being carried out word for word, and have been for the past 17 years straight.  Hundreds of players involved in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks have been earning billions of dollars in profit through the military industrial complex controlled by Jewish Central banking families [see Rothschild].  These parasites have been bleeding the United States dry for decades, putting Americans 20 trillion dollars in debt while using and sacrificing its military as Israel's attack dogs.  The US and her allies have been used as nothing more than pawns to carry out the bidding of the Zionist State of Israel's genocide and expansion plans known as' The Greater Israel project "aka" The Oded Yinon Strategy

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Ken O Keefe talking about Mossad Links with 9/11
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Alan Sabroskys an army war college veteran interview regarding 9/11
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Government lying about Osama bin laden accepting responsibility, :Osama bin Laden had connections with the bush family
, if America wanted to kill him they had many chances to but they didn't , Bin laden also had close ties with the CIA as he also used to be a cia general himself, the entire Al qaeda and Osama bin laden thingy was nothing more then media propaganda _ in all truth Al Qaeda is a group of paid mercenaries
funded by mossad_raw_cia 
Now government lying he died in Abbottabad Pakistan, why? Because they wanted to invade Pakistan alongside Afghanistan, 2 in 1 , the official story put by the US government was nothing more then a hoax , the mossad and the US along side traitors from the Pakistani government were involved in the hoax , the seal team that apparently shot Osama bin laden were in a helicopter that crashed later right after because the "Taliban" shot it down.
The "Taliban" shoot down the seal team plane right after they just killed Osama Bin Laden. p.s it was the US and Mossad that did it.
Playlist on 9/11, investigations , Israeli connections with the attack.
9/11- False flags - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYPXPTLEh11BSYUF-SaLpig39B8H9sTng 
Good sites on the topic regarding 9/11 : Christopher Bollyn , Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 (ae911truth.org) , 911 New World Order | (911nwo.com)  
The reason I am recommending you these sites is so you can figure out for yourself if it was an inside job or not, if you have any sort of sense you should come to the conclusion it was. There's no need solving every little detail , the main goal is to know the agenda , and who was behind it and why: My answer here is to find out who was mainly behind the attacks , you look to the country that benefitted of from it the most , which is clearly Israel.
Some more worth mentioning false flags _ King David Hotel _ London Bombings _ Lockerbie 
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