
Everything You Need To Know About Piles Diagnosis And Its Treatment

Plies result from swollen veins in the anus and the lower rectum. If you suffer from it, you may experience bleeding, pain, and difficulty while passing stools. The severity of pain and bleeding depends upon their level. There are four grades of Haemorrhoids. Each stage of Haemorrhoids is characterised by a set of symptoms and complications. If you observe any signs, checking with a doctor and getting started with Piles treatment is recommended.




A detailed evaluation is necessary for an accurate diagnosis. The doctor conducts a visual examination and a glove rectal test. They insert a lubricated finger in your rectum to check for Haemorrhoids. Rectal examination and proctoscopy examination are two standard diagnostic tests the doctor recommends. In some cases, you also need to undergo sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy diagnosis procedures.


In these procedures, a small fibre optic camera is fitted into a small tube inserted inside the rectum. This gives the doctor a clear view of the inside of the rectum to examine Haemorrhoids. Once the doctor gets the results from diagnostic tests and reviews your medical profile, they suggest a suitable Piles treatment plan.  




This primarily depends upon the Piles stage you get diagnosed with and the severity of symptoms. If detected early, Piles can be treated by making dietary and lifestyle changes. For pain relief, you can try warm compress. The doctor also recommends over-the-counter medication and ointment to relieve burning sensation and itching.


However, the doctor suggests medical procedures if the condition does not improve. Two types of surgical options are available: conventional and minimal invasive procedures for Haemorrhoids (MIPH). The convectional approach treats Piles patients suffering from it for years. But the patients complain of severe pain post-operation for two-three weeks. It involves a longer hospitalisation and recovery period.


MIPH is a more feasible treatment. The operational procedure is performed using a stapler device. The patient can be discharged on the same day. Maximum patients who have opted for this procedure reported having minimum pain post-surgery.




Here is what to expect after undergoing a MIPH:


  • After treatment, you would have blood stains in the first 24 hours. It is nothing alarming and normal.
  • The dressing falls off on its own in a few days. The wounded area becomes moist for at least two weeks. Hence, take care of it.
  • There would be slight discomfort and pain in the first week. However, it becomes better as the healing period progresses.
  • Also, avoid being constipated post Piles treatment as it leads to unnecessary bleeding and pain. Have a fibre-rich diet to avoid constipation and facilitate easy bowel movement.

Follow the instructions given by the doctor correctly. Take medications on time and keep up with a healthy diet. In case of any doubts or discomfort, reach out to your doctor.