The quenching process implemented by TMT steel bars manufacturers, comes with the capability of producing a high strength bar from comparatively inexpensive low carbon steel. Quenching and tempering processes strengthen materials like steel and other iron-based alloys. These processes strengthen the alloys through heating the material while simultaneously cooling in water, oil, forced air, or gases such as nitrogen. In this process known as quenching or quench hardening, steel is thermally heated above the critical (austenitic) temperature. Rapid cooling is then effected whereby the change from austenite to pearlite is suppressed to form instead a material called martensite as the outer layer which is responsible for the hardness of the quenched steel. Martensite has a changeable microstructure and the material may then be tempered at various lower temperatures to the desired hardness. Quenching and tempering produces tougher steel and eliminates the need for post heat treat straightening and stress relieve.