
How weight loss surgery can increase fertility in men and women?

General weight loss surgery benefits


Weight loss surgery benefits are numerous and life-changing. Weight loss surgery can bring many positive changes in the hormones, both in males and females.

At ALSA we perform weight loss surgery under the expertise of Dr. Tahir Yunus our expert bariatric and laparoscopic surgeon. Weight loss surgery benefits the chances of becoming pregnant in women. Weight loss surgery also benefits sex drive and sex performance in men.

Weight loss surgery benefits the male sperm count and concentration in a very positive aspect.


Weight loss surgery benefits in male infertility


Weight loss surgery benefits male infertility very positively; it increases the sex drive and their performance. Weight loss surgery benefits also include better mood and less depression.


Weight loss surgery increasing testosterone levels and sperm count


Weight loss surgery boosts the levels of testosterone levels in males and also helps to increase the sperm count. Weight loss surgery benefits men with increasing their libido as well. Many obese males have seen a positive change in their moods and better sex performance after the weight loss surgery, and that is one of the significant benefits of weight loss surgery. Gastric sleeve surgery, the special of bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery provide such benefits.


Weight loss surgery benefits in sperm motility and sperm concentration


Weight loss surgery benefits also include the increase in sperm motility and sperm concentration.

A better sperm motility can increase the chances of conception and for the female getting pregnant.

So weight loss surgery benefits males a lot.


Weight loss surgery benefits in Female infertility


Weight loss surgery benefits also include a significant increase in fertility and can treat infertility very well, as obese women experience many infertility issues in their lives.

Weight loss benefits women regarding correcting their hormonal cycles. Many obese women have experienced a regular cycle after going through weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery also minimizes the chances of the polycystic ovarian syndrome, which mostly occurs due to obesity and can form cysts in your ovaries.

The polycystic ovarian syndrome is very common in females these days. After losing the extra fat on your body, it will become easy for a woman to conceive a child. Obesity also makes it complicated to deliver a child.