Smartphones are an inseparable part of our lives. If our phone is taken away from us for even a day, for most of us it’s like being deprived of a basic need. We store all kinds of data in our phone – contacts, photos, videos, personal data, documents; we use numerous apps for making our lives easy – banking, insurance, online shopping, stocks, real estate; we rely on our phones for communication and socialising – chatting and video calling, social media, emails, professional groups; the list is endless with what phones can be used for.
Needless to say, if one loses their phone or it gets stolen, all that data and information is at risk. If there was no screen lock on the phone, the person who has or finds the phone can do serious damage if they want to. For instance:
- Access photos and videos and use them unethically.
- Access the contacts in the phone and harass them by crank calling, or sending unethical or threatening messages, or worse.
- We log in to apps and never log out. On some apps like those of online shopping or food delivery, we save our card details. This can be used by the person to order stuff for themselves at our expense.
- In the worst case, the phone could be used in devastating and terrible public situations that can land one in serious trouble with the law.
Hackers and Phones
Today, it is also possible for such damage and more to be done using our phone without a miscreant physically having it. These are hackers, cyberpunks, cyber terrorists that do such criminal acts for extorting money, controlling lives, or damaging a person’s reputation.
They can do this if they are able to hack into our phones and they are constantly on the hunt of searching and exploiting vulnerable phones. Mobile data, WiFi, websites, and mobile apps – stuff that we absolutely need – have made it possible and easier for hackers to try and get access to our phones.
Here are some of the methods hackers use to gain access to phones: Mobile Phone Security Tips