
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

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prpmed @prpmed · Jun 11, 2021 · edited: Sep 2, 2021

A new method of natural regeneration is to use the patient's own cells for skin regeneration, especially the use of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP), also known as autologous cell regeneration (ACR). It is effective when used alone or in combination with other anti-aging treatments. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) consists of platelets concentrated in a small amount of plasma.


The use of PRP uses the properties of platelets to heal and renew the skin. Increase the amount of growth factors released when applied to the area. The results were visible after 3 weeks, and the improvement gradually continued for several months. Improve skin tone, elasticity, color, texture and increase its thickness. 12 months combined with other anti-aging treatments, such as laser treatment, other light sources and medical cosmetics, the effect is more obvious.The impact on smokers and drinkers is negligible. Initially, 10 to 20 milliliters of venous blood is drawn with prp tubes and then centrifuged for a period of time.


Under certain conditions, the separated plasma and platelets are drawn into the syringe and ready for use. use. PRP can be used alone as a mesotherapy after special procedures, with multiple incisions on the face, neck, shoulders or back of the hands. It can also be used as a mask after microdermabrasion, roller application or afterwards. The whole process takes 45 minutes to 1 hour.


Growth factors are proteins that already exist in the body that can stimulate the production of different types of cells involved in the regeneration process. In this way, rapid tissue repair is achieved. By interfering with hematopoietic stem cells (pluripotent stem cells). Platelets release growth factors responsible for: tissue regeneration.Increase collagen production, blood vessel development and skin regeneration. 




Cutaneous bioregeneration with PRP is an innovative, non-invasive facial and neck rejuvenation technique that consists in stimulating and activating cutaneous fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen fibers) by infiltrating the thickness of the dermis with a high PRP content .


The products have been a reality and scientific proof for years and are used by the global medical community in various fields of medicine (dentistry, orthopedics, plastic surgery, gastroenterology, etc.) for the regeneration of various tissues (cartilage, muscles, bones, skin, platelet-enriched plasma) Centrifugation of the blood obtained from the same person to be treated (AUTOLOGOUS PRP), this procedure makes it possible to separate the platelets from the rest of the cellular components of the blood and to obtain a product with a high concentration of platelets.


The process of activated platelets, stores and releases various growth factors that stimulate and accelerate the healing of the tissue while improving the skin's aesthetics and optimizing the physiological parameters of the skin.The treatment with PRP makes all other treatments more effective in effect and duration he skin from 28 to 30 years of age for prevention as well as for mature skin for the treatment of skin aging indicates his face, neck, décolleté, back, hands, stomach, inner arms and thighs as required.



Anesthesia: none
Duration: 30 minutes

  • Procedure:
    Collection of 10-20 ml of blood and preparation of PRP.
  • Disinfection and cooling of the skin surface to be treated
    Repeated injections of the product with a fine needle into the thickness and under the skin.

The skin of the face, neck, décolleté, back of the hands can be treated.
As a rule, three treatments are performed at intervals of about one month.
After that, for maintenance, usually two treatments are performed per year, 6 months apart.


After-treatment period

Usually, the treated skin is affected by tiny wheals for the first 12-24 hours, which later disappear spontaneously.
In a modest percentage of cases, mild redness, swelling, tenderness and itching may occur in the treated areas for a few days after treatment.

Possible complications
In the event that the needle has crossed some veins in the skin, small bruises (bruises) may appear for a few days, which can be covered with conventional makeup.
Other types of reactions are very rare. These include localized allergic reactions, inflammation, pustules (microabscesses) that resolve spontaneously.


Results and their duration
Treatment with PRP is a regenerative method aimed at keeping the skin healthy and counteracting the phenomena of skin aging. If you undergo it regularly, you will be able to improve the skin qualitatively, but not correct existing defects such as wrinkles, furrows, spots, depressions. About 15 days after the treatment, the results are noticeable in the form of gradual swelling of the skin, which becomes firmer and more compact, with a brighter complexion and smoother surface. The extent and duration of the result at the treatment sites are variable and are determined not only by the doctor's decisions, but also by various factors such as the characteristics of the skin, the general physical condition of the patient, his lifestyle, hormonal influences. 




A better appearance can be an important advantage in both personal and professional life. Superficial skin blemishes, age spots, enlarged pores and slight wrinkles on the skin of the face and décolleté can now be minimized thanks to the non-invasive revitalization treatments based on PRP (platelet plasma). In addition, this innovative technology enables the scalp to be revitalized and thus stops pathological hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia, for example.




Based revitalization is a procedure of aesthetic medicine in which plasma from the patient's own blood is injected into certain areas of the patient's body after the blood has been drawn (from 5 to 15 ml depending on the size of the area to be treated), it is centrifuged, to separate the plasma from the platelets; You will be given PRP, a blood-derived product that is a true "concentrate" of platelets. Its natural ability to stimulate tissue regeneration makes it the basis of numerous methods in the medical field, especially in the field of plastic and regenerative surgery. Injected with a very fine needle into the areas the patient wants to revitalize, the PRP naturally stimulates collagen production, improving the appearance of the skin on the face and décolleté and giving the skin better texture, tone and volume. Much more effective than conventional treatments based on vitamin and hyaluronic acid injections, revitalization based on PRP is also much safer, as it avoids the risk of allergies and intolerances using the body's own material (i.e. obtained by the person himself).




Although it is certainly not a substitute for a face lift, when used correctly, PRP revitalization produces excellent results: the first effects are visible in about seven days, the increase in volume of the treated areas is visible in eight weeks and, in general, PRP- Results last up to 19 months. The number of PRP revitalization sessions will vary depending on the skin type and the degree of skin aging. In general, a PRP session should be repeated every three months for a total of three. on a total of six meetings. Recovery after plasma revitalization treatment is immediate. The procedure is really simple and minimally invasive; It's virtually painless and can be done in short sessions, so it's sometimes referred to as "skipping the lunch break".




People suffering from severe and unnatural hair loss can find a great benefit in revitalizing treatments with PRP. PRP HT (hair therapy) consists of injecting a "super substance" called "enriched plasma", also known as "platelet gel", which is obtained by centrifuging the patient's own blood, into areas suffering from thinning and baldness. The centrifugal action releases two proteins, PDGF and FGF, which, when put back into circulation, aid in the regeneration and regrowth of the non-trophic follicle. Treatment consists of a simple injection, usually given every two to three months for a continuous period of time until the problem goes away.