
4 Ways Of Making Dog Crates More Friendly For Your Pet

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Ana Brenda @anabrenda · Jul 26, 2021
Dog crates and dog cages have been around for quite a while. During this time, they have been used in a variety of ways and have been given a very large array of improvements. Making your dog feel comfortable must always be your top priority, and there still a lot of things each dog owner can do so that their furry friends are safe and well taken care of. 

When and Why to Use Dog Cages?

Owning a pet is a big responsibility, regardless if it has fins or feathers. But if it has a wet nose and a wagging tail, the responsibility increases ten-fold. That is because dogs require special methods and treatments in order for the owner to make sure that he is raised happily and safely. Owning a dog can be very fun for both parties. It’s a matter of how the owners understands to take care of his four legged companion. 


For instance,  dog cages  can seem to some owners like a way of punishing their furry friends. But these cages can have a very positive role on their upbringing. Dog cages can be used to train dogs in order to be obedient and calm in stressful situations. Many dog breeds are very energetic, and that can be fun, if you are the kind of active person that loves to play and run around with your pet. But it can also be quite tiresome, especially if you want your dog to also be able to control their playful impulses. This is where dog cages come into the picture. They can be used in order to train your dog to have patience and not just run around and do whatever it wants, anytime. Yes, sometimes a more severe degree of punishment can be used, but it is all part of the teaching process. 


Dog cages also have a role in protecting your friend. Some dogs might identify their cage as a safe space in case of fireworks or loud noises in general. If you are able to make them understand that the cage is there for their protection, they will associate that cage with a peaceful place and a source of calm and protection. Some might take a little bit more convincing, in order to take to these dog cages, but with exercise, discipline and the occasional threat, they will learn that the cage isn’t something to be afraid of. 


Besides protecting dogs from the elements and other stress factors, dog cages are also used in order to protect dogs from other dogs. When pooches meet the first time, especially if they are all grown-up, they might not like each other instantaneously. That doesn’t mean they can’t learn to be friends and love together. This is another great scenario in which cages can be used in order to protect dogs, and be used as a teaching aid. Placing two cages together can help their occupants get to know each other from a safe distance, without harming one another. Also, cages can help them establish boundaries and determine which dog has what space. 

4 Ways of Making Dog Crates More Friendly for Your Pet

Animal crates, especially the ones for dogs have come a long way since being created. That means that they can now be found in a variety of materials, shapes and sizes. The modern crates are a far cry from the original ones, which were no more that simple boxes, with air holes punched throw their lids. But even so, some dogs might find it difficult to spend long periods of time locked up in such a crate. That is why owners can, and should, find ways of making their puppies as comfortable as possible. 


1. The first thing anyone can do is make the dog crates as familiar as possible to their pet. This can be usually done very easily by putting some of his favorite toys inside. Blankets or pillows, which already have their scent, will also do nicely. Practically anything that the dog loves you can use to mark his space and define the crate as a familiar and safe space for him. 
2. Dog crates are usually used when going on long trips such as holidays. Being confined in a small, cramp space can make the dog feel anxious and fearful. This in turn can make him pant quite hard. One way of ensuring a safe and relaxing trip for your dog in his crate is by simulating night conditions as best as possible. dogs identify night time as a time of peace and relaxation. So one of the things anyone can do is make sure that the crate is covered and that as little light as possible come in. One can do this by draping a blanket or a sheet over the crate. This will usually have a calming effect on the dog and make him feel protected. 
3. Another big downside of dog crates, especially if used for bigger dogs is temperature. Big dogs and furry dogs tend to have increased core temperature when being forced to stay in a crate for the duration of a flight, for instance. This can cause some serious problems and even lead to long term affections. One way of avoiding such a situation is by installing a cooling pad in the crate. These pads will help your dog cool down and be able to relax during the trip. It will also help you feel more relieved knowing that your friend has a nice, cool “room” of his own. 
4. Dogs have needs just like any other living creature. This is why one of the improvements one can bring to their dog crates is installing food and water dispensers inside. This way the dog can help himself whenever he fills thirsty or hungry, without disturbing you and having to pull over and feed him or give him a drink of water. Dog crates can be fitted with all sorts of accessories. It all depends on how well you know your canine companion and how well can you respond to making him feel comfortable and safe.