

I saw some people posting code here to make the installation streamlined. Here's my own contribution:


After you have extracted the archive, you can paste this code into a new file called install.command, and save it into the same directory where you see info.txt. In the case of this release, it's the directory called Arturia.V.Collection.X.v12.12.2023.macOS.

Use the free BatChmod app, or run chmod to grant eXecute permission to install.command.

Now double-click or run install.command from the terminal. It will first install all the packages, then it will patch them. It is very verbose, so you'll know it's running, but it will still take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

You can use this script on all of hidera's Arturia earlier releases, and probably future releases too - but if the installer or patch directory names change in the future you can edit Lines 3 and 4 to reflect that.


Thanks ! but when you say "paste this code into a new file called install.command" what type file should I create ? a .txt using Text Edit ? (I have also Visual Studio Code app.


yes textedit will work! create a New file, paste the code in, Save it as install.command. If it adds a .txt at the end you can just rename it later.