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DigitalOye @digitaloye · Mar 24, 2020

6 Reasons Why SEO is Important For Healthcare Sector

Today’s healthcare market is facing fierce competition. Marketers are coming up with better and innovative solutions to get the undivided attention of their potential clients. In such a cross-cutting market scenario, Search Engine Optimization services has always been one of the most favorite tools for online marketers.

Search Engine Optimization refers to several steps and strategies that are taken to make sure that the website ranks on the first page of the Google search engine result pages (SERPs). Ever since the dawn of the search engines back in the early 2000s, SEO has kept on evolving for good.

No matter how cliche it may sound, SEO is truly one of the most effective online marketing strategies that every marketer adopts as a standard.


Most of you must be wondering, is SEO essential for the medical industry?


In short, the answer is ‘YES’!


For more explanation, keep on reading further.


Here are some impressive numbers that will make you believe in the importance of SEO 


  • More than half of the patients worldwide use their smartphones to conduct their hospital research and book appointments.
  • About 64% of smartphone owners are using their smartphones to search for medical information.
  • Over 60% of healthcare marketers are investing in informative blogs to come out as trustworthy against 76% of total online marketers.


Well, these statistics should be enough for an eye-opener!


In this article, we will look at the six reasons why SEO is essential for the healthcare industry.

  • More online visibility

The question is simple - what is the use of having a fully optimized website when it is not visible on the search engine? How will the users come to know about your existence?

Just having a website is not enough. You need to rank - rather, better rank on the first page of the search engine results to evoke the feeling of trust in the users.


The main aim of every SEO practice is to improve your website’s visibility on the search engines and drive more quality traffic. This is done by optimizing website content, writing relevant articles and blog posts, conducting competitive analysis, and, most importantly, addressing your audience’s needs.


  • Bring in valuable traffic


Unlike traditional marketing, which follows a more “needle in a haystack” approach by not narrowing down the target market, one of the most attractive features of SEO is that it brings in highly targeted, quality traffic to your website. Whether the users are looking for a pharmacy, physician, or information for deciding the future, SEO will make you appear for the relevant searches and bring invaluable visitors to your website.

  • Important for mobile users

As mentioned before, the number of mobile searches for healthcare search online is more than desktop searches. Today, the number of people who are making appointments using their mobile phones has surpassed the arrangements made using a desktop.

In such a scenario, using the local SEO campaign is a must to put your services and facilities out there for the patients to see and select you. 

  • For combating competition

Today, most of the users define a business’s status by searching it on the web. If a company is not visible on the search engine, the users tend to doubt its services. If not you, many of your competitors are already using SEO as one of their prime online marketing strategies to get more customers. If you fail to optimize your site for SEO, your competitors will outrank you online and in the industry.

By choosing the best SEO services in Delhi, you make way for local search trends and content possibilities, making it easier for the patients to find you and determine your medical healthcare services.