Beat The Institutions And Get Into Cryptos NOW!
There’s never a dull moment in the world of investing and trading… and this week has proved that many times over as highlighted by Dennis and Keith in this week’s high-octane Trades Of The Week episode as they get super-excited by the crypto ecosystem… and urge you to do the same!
Well, that is part of why we’re here!
To point out the way… lead by example… show you the many great ways YOU can make wealth from cryptos and stocks and commodities.
So, sticking with…
Trading Investments - CRYPTOS
The main news here is that leading crypto-watchers and commentators have been busy forecasting – what we have been thinking all along – those stable coins are very soon going to be regulated. In other words, be made LEGIT! That’s because they are being backed up by the big financial institutions and banks, as you can find out Trades Of The Week here.
Ultimately, it means we as investors need to get in quick before this all happens – because that was the whole idea of the blockchain and crypto…
If the big boys and their marshals are coming to town and making the Wild West of Digital Currency World LAWFUL… then what?
Well, it doesn’t take a genius to work that one out! (If you do need a hand, here’s what the lads reckon).
Goldman Sachs is a prime example of this, they are slowly opening the doors now and putting assets into crypto and actually allocating 20% of their holdings into coins such as Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, and Matic, among others.
It’s just a matter of time we believe before the markets start to rally and who knows how big it’s going to be? Some even say it’s going to be the 12th sector in the market.
We believe it is inevitable that the 500 biggest companies in the world according to the S&P500 will add crypto to that sector as well.
So, looking at BITCOIN, it’s down roughly 41% from its high we’re using the VCA strategy here, so again, a great time to get in if you can.
Same with SOLANA, down roughly 61% so definitely worth a look; MATIC down 55% and TERRALUNA too.
And what about Ethereum? Well, with Ethereum 2.0 on the horizon… we believe it’s going to lead to an almighty CRYTPO EXPLOSION!
Talking of which… we’re adding new crypto to our stable, which you can hear all about when you tune in to Trades of the Week.
Trading Investments - MARKET NEWS
In many ways, it was “same old, same old” with the Fed Reserve in regards to inflation, interest rates, and the Bank of America preparing for what they consider to be an upcoming recession, and the subsequent slowing down in consumer spending, and shrinking of the economy, and a general feeling of uncertainty… however, the market is also showing signs of being bearish, despite the FEAR.
A lot rests with the US30 – the 30 largest companies in the US that actually dictate what the overall market does. The US30 is currently falling, which means the other big indices will follow – the NASDAQ, US100, and S&P500. It’s a snowball effect.
BUT while others are gripped by the FEAR, we do the opposite and go where others don’t.
Why? Because we are never fearful. Our strategies are all based on NOT BEING SCARED… because we get in when others get out.
And it works! So, remember… DON’T BE SCARED if you want to be a successful investor and trader… like us!
How’s that for a bullish attitude? Find out more in the latest Trades Of The Week.
Well, things might all change of course in the not-too-distant future… especially when news of Elon Musk’s $46 billion takeovers of Twitter sinks in and we wait to see what it all means for not only the economy but society in a social media context… and no doubt wider implications, as Dennis and Keith discuss here.
We also shine the light on some great NEW VCA OPPORTUNITIES including some well-known brands that might pique your interest and be the kind of investor medicine you need.
Oh, and we also have a new catchphrase…
Either you earn – or you learn!
Trading Investments - RESULTS
Buffalo: +53.5% on total portfolio
VCA: +995% on money invested
CCA: +1,510% on money invested
Small-Cap: 4,320% on money invested