
What is Google Knowledge & How to Optimize Business for Knowledge Graph

What is Googlebot?

It’s interesting to think of Googlebots as virtual spiders crawling about the vast internet. The reality is much less exciting since it is simply a powerful computer program constantly trawling the entirety of the web and finding relevant information for Google to index.

What is crawlability?

In layman terms, crawlability refers to how accessible your site is to Googlebots. Granting access to Google crawlers to pick up parameters allows users to find your website because these bots allow your pages to be indexed for Google searches.

Crawlability falls under technical SEO, and when the SEObots arrive on your website you need to ensure they easily find the information they are looking for. That’s why it’s crucial to have your site analyzed by a top-notch seo company like Infidigit so that your Google rankings remain positive.

How does Googlebot Work?

To understand the nuances of how a webpage ranks, it is important to know how does Google crawler work. Googlebot makes use of databases and sitemaps of the various links it discovered in its prior crawling to chart out where to crawl next on the web. Whenever Googlebot finds new links while crawling a website, it automatically adds those links to its list of webpages it is going to visit next.

How do you optimize your website for Googlebot?

Before SEO, you must optimize your website for Googlebots to ensure optimum ranking in SERPs. To ensure that your website is accurately and easily indexed by Google, follow these tips:

  •  Correct Robots.txt

Robots.txt serves the purpose of being a directive for Googlebots. It helps Googlebot understand where to spend the crawl budget it has. This means that you can decide which pages on your website Googlebots can crawl and which ones they cannot.

  •  Use internal links

It is very helpful when you get a map of an area you’re visiting for the first time. Internal links act in the same essence for Googlebots. As the bots crawl your website, internal links help them in navigating through the various pages and crawl them comprehensively. 

  •  Use Sitemap.xml

The sitemap of a website is a very clear guide for Googlebots on how to access your website. Sitemap.xml serves as a map to your website for following Googlebot crawlers. Googlebots might get confused by the complicated website architecture and lose track while crawling your website.