
How do you know if there are chemicals in your shampoo?

Shampoo is an industry that is never short of dark information. Sex hormones, dioxane and other safety issues come one after another. It seems to be in a perpetual cycle of "if it's out this year, it'll be out next year". These days it's too hard to have dark, shiny, healthy hair, either due to inexplicable dandruff or unavoidable baldness. The point is to preserve it with shampoo, but there are always safety concerns.

Whose shampoo do you use?

Today's major brands have been tested for safety issues, so it is clear that the safety and quality of shampoos is not stable in the current market environment, but fortunately many brands are gradually improving. There are many brands of shampoo on the market today, but do you know what they are made of? Today, we give you a science lesson.

消委會推介洗頭水Paying for the health of our scalp

The basic composition of the shampoo to determine the business now on the market shampoo, we teachers can choose to directly influence through the box on the list of ingredients to get, the

What chemicals in shampoo are harmful to our health through the body?

Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA)

Shampoos containing diethanolamine and triethanolamine can cause inflammation of the scalp and even allergic reactions with prolonged use, and hair can become dry, brittle, and lifeless.

Check carefully before purchase

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate

Now many of our shampoo manufacturers can choose is sodium lauryl sulfate / sodium laureth sulfate, 鑊鏟containing this type of shampoo for a long time will inhibit the hair growth environment leading to hair loss or even affect lead to some carcinogenic.


You may not know polydimethylsiloxane, but you should know the abbreviation of silicone oil. Long-term use of shampoos containing silicone oil will cause clogging of scalp pores, which will lead to massive hair loss over time.

Change your shampoo regularly


Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde in shampoos can lead to severe hair loss, which can lead to cancer.

Polyethylene/Polyethylene Glycol

Prolonged use of shampoos containing polyethylene glycol can drain moisture from the hair.平安鐘電話


Almost all of our businesses use alcohol in their products, and without it too high a concentration of alcohol can affect lead to dry hair. If an ingredient list has alcohol in the first four then you need to be careful, such alcohol content is very high.


Can anyone wash their hair properly? Does what's in shampoo really cause cancer?

Don't mess around with anti-dandruff shampoos. Beware of these three ingredients!

Which ingredients in shampoos are very harmful to hair?