
Redback Spiders and Funnel-Webs on the Rise

redback pest solutions Brisbane















Redback spiders and funnel-webs are on the rise in Queensland thanks to the wet spring weather. They thrive in urban environments where they can find shelter in sheds, garden furniture and piles of rubbish.

Young children and the elderly are the most vulnerable to bites from these lethal spiders. Seeking the help of pest control experts can protect your family from these dangerous creatures. To know more about Redback Pest Solutions, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.

As a result of the rainy season, we have seen a rise in redback spiders around homes. These lethal creatures can be found hiding in crevices and toys, especially near outdoor furniture and playgrounds. Parents should be vigilant and make sure children are wearing clothing when playing outside and be cautious when moving playground equipment.

Redbacks are native to Australia and can be recognised by the solid red stripe on their backs. Males are lighter in colour. They are commonly found in sheds, letter boxes, under toilet seats and garden pergola areas but can also be lurking in garages and roof voids.

The venom of these spiders is extremely toxic and medical attention should be sought after a bite occurs. The symptoms of a bite can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, muscular cramping and restlessness.

Redbacks tend to hang out near houses and garages as well as sheds, rubbish piles and children’s toys. Children are particularly vulnerable to a bite because of their small limbs and lower metabolic rate. Fortunately, thanks to antivenoms, spider bites are seldom life-threatening.

While waiting for an ambulance, do not suck the bitten area as this will spread the venom around your body and increase the pain and blood flow. Instead, apply pressure and keep the person seated and still.

Symptoms include swelling and pain, itching, rash, muscle aches, abdominal pain and weakness, excess sweating and feelings of nausea and vomiting. It is important that the bite is evaluated and treated immediately. This includes seeing a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. This will also help prevent any complications that may arise from the bite.

The venom of redback spiders contains a-latrotoxin that affects the nervous system and muscles. Affected animals experience vomiting, diarrhoea and severe pain. Bites from these spiders are also dangerous to young children. It is advisable for parents to check for crevices and outdoor furniture near used playgrounds and to seek expert pest control services in Brisbane if necessary.

These spiders thrive in sheltered areas such as garden sheds, piles of rubbish, swimming pools and outdoor furniture. The female redback has a bright red stripe on its abdomen and can reach 1.5cm in length. If bitten, one should avoid sucking the wound as it worsens the effect of the poison. Applying pressure and a cold pack can reduce the pain and blood flow. Seeking medical assistance is the best option if you are bitten by a redback or funnel-web spider.

When a pest infestation occurs, it can create problems at home or in business. This is especially true if the pests are venomous or carry diseases. It is important to seek professional assistance from a pest control company when an infestation is noticed.

The Red Back spider is easily identified by its distinctive red stripe down the centre of a black body. It is a ground-dwelling spider that hunts and overpowers prey much bigger than itself. Its venom has never killed anyone, however, its bite can be painful and cause itching, swelling, nausea and vomiting.

Infestations of these spiders can be treated by spraying or dusting cupboards, skirting boards, wall cavities and cracks. They can also be treated in roof voids and external weep holes.

Red back spiders are most commonly found in urban areas, where they can find shelter in sheds, outdoor furniture and piles of rubbish. They can also lurk in playgrounds and crevices near toys and outdoor furniture.

The best way to avoid a dangerous encounter with these venomous spiders is to eliminate hiding spots in and around your home. This can be done by checking for potential spider hiding spots in sheds, toilets and meter boxes. You can also call a pest control service to get rid of these lethal creatures. To know more about Redback Pest Solutions, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.

It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you experience symptoms from a redback bite. This can reduce the risk of complications and save lives. Young children and elderly people are most at risk of suffering from the effects of a bite.