
Alopecia Treatment For Men | Various Ways To Restore Your Mane


As per data, alopecia affects nearly 6.8 million people in the US. In most of the cases of hair loss, hair falls out in the form of small coin-like patches. However, it can be more extreme in a few cases. It may also lead to complete hair loss in the scalp referred to as Alopecia Totalis and in other cases, from the entire body, known as Alopecia Universalis. In such cases, it is advisable to seek alopecia treatment for men.

Most of the cases for alopecia occur in men before the age of 30. However, the condition may strike regardless of age as well as gender.

What Makes You More Prone To Alopecia

  • You are more prone to alopecia aerata, if you someone in the family who has earlier experienced the condition. Generally, one in five people affected by the condition has hereditary factors leading to the problem.
  • Typically, alopecia may occur suddenly and just over a few days.
  • People with just a few patches of hair loss in alopecia aerata can recover fully within some time without getting any treatment.
  • There is no cure for the conditions, but you can get several effective treatments.

What you need to know

  • Doctors may suggest several kinds of treatment which help to regrow hair quickly. Most of the doctors suggest the use of corticosteroids for reducing the inflammation in the hair follicles. It also helps in decreasing the auto-immune response. Corticosteroids get generally administered with the use of local injections, topical ointments, as well as orally.
  • Certain medications are also used for promoting hair growth, and these can affect the immune system. The commonly used medications in this category include Minoxidil, SADBE, DPCP, and Anthralin. Though many of these help in the regrowth of hair, these do not prevent the formation of new patches.
  • In the recent past, there is an emergence of various alternative ways of hair regrowth and treatment or alopecia. Photochemotherapy is one of such methods. These are highly useful for people who do not want to use medications or invasive treatments like hair transplants. One such therapy includes the use of laser rays for regrowth of hair.

Things That Can Help Patients With Alopecia Aerata

  • Make sure you wear sunscreen when you get exposed to the sun.
  • Wraparound glasses also help to protect your eyes from sun and debris, particularly when the eyelashes and the eyebrows cannot do the same.
  • Wearing headgear like wigs and masks is also helpful as it helps to save the head from the harmful sun rays.

To find out about a revolutionary product that can give an effective help in hair regrowth, you may check Theradome, which is FDA approved and award-winning device to restore hair growth.

Reach out to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSovEe58G5R4SD8fQy0keIg to know more about this wonderful alopecia treatment for men.