
How Do Bio-Fertilizers Increase The Fertility Of The Soil?

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aakashsharma @aakashsharma · Jul 25, 2022

People often say that bio fertilizers improve the soil so plants can grow healthy and give us more food, but do you know what a bio fertilizer is and how it works? Don't worry, we can find out everything we need to know about bio fertilizers, including what they are and how they make the soil more fertile. The word "Bio fertilizers" is used to describe small, microscopic organisms. Bio means "life," and "Fertilizer" is a term for a substance that, when added to soil, makes soil fertile by giving it the nutrients it needs. In simple terms, they are the living things that help make the soil more fertile. By adding the soil with essential nutrients required for plant growth.


Where Can We Find These Useful Microorganisms And How Do They Help Make The Soil Fertile?


Most bio fertilizers fall into three categories: bacteria, fungi, and cyanobacteria. Here we can see some of the examples of microorganisms which come under each category of bio fertilizers Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacteria that lives in the root nodules of leguminous plants. It is one of the bacteria that can be used as a bio fertilizer. Azospirillum and Azotobacter are two more examples. Both of these are nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in the wild. There is also a relationship between plants and microorganisms called Mycorrhizae. This is a relationship where both the plants and the fungi benefit from each other. The third category is cyanobacteria which are blue green bacteria, Anabaena, Nostoc, and Oscillitoria these are examples of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. The following types of bio fertilizers are found in nature, and their strains are used to make a lot of bio fertilizers. Now that you know what a bio-fertilizer is and have seen some examples, it's time to talk about how they help plants. The main job of bio fertilizers is to improve the soil's physical and chemical structure. This includes things like the soil's texture, its ability to hold water, and its ability to act as a buffer. This happens when the following happens in the soil:


  • Biological nitrogen fixation is done by bacteria that don't have nuclei. The nitrogenous enzyme is used by these organisms to change nitrogen from the air into ammonia.


  • Biological nitrogen fixation is the process that happens when nitrogen in the air is changed into ammonia with the help of an enzyme called nitrogenous. Reactions like this one help nitrogen gain electrons. These kinds of reactions are called "reduction reactions."


Fungi are mostly responsible for making phosphorus in the soil available to plant roots, which makes phosphate more available to plants. One of these products is GEORRHIZA with Vesicular Arbuscular, which is made of Mycorrhizae Fungal micro-filaments that attach to the roots and make nutrients easier to reach. Facilitates nutrient absorption particularly Phosphorus (P) from the soil. It helps plants grow and get established, and it makes them more resistant to drought. and also Increases productivity of plants.


Use 4 kg per acre of any fertilize.


  • A lot of fungi live together with plants. These make colonies in the roots, which starts with the release of enzymes that let the hyphae move into the plant's epidermal and cortical cells. After making colonies in the cell, the hyphae form structures inside plants that look like small trees and help the fungus get nutrients from the plant.


  • Vigore Raja is a powerful bio fertilizer made by Geolife, an agro nanotechnology company. It was made using nanotechnology. It has Micorrhiza in it, which helps the body take in more nutrients. It also makes more chlorophyll, which helps photosynthesis work better. In addition to this, it also helps crops grow. Activates things like a lot of primary and secondary root growth. More microbes are living in the soil. Helps the body take in more nutrients. Gives the plant the strength to handle changes in the weather. You can see that plants have better branching and more leaves. Reduces the problem of fruit and flower drop. Fruits and vegetables with a higher yield, better quality, and a higher yield. It can be used with water because it dissolves in water.


  • Dosage: It can be used on all crops at a rate of 250 gramme per acre or 1 gramme per litre of water, either through drip irrigation or by putting it on the leaves.




Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, ash, etc. are all things that can be supplied.


Growing plants faster by making cytokinins: These organisms make cytokinins in the soil, which plants use to grow.


It is also known that these microbes make some metabolites that plants use as antibodies to help them fight off different infections.


For healthy plant growth, things like vitamins, indole acetic acid, and gibberellic acid are made. These things help plants by making them resistant to stress and drought and giving them immunity against serious soil-borne infections.



Take in more minerals and water.


And the last benefit is that yields will go up, which is the main goal of many farmers who grow crops.


BACTOGANG: A nanotechnology product is also a mixture of Rhizobium, azetobactor, azospirillum, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, and potash-solubilizing bacteria that can be used on all crops.


Dosage -500ml /acre recommended for all crops when they are still growing. used as a method of soaking or spreading with organic compost.




Because of the benefits listed above, many farmers now choose bio fertilizers over chemical fertilizers. These are better than chemical fertilizers because they don't hurt the environment or other living things. Also, bio-fertilizers are made of organic materials, while chemical fertilizers are made of dangerous chemicals. Another reason is that bio-fertilizers do not make the soil less fertile when they are used all the time for a long time.


In this way, bio fertilizers change the biological structure of the soil by using microorganisms in the soil to improve its biological properties.


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