The National Testing Agency has extended the application dates for ICAR Exam 2020. According to the dates available on the official website, the application dates for the exam has been extended to 30th April 2020. The National Testing Agency has postponed the applications for most of the examinations to be conducted by the NTA.
According to the official notification given on the website, the ICAR AIEEA 2020 application dates along with other entrance exams have been postponed due to the ongoing spread of COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown of 21 days. Candidates those who are interested in the ICAR Exam can apply by visiting the official website to apply for the entrance test.
The link to apply for ICAR AIEEA 2020 for UG and PG examinations is available on the official website the ICAR AIEEA 2020 UG and PG examination will be conducted for 2.5 and 2 hours respectively. According to the official notification on the website, the entrance test will be conducted in the computer-based mode on 1st June 2020. The admit card for both the exams UG and PG is expected to be released on 8th May 2020. The admit card will be available online on the website.
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