
Physiotherapy Using Pilates


Physio pilates is a unique blend of pilates and physiotherapy as they complete each others weaknesses and strengths. Under the direct supervision of a pilates specialist, either one-on-one or in small groups, Physio Rehab Pilates combines Pilates and core exercises. Exercises created to increase flexibility and strength, maximise core muscle activation, and improve athletic performance will be recognised by those who are familiar with the Pilates Method. The first step in Physio Rehab Pilates is an evaluation, during which the finest exercises are selected to match your body, ailments, and fitness objectives. Pilates is a set of repetitive movements done on a mat or other apparatus to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. Pilates workouts build the body by requiring the muscles to work from the core outward. The method develops body awareness to facilitate fluid, effective movements that are used in daily life. Because of this, Pilates has gained popularity among dancers, but it also has a wider appeal. Pilates is built on the principle of core strength. Stability throughout the entire torso is developed by strengthening the core. The most crucial component of Pilates training is trunk stability through core engagement since it controls how the body moves throughout the day, not just in the studio or gym. The Pilates method also places more emphasis on quality than quantity. The theory is that you may get huge benefits faster by carefully following each exercise's instructions and paying attention to your breathing.

Pilates is also advantageous for women during pre and post pregnancy. Improved core and pelvic floor strength, as well as better breathing patterns, are all advantages. All of which can aid in preserving a body free of discomfort during pregnancy and in the run-up to delivery. After having delivery, certain Pilates movements can aid in your pelvic floor's recovery.

Building and fortifying the muscles that support your core is the main goal of prenatal pilates. It prepares you for labour and the recuperation that follows by strengthening and stretching your core muscles and assisting your body in supporting the added weight of your developing baby. Pilates frequently focuses on pelvic floor strengthening, which is crucial for labour and postpartum rehabilitation.

You may restore the proper posture you need to nurse and carry your baby around with the aid of Post Natal Pilates. It also helps you build your arm muscles so you can lift and carry your baby more comfortably. One of the finest kinds of self-care for mothers is postpartum Pilates. With better posture, entire body alignment, and increased awareness of your "new" post-baby body, you may avoid problems like lower back discomfort and strain in your shoulders and neck.