
The Power and Freedom of Being Silly | Q Academy | The Fit Gypsy | Victoria BC

“There is a power in looking silly and not caring that you do” ~Amy Poehler

For all those out there with a serious case of Adultitis, there IS a CURE! It’s called letting go of what other people think of you and realizing that you hold the magical power of being serious AND silly at the same time!!

If you could label me with one main characteristic, it would be a silly-youthful spirit. For me it comes natural, as I have always promised myself to never let go of my inner child.

I am unsure how we societally got to this point where we feel the pressure to always have to be SERIOUS all the time. In my opinion, it needs to stop!

According to an article written by Psychology Today, the average child in kindergarten laughs about 300 times per day, while the average adult……….only 17 times per day!!

Imagine a world where it is socially acceptable to have uncontrollable laughter that you just cannot stop.? A world where our guards are down, and we feel the freedom to completely express ourselves in the most authentic silliness that we are capable of? 

In my beliefs, the opposite of “play” is not “work”, the opposite of play is a feeling of depression! If you do not play, you are not allowing your creative juices to flow… which in turn you feel dull, stale, and uninspired.

When we are willing to share our joy, (without editing ourselves or holding back) we inspire and encourage other people to do that same!

How do you do it? Follow these simple steps!

1.Get outside!
Go for a walk in nature or just get moving. Being in the elements of mother nature breaks that “staleness” and can help us get into a flow state of authentic creativity and silliness

2.Try laughter yoga!
These guys are walking proof of the benefits of laughter and silliness. Check out their website with schedules at The Victoria Laughter Yoga Club.

3.Go somewhere new.
Try a new cafe, such as the Interactive Board Game cafe here in Victoria BC! Join a new meetup group, anything that different than your norm. The stimulation of a new environment will get your creative and playful juices flowing.

4.Make new friends
Surround yourself with friends whom are connected to their youthful spirit, who bring the silly and playfulness out of you.

5.Get Connected to your inner child
Find a picture of yourself from when you were younger. As you look at that picture, ask yourself when you stopped letting go of your inner child? Tell that child in that picture that you will never forget what they have taught you in life and that you promise to re-connect with that youthful spirit as much as you possibly can.


So get out there, be silly, be goofy, have fun and perform random acts of silliness!! Your inner child is just screaming to come out and play!!

With love,

The Fit Gypsy

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