
tr "tft_character_aatrox_ability_description" = "Aatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemies inside it"
tr "tft_character_aatrox_ability_name" = "The Darkin Blade"
tr "tft_character_ahri_ability_description" = "Ahri fires an orb in a line that returns to her, damaging enemies it passes through"
tr "tft_character_ahri_ability_name" = "Spirit Orb"
tr "tft_character_akali_ability_description" = "Akali throws shurikens in front of her, dealing damage"
tr "tft_character_akali_ability_name" = "Five Point Strike"
tr "tft_character_anivia_ability_description" = "Anivia channels a large hailstorm, damaging enemies inside of it"
tr "tft_character_anivia_ability_name" = "Glacial Storm"
tr "tft_character_ashe_ability_description" = "Ashe fires an arrow that travels across the map. After a long delay it stuns and damages a random enemy"
tr "tft_character_ashe_ability_name" = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow"
tr "tft_character_aurelion sol_ability_name" = "Voice of Light"
tr "tft_character_aurelionsol_ability_description" = "Aurelion Sol breathes a large blast of fire in a line, dealing damage to enemies"
tr "tft_character_blitzcrank_ability_description" = "Blitzcrank pulls the furthest enemy to him"
tr "tft_character_blitzcrank_ability_name" = "Rocket Grab"
tr "tft_character_brand_ability_description" = "Brand launches a bouncing fireball, damaging enemies hit"
tr "tft_character_brand_ability_name" = "Pyroclasm"
tr "tft_character_braum_ability_description" = "Braum creates a barrier that blocks all incoming damage "
tr "tft_character_braum_ability_name" = "Unbreakable"
tr "tft_character_cho'gath_ability_name" = "Rupture"
tr "tft_character_chogath_ability_description" = "Cho'gath ruptures an area, stunning and damaging enemies inside of it."
tr "tft_character_darius_ability_description" = "Darius swings his axe, damaging nearby enemies and healing himself based off his missing health."
tr "tft_character_darius_ability_name" = "Decimate"
tr "tft_character_displayname" = "Garen"
tr "tft_character_draven_ability_description" = "Draven gains bonus on-hit damage and Attack Speed. Stacks up to two times."
tr "tft_character_draven_ability_name" = "Spinning Axes"
tr "tft_character_elise_ability_description" = "Elise fires a cocoon stunning the nearest enemy and transforms, summoning 2 Spiderlings."
tr "tft_character_elise_ability_name" = "Spider Form"
tr "tft_character_evelynn_ability_description" = "Evelynn deals damage to the 3 closest enemies and teleports away."
tr "tft_character_evelynn_ability_name" = "Last Caress"
tr "tft_character_fiora_ability_description" = "Fiora becomes immune to damage and spells. After a short delay, she stuns and damages the closest enemy."
tr "tft_character_fiora_ability_name" = "Riposte"
tr "tft_character_gangplank_ability_description" = "Gangplank periodically creates barrels. On cast, Gangplank detonates the barrels, damaging nearby enemies."
tr "tft_character_gangplank_ability_name" = "Powder Kegs"
tr "tft_character_garen_ability_description" = "Garen rapidly spins his sword around his body, becoming immune to magic damage and dealing damage to nearby enemies."
tr "tft_character_garen_ability_name" = "Judgement"
tr "tft_character_gnar_ability_description" = "Gnar transforms and jumps behind the furthest enemy, damaging and shoving enemies backwards."
tr "tft_character_gnar_ability_name" = "GNAR!"
tr "tft_character_graves_ability_description" = "Graves' attacks deal splash damage to nearby enemies."
tr "tft_character_graves_ability_name" = "Buckshot"
tr "tft_character_karthus_ability_description" = "Karthus deals damage to a number of random enemies after a long channel."
tr "tft_character_karthus_ability_name" = "Requiem"
tr "tft_character_kassadin_ability_description" = "Kassadin's attacks steal mana from enemies, converting it into a shield."
tr "tft_character_kassadin_ability_name" = "Nether Blade"
tr "tft_character_katarina_ability_description" = "Katarina channels and fires daggers at a number of nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing healing."
tr "tft_character_katarina_ability_name" = "Death Lotus"
tr "tft_character_kayle_ability_description" = "Kayle shields an ally, making them immune to damage."
tr "tft_character_kayle_ability_name" = "Divine Judgement"
tr "tft_character_kennen_ability_description" = "Kennen summons a storm around him, dealing damage and stunning enemies inside of it."
tr "tft_character_kennen_ability_name" = "Slicing Maelstrom"
tr "tft_character_kha'zix_ability_name" = "Taste their Fear"
tr "tft_character_khazix_ability_description" = "Kha'Zix slashes the closest enemy, dealing bonus damage to enemies that are alone."
tr "tft_character_kindred_ability_description" = "Kindred creates a zone around herself that prevents allies from dying."
tr "tft_character_kindred_ability_name" = "Lamb's Respite"
tr "tft_character_leona_ability_description" = "Leona calls down a solar ray, stunning enemies in the center and dealing damage to enemies inside it."
tr "tft_character_leona_ability_name" = "Solar Flare"
tr "tft_character_lissandra_ability_description" = "Lissandra encases the target in ice, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Below half HP, Lissandra instead encases herself, becoming untargetable."
tr "tft_character_lissandra_ability_name" = "Frozen Tomb"
tr "tft_character_lucian_ability_description" = "Lucian dashes away to safety and attacks an enemy twice, once with Attack Damage and once with Spell Damage."
tr "tft_character_lucian_ability_name" = "Relentless Pursuit"
tr "tft_character_lulu_ability_description" = "Lulu grants an ally bonus Health, knocking up enemies near them"
tr "tft_character_lulu_ability_name" = "Wild Growth"
tr "tft_character_miss fortune_ability_name" = "Bullet Time"
tr "tft_character_missfortune_ability_description" = "Miss Fortune channels and fires several waves of bullets in a cone."
tr "tft_character_mordekaiser_ability_description" = "Mordekaiser slams his mace in front him, dealing damage in a line"
tr "tft_character_mordekaiser_ability_name" = "Obliterate"
tr "tft_character_morgana_ability_description" = "Morgana fires chains to nearby enemies, dealing damage and stunning after a short delay if they are still nearby."
tr "tft_character_morgana_ability_name" = "Soul Shackles"
tr "tft_character_nidalee_ability_description" = "Nidalee heals herself and the weakest ally, then transforms."
tr "tft_character_nidalee_ability_name" = "Primal Surge"
tr "tft_character_poppy_ability_description" = "Poppy brings down her hammer, knocking away nearby enemies."
tr "tft_character_poppy_ability_name" = "Keeper's Verdict"
tr "tft_character_pyke_ability_description" = "Pyke dashes behind the furthest enemy, creating an afterimage that stuns enemies it passes through."
tr "tft_character_pyke_ability_name" = "Phantom Undertow"
tr "tft_character_rek'sai_ability_name" = "Burrow"
tr "tft_character_reksai_ability_description" = "Rek'Sai burrows for a short duration becoming untargetable and healing. When Rek'Sai unburrows she deals damage and knocks up the closest enemy."
tr "tft_character_rengar_ability_description" = "Rengar leaps to the weakest enemy and stabs them."
tr "tft_character_rengar_ability_name" = "Savagery"
tr "tft_character_sejuani_ability_description" = "Sejuani creates a large glacial storm, stunning enemies within it aftter a short delay. "
tr "tft_character_sejuani_ability_name" = "Glacial Prison"
tr "tft_character_shen_ability_description" = "Shen creates a zone around himself, allowing allies to dodge all attacks."
tr "tft_character_shen_ability_name" = "Spirit's Refuge"
tr "tft_character_shyvana_ability_description" = "Shyvana dashes away and transforms. While transformed, Shyvana's attacks become ranged and light the ground on fire."
tr "tft_character_shyvana_ability_name" = "Dragon's Descent"
tr "tft_character_swain_ability_description" = "Swain transforms, draining health from all nearby enemies."
tr "tft_character_swain_ability_name" = "Demonflare"
tr "tft_character_tristana_ability_description" = "Tristana places a bomb on her current target that detonates after 4 attacks, damaging nearby enemies."
tr "tft_character_tristana_ability_name" = "Explosive Charge"
tr "tft_character_varus_ability_description" = "Varus charges and fires an arrow, dealing damage to all enemies in a line."
tr "tft_character_varus_ability_name" = "Piercing Arrow"
tr "tft_character_vayne_ability_description" = "Vayne deals bonus true damage every third attack based on the enemy's maximum health."
tr "tft_character_vayne_ability_name" = "Silver Bolts"
tr "tft_character_veigar_ability_description" = "Veigar blasts an enemy with magical energy. This spell instantly kills if the enemy is a lower star level than Veigar."
tr "tft_character_veigar_ability_name" = "Primordial Burst"
tr "tft_character_volibear_ability_description" = "Volibear's attacks bounce between enemies."
tr "tft_character_volibear_ability_name" = "Thunder Claws"
tr "tft_character_warwick_ability_description" = "Warwick pounces onto the lowest health enemy, stunning and damaging them."
tr "tft_character_warwick_ability_name" = "Infinite Duress"
tr "tft_character_yasuo_ability_description" = "Yasuo stabs forward dealing damage. On third cast, Yasuo launches a tornado dealing damage and knocking up enemies in a line."
tr "tft_character_yasuo_ability_name" = "Tempest Steel"
tr "tft_character_zed_ability_description" = "Zed fires a shuriken in a line, damaging enemies it passes through."
tr "tft_character_zed_ability_name" = "Razor Shuriken"
tr "TFT_confirm_surrender_message" = "Are you sure you want to surrender?"
tr "TFT_confirm_surrender_no" = "No"
tr "TFT_confirm_surrender_yes" = "Yes"
tr "tft_GetXPAction_description" = "Gain 4 XP toward your next level. Leveling up increases your team size and gives you access to stronger champions in the store."
tr "tft_GetXPAction_title" = "Buy XP [F]"
tr "TFT_item_description_BFSword" = " +@AD@ Attack Damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_Bloodthirster" = "Attacks heal for @Lifesteal@% of damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_BrawlersGlove" = "Wearer is also a Brawler"
tr "tft_item_description_ChainVest" = "+@Armor@ Armor"
tr "TFT_item_description_CursedBlade" = "Attacks have a low chance to Shrink (Reduce enemy's star level by 1)"
tr "TFT_item_description_DragonsClaw" = "Gain @MagicReduction@% resistance to magic damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_EssenceReaver" = "-@MaxMana@ Max Mana"
tr "TFT_item_description_ForceofNature" = " Gain +@MaxArmySizeIncrease@ team size"
tr "TFT_item_description_FrozenHeart" = "Adjacent enemies lose @AttackSpeedSlow@% Attack Speed"
tr "TFT_item_description_FrozenMallet" = "Attacks have @StunPercent@% chance to stun for @StunDuration@s"
tr "TFT_item_description_GiantsBelt" = " +@Health@ Health"
tr "TFT_item_description_GuardianAngel" = "Wearer revives with @HealthRestore@ Health"
tr "TFT_item_description_GuinsoosRageblade" = "Attacks grant @AttackSpeedPerStack@% Attack Speed. Stacks infinitely"
tr "TFT_item_description_HextechGunblade" = "Heal for @OmniVamp@% of all damage dealt"
tr "TFT_item_description_Hush" = "Attacks have a high chance to Silence"
tr "TFT_item_description_InfinityEdge" = "Critical Strikes deal +@CriticalStrikeAmp@% damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_IonicSpark" = "Whenever an enemy casts a spell, they take @Damage@ damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_LocketOfTheIronSolari" = "On start of combat, all adjacent allies gain a shield of @ShieldValue@"
tr "TFT_item_description_LudensEcho" = "Spells deal @Damage@ splash damage on hit"
tr "tft_item_description_MagicDust" = "+@AllStats@ All Stats"
tr "TFT_item_description_Morellonomicon" = "Spells deal burn damage equal to @BurnPercent@% of the enemy's maximum health per second"
tr "TFT_item_description_NeedlesslyLargeRod" = " +@AP@% Spell Damage"
tr "tft_item_description_NegatronCloak" = "+@MagicResist@ Magic Resist"
tr "TFT_item_description_PhantomDancer" = "Wearer dodges all Critical Strikes"
tr "TFT_item_description_RabadonsDeathcap" = "Wearer's Spell Damage stat is amplified by @APPercentAmp@%"
tr "TFT_item_description_RapidFireCannon" = "Wearer's attacks cannot be dodged. Attack Range is doubled"
tr "TFT_item_description_RecurveBow" = " +@AS@% Attack Speed"
tr "TFT_item_description_RedBuff" = "Attacks deal @BurnPercent@% burn damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_Redemption" = "On death, heal all nearby allies for @HealthRestore@ Health"
tr "TFT_item_description_RunaansHurricane" = "Attacks target @AdditionalTargets@ additional enemies. These additional attacks deal @DamagePenalty@% damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_SeraphsEmbrace" = "Regain @ManaRestore@ mana each time a spell is cast"
tr "TFT_item_description_SpearofShojin" = "After casting, wearer gains @ManaPercentRestore@% of its max mana per attack"
tr "TFT_item_description_StatikkShiv" = "Every 3rd attack deals @Damage@ splash magical damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_SwordBreaker" = "Attacks have a chance to disarm"
tr "TFT_item_description_SwordoftheDivine" = "Each second, the wearer has a @ChanceToProc@% chance to gain 100% Critical Strike"
tr "TFT_item_description_TearOfTheGoddess" = " +@Mana@ Mana"
tr "tft_item_description_Thornmail" = "Reflect @DamageReflect@% of damage taken from attacks"
tr "TFT_item_description_TitanicHydra" = "Attacks deal @MaxHealth@% of the wearer's max Health as splash damage"
tr "TFT_item_description_WarmogsArmor" = "Wearer regenerates @HealthRegen@% max Health per second"
tr "TFT_item_description_WitsEnd" = "Attacks drain @ManaDrain@ mana "
tr "TFT_item_description_YoumuusGhostblade" = "Wearer is also an Assassin"
tr "TFT_item_description_Yuumi" = "Wearer is also a Sorcerer"
tr "TFT_item_description_ZekesHerald" = "Adjacent allies gain +@AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed"
tr "TFT_item_description_Zephyr" = "On start of combat, banish an enemy for @BanishDuration@ seconds"
tr "TFT_item_name_BFSword" = "BF Sword"
tr "TFT_item_name_Bloodthirster" = "Bloodthirster"
tr "TFT_item_name_BrawlersGlove" = "Brawler's Glove"
tr "tft_item_name_ChainVest" = "Chain Vest"
tr "tft_item_name_CursedBlade" = "Cursed Blade"
tr "tft_item_name_DragonsClaw" = "Dragon's Claw"
tr "TFT_item_name_EssenceReaver" = "Essence Reaver"
tr "TFT_item_name_ForceofNature" = "Force of Nature"
tr "TFT_item_name_FrozenHeart" = "Frozen Heart"
tr "TFT_item_name_FrozenMallet" = "Frozen Mallet"
tr "TFT_item_name_GiantsBelt" = "Giant's Belt"
tr "TFT_item_name_GuardianAngel" = "Guardian Angel"
tr "TFT_item_name_GuinsoosRageblade" = "Guinsoo's Rageblade"
tr "TFT_item_name_HextechGunblade" = "Hextech Gunblade"
tr "tft_item_name_Hush" = "Hush"
tr "TFT_item_name_InfinityEdge" = "Infinity Edge"
tr "TFT_item_name_IonicSpark" = "Ionic Spark"
tr "TFT_item_name_LocketOfTheIronSolari" = "Locket of the Iron Solari"
tr "TFT_item_name_LudensEcho" = "Luden's Echo"
tr "tft_item_name_MagicDust" = "MagicDust"
tr "TFT_item_name_Morellonomicon" = "Morellonomicon"
tr "TFT_item_name_NeedlesslyLargeRod" = "Needlessly Large Rod"
tr "TFT_item_name_PhantomDancer" = "Phantom Dancer"
tr "TFT_item_name_RabadonsDeathcap" = "Rabadon's Deathcap"
tr "TFT_item_name_RapidFireCannon" = "Rapid Fire Cannon"
tr "TFT_item_name_RecurveBow" = "Recurve Bow"
tr "TFT_item_name_RedBuff" = "Red Buff"
tr "TFT_item_name_Redemption" = "Redemption"
tr "TFT_item_name_RunaansHurricane" = "Runaan's Hurricane"
tr "TFT_item_name_SeraphsEmbrace" = "Seraph's Embrace"
tr "TFT_item_name_SpearofShojin" = "Spear of Shojin"
tr "TFT_item_name_StatikkShiv" = "Statikk Shiv"
tr "TFT_item_name_SwordBreaker" = "Sword Breaker"
tr "TFT_item_name_SwordoftheDivine" = "Sword of the Divine"
tr "TFT_item_name_TearOfTheGoddess" = "Tear of the Goddess"
tr "TFT_item_name_Thornmail" = "Thornmail"
tr "TFT_item_name_TitanicHydra" = "Titanic Hydra"
tr "TFT_item_name_WarmogsArmor" = "Warmog's Armor"
tr "TFT_item_name_WitsEnd" = "Wit's End"
tr "TFT_item_name_YoumuusGhostblade" = "Youmuu's Ghostblade"
tr "TFT_item_name_Yuumi" = "Yuumi"
tr "TFT_item_name_ZekesHerald" = "Zeke's Herald"
tr "TFT_item_name_Zephyr" = "Zephyr"
tr "tft_mapskin_1_name" = "TFT Map Skin 1"
tr "tft_mapskin_2_name" = "TFT Map Skin 2"
tr "tft_mapskin_3_name" = "TFT Map Skin 3"
tr "tft_mapskin_4_name" = "TFT Map Skin 4"
tr "tft_mapskin_base_name" = "TFT Base Map"
tr "TFT_max_level_text" = "Max"
tr "TFT_phase_title_arrival" = "Arrival"
tr "TFT_phase_title_combat" = "Combat"
tr "TFT_phase_title_departure" = "Departure"
tr "TFT_phase_title_shareddraft" = "Shared Draft"
tr "TFT_phase_title_shopping" = "Planning"
tr "tft_RerollAction_description" = "Refresh the store with a new set of champions. "
tr "tft_RerollAction_title" = "Refresh [D]"
tr "TFT_shop_action_sell" = "Sell for @GoldValue@g"
tr "tft_trait_description_Assassin" = "Assassins receive additional Critical Strike Damage<br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) +@CritAmpPercent@% Critical Strike Damage</expandRow><br>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Blademaster" = "Blademasters have a @ProcChance@% chance to strike additional times each attack<br><br><row>(@MinUnits@) One Additional Strike</row><br><row>(@MinUnits@) Two Additional Strikes</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Brawler" = "Brawlers receive bonus maximum health<br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) @BonusHealth@ Bonus Health</expandRow><br>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Demon" = "Attacks from Demons have a chance to burn all of an enemy's mana and deal that much true damage<br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) @ProcChance@% Chance to Mana Burn</expandRow><br>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Dragon" = "<row>(@MinUnits@) Dragons are immune to Magic damage</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Elementalist" = "At the start of combat, summon an Elemental<br><br><row>(@MinUnits@) Lesser Elemental</row><br><row>(@MinUnits@) Greater Elemental</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Exile" = "<row>(@MinUnits@) If an Exile has no adjacent allies at the start of combat, they gain a shield equal to @ShieldPercent@% of their maximum health</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Glacial" = "Attacks from Glacials have a chance to stun for @StunDuration@s<br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) @ProcPercent@% Chance to Stun</expandRow><br>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Guardian" = "<row>(@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, all Guardians and adjacent allies receive +@Armor@ Armor</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Gunslinger" = "After attacking, Gunslingers have a @ProcPercent@% chance to fire additional attacks<br><br><row>(@MinUnits@) Attack another random enemy</row><br><row>(@MinUnits@) Attack all other enemies in range</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Imperial" = "Imperials deal Double Damage<br><br><row>(@MinUnits@) 1 Random Imperial</row><br><row>(@MinUnits@) All Imperials</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Knight" = "Knights block damage from basic attacks.<br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) @BlockAmount@ Damage Blocked</expandRow>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Ninja" = "The Ninja Trait is only active when you have exactly 1 or 4 Ninjas<br><br><row>(@MinUnits@) Ninja gains +@ADPercent@% Attack Damage</row><br><row>(@MinUnits@) All Ninjas gain +@ADPercent@% Attack Damage</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Noble" = "+@Armor@ Armor and heal @Heal@ health per attack<br><br><row>(@MinUnits@) 1 Random Ally</row><br><row>(@MinUnits@) All Allies</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Phantom" = "<row>(@MinUnits@) Curse a random enemy at the start of combat, setting their HP to @HPToSet@</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Pirate" = "<row>(@MinUnits@) Earn up to 4 additional gold after combat against another player</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Ranger" = "Rangers have a chance to double their attack speed every @ProcRate@s for the next @ProcRate@s <br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) @ProcPercent@% Chance to Double Attack Speed</expandRow><br>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Robot" = "(@MinUnits@) Robots start combat at full mana"
tr "tft_trait_description_Shapeshifter" = "Shapeshifters gain bonus maximum Health when they transform<br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) @HPPercent@% Bonus Maximum Health</expandRow><br>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Sorcerer" = "Allies have increased spell damage<br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) +@AP@% Spell Damage</expandRow><br>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Void" = "<row>(@MinUnits@) All basic attacks ignore @PercentArmorPen@% of the enemy's Armor</row><br>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Wild" = "Attacks generate stacks of Fury (stacks up to 5 times). Each stack of Fury gives @AttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed<br><br><row>(@MinUnits@) Wild Allies Only</row><br><row>(@MinUnits@) All Allies</row>"
tr "tft_trait_description_Yordle" = "Attacks against ally Yordles have a chance to miss<br><br><expandRow>(@MinUnits@) @MissPercent@% Chance to Miss</expandRow><br>"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Assassin" = "Assassin"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Blademaster" = "Blademaster"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Brawler" = "Brawler"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Demon" = "Demon"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Dragon" = "Dragon"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Elementalist" = "Elementalist"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Exile" = "Exile"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Glacial" = "Glacial"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Guardian" = "Guardian"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Gunslinger" = "Gunslinger"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Imperial" = "Imperial"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Knight" = "Knight"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Ninja" = "Ninja"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Noble" = "Noble"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Phantom" = "Phantom"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Pirate" = "Pirate"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Ranger" = "Ranger"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Robot" = "Robot"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Shapeshifter" = "Shapeshifter"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Sorcerer" = "Sorcerer"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Void" = "Void"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Wild" = "Wild"
tr "tft_trait_displayname_Yordle" = "Yordle"